
American Aberdeen Ann al Meeting 2020 Recap

T he 2020 Annual Meeting of the American Aber deen Association ® (AAA) was held during National Western Stock Show in Denver on Jan. 23-24, in conjunction with the AAA National Show and Sale. The annual banquet on Thursday evening was followed by a presentation from Doug Stanton, vice president of Sales and Business Development for IMI Global/Where Food Comes From, on the new AAA verification program. The evening – attended by more than 100 American Ab erdeen breeders – ended with AAA award presentations and an auction to benefit the American Junior Aberdeen Association (AJAA). The Annual Business Meeting was held Friday, Jan. 24 and included a presentation/working session with Paul Moya, Millennial Labs CEO and the speaker at the 2019 Annual Meeting. He did a quick recap of what the board and members accomplished in 2019 and then broke the attendees into small groups to collaborate on what to ac complish in the coming year. The evening also included the AAA annual report and election of officers. TL

The 2020 AAA Board of Directors are, back row, left to right, Neil Effertz, secretary/treasurer; Rob Fanning, director; Darwin Engelkes, vice president; and Gary Gilbert, director. Front row, left to right, are Craig Walker, president; Kenny Hinds, director; and Allen Sieverkropp, director.

The University of Findlay was recognized as the Aberdeen Breeder of the Year. AAA President Craig Walker (left) and Neil Effertz (right) present present Dr. F.D. McCarthy (center left) and Colton Tom (center right) from the University of Findlay with a buckle.

The auction to benefit the AJAA was a huge success and was assisted by ringman Shane Goss (foreground) and auctioneer Shea Esser (at microphone).

Left: Fanning Cattle Company was recognized as Herdsman of the Year. Heather (center left) and Rob Fanning (center right) are presented the buckle from Craig Walker (left) and Darwin Engelkes (right). Right: Darwin Engelkes (center) receives a buckle for the AAA Continued Service Award recog nizing his work with and support of the AJAA program. Presenting the buckle are Craig Walker (left) and Allen Sieverkropp (right).


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