
Strong Structure Continued from page 62

is comprised of both large-scale ranch ers and small-acreage farmers. Since American Aberdeen cattle can answer the challenges both these groups face, we value their opinions and points of view. With the new governance structure, members are better equipped with opportunities to share ideas, and AAA has the ability to take advantage of those ideas for the benefit of the mem bers and association.

Membership Application

Membership Name:_ ____________________________________ First and Last Name(s):_________________________________ _________________________________________________________ If different than membership name Address:________________________________________________ City, State, Zip:_________________________________________ Telephone:______________________________________________ Alt. Telephone:_ ________________________________________ Fax:_____________________________________________________ Email:___________________________________________________ Breeder ID Letters (2 or 3 letters. This ID will be reserved for exclu sive use by your membership) Second Choice______________________ I submit my application for membership in the American Aberdeen Association and agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the Registry, as established by the AAA Membership. Applicant Signature:____________________________________ Date:____________________________________________________ First Choice_________________________

If you’re not currently a member, we hope you’ll consider how an AAA membership can benefit you. The industry is taking note of American Aberdeen, and now is the time to get involved and recognize how American Aberdeen genetics can create value for your operation. Keep an eye on the AAA – it’s poised to capitalize on various op portunities to meet growing consumer demand for more efficient, environ mentally friendly products. Visit www.AmericanAberdeen. com for information about becoming a member, regional associations, com mittees, registering American Aber deen cattle, finding association events and shows, and The Ledger magazine archives. TL

Membership Type Select one option below ❏ Active Member Total due: $90 ($50 Initiation Fee, $40 Annual Dues) ❏ Junior (Age 21 or Younger) Total due: $10 (Annual Dues) Date of Birth:_ _________________ For Juniors Only

Please return Membership

Application and check or money order to: American Aberdeen Association 19590 E. Mainstreet, Suite 104 Parker, CO 80138 (303) 840-4343 Fax: (303) 770-9302


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