Procedures for DNA and Registry
Tips for Success
BY SHERRY DOUBET, REGISTRY SERVICES, AMERICAN ABERDEEN ASSOCIATION T his is the first in a series of articles designed to help American Aberdeen breeders be success ful in the DNA and cattle registration process. We know all breeders want to submit complete and accurate work. This article will set out to help each
Coat Color – Looks at the genes that determine red or black coat color. BVD PI – Will test for the presence of the BVD virus. Sample Pull – If a breeder previously submitted samples and would like additional testing, the lab may be able to pull the stored sample for those tests. Keep in mind, a previously submitted sample may or may not have enough remaining DNA to perform additional tests. Hair Processing – It takes time for a lab technician to individually clip off DNA follicles from the hair card. This is the reason for the additional $4 processing charge for each hair sample. The lab understands hair samples are occasionally a breeder’s only op tion, but just don’t forget to include the additional $4 per sample for each hair card test. Page 2 – DNA form Payment – Credit card payments to the lab are the most efficient payment type. This is the best way to make sure a bookkeeping error on the DNA submis sion form does not hold up the order. Page 3 – DNA form All information on this page is set to match up with the information each breeder will need to register animals with the association. Not only is the designated information im portant to the current animal test, it is also very important for parentage verification of future progeny. Entering the complete tattoo is a crucial part of this process. An animal’s complete tattoo should never change, even if the dam or sire information is determined to be dif ferent than first submitted. Tattoo should include: Herd Letters – Herd letters are verified with each new membership. “AAA” would be an example of herd let ters. Number – Every American Aberdeen animal must have a number as part of the tattoo. People can use the num ber and the year letter as the tag for the animal. Year letter – The letter designates the year of birth for the animal. 2019 – G, 2018 – F, 2017 – E. In addition to sample birthdate and sex information, without accurate information for the sire and dam, the lab will not be able to verify parentage. Currently, complete tattoo, registration number and name of each parent are the required information. Give the lab every chance to de termine parentage the first time by accurately completing the parentage section. One final note. Make sure to check the tests required for each individual animal. If BVD PI was paid for on the animal, the BVD PI box should be checked for that specific line. By following the hints described in this article, each breeder has given themselves a head start for a successful DNA report. Look to future issues of The Ledger for addi tional tips to make animal registration successful. TL
breeder do just that. DNA Procedures
Things to remember regarding DNA: • Order all DNA supplies online at . • Use only the Aberdeen DNA form to send DNA samples to lab. • Fully complete the DNA form as noted with example on form. • Plan ahead. DNA results take 3-4 weeks to complete. • Only fullblood American Aberdeen animals require DNA for registration. • For animals 6 months or younger, use TSU or blood cards only. • Send DNA parentage results with fullblood registrations. • Double-check your work. Since Sept. 1, the American Aberdeen Association (AAA) office is now the direct source for all DNA materials. Mem bers now order DNA blood cards, DNA hair cards, Allflex tissue sample applicators and tissue sample units (TSU) right from the AAA website. Just click on Online Payments to place an order. The AAA registry office will then send the ordered DNA supplies along with DNA sampling instructions and the very important AAA DNA Testing Form. All samples sent to the lab must be accompanied with an official AAA DNA Cattle Testing Form. For those breeders who already have DNA testing supplies, the DNA Testing Form can be found on the Register Cattle page. Filling out the DNA form In addition to getting a clean and accurately identified sample, it’s important to accurately fill out the form. Results will be available more quickly with less chance of error. Page 1 – DNA form Double-check that the test information and pricing sec tion is filled out completely. If the pricing section does not match the tests checked on page three of the testing form, the lab will need to communicate with the breeder to deter mine what was requested. Seek Sire Parentage – This is the box requesting parentage verification. Igenity ® Beef Profile – Will not give parentage results but will provide additional genetic information for a specific array of maternal, performance and carcass traits.
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