Spread the Word
W hat a spring! A crazy flurry of weather events have chal lenged cattle producers all across the country while a crazy flurry of activity has ignited a tremendous enthusiasm in American Aberdeen breeders all across this land. The activity and input we are now receiving from breed ers across all regional groups is unprecedented. The ideas and involvement are so encouraging to some board mem bers who have felt a bit “on an island” in previous years. This is great! Please get in touch with your regional representatives to pass on any suggestions or to volunteer for any of the diverse projects the very active committees are now en thusiastically pursuing. Familiarize yourself with the com mittee structures and their objectives on the American Aberdeen Association website, www.americanaberdeen. com/about/committees . You can also learn more about the association’s structure and ways you can get involved on page 62 of this issue. The activity and input we are now receiving from breeders across all regional groups is unprecedented. The ideas and involvement are so encouraging.
All phases of the breed are stimulated, motivated and active. Please get involved. The board of directors and committees are trying really hard to communicate with our membership to make sure no one gets left behind as we take a giant leap forward. Aberdeen Premium Beef An Aberdeen Premium Beef Source, Age and Breed Verification Plan is one of the exciting plans that has been developed by the Aberdeen Premium Beef Task Force, with the help of Doug Stanton at IMI Global (Where Food Comes From). This program will enable us to market feeder cattle, eventually the fat cattle and finally the beef from cattle sired by registered American Aberdeen bulls in all categories of our registry. Check out and familiarize yourself with those rules so you can pass information on to all of your bull customers. We need to build a net work of producers of American Aberdeen-cross calves to develop a significant number of cattle that will qualify for this plan. This will enable us to bring on a meat marketing partner, or partners, to impact the retail marketplace with a truly superior quality product for consumers who really care about where their food comes from. Several of you are already working on this, and it is im portant to keep this ball rolling in all of our conversations with other breeders and commercial producers. Become knowledgeable and spread the word! TL
Junior Corral Continued from page 8
Junior Nationals grow again this year – our barn was almost full last year. It is always nice to see new faces at our events. The AJAA plays a very important role in the cattle world, especially the American Aberdeen world. The junior program would not be possible without the American Aber deen Association. There are so many supportive people who help fundraise and plan, and who help in countless other ways to help us execute the AJAA Junior National Show and Com petition and our junior events at the National Western Stock Show every year. The AJAA Board and the junior program could not succeed without these supportive people. A huge thank you goes out to every single person who has helped us along the way. TL
June 24-29
October 12
AJAA Junior National Show and Competition, Lawrence, Kan.
Shetler Cattle Company Aberdeen Production Sale, Dickinson, N.D.
September 24-26
January 2020 22
Big E Junior and Open Show for American
National Western Stock Show (NWSS) American Aberdeen Junior Show, Denver, Colo. National American Aber deen Sale, Denver, Colo. NWSS American Aberdeen Open Shows, Denver, Colo.
Aberdeen Angus, Springfield, Mass.
29-Oct. 6
Freyburg Fair, Freyburg, Maine
Photo by Muddy Creek Ranch
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