Bulls and Heifers Available Private Treaty
Efficient Cattle DocileTemperment High Quality Hands-On Facility Continuously Striving for Perfection Unique Genetics Including Unusual Red Gene Carriers
THE MILLER FAMILY Delmar, NY (518) 337-0231
JPC Virginia Hill
LLB Exxladd T722 At 12-years, Exxladd is our foundation female. Our girls produce well into old age.
2016 Supreme Champion at both The Big E Show and Fryeburg Fair.
HNB The Answer 20D
C22 Purple Cows
SIRE: Ardrossan Overcast DAM: Ardrossan Oo La La Thank you Lee and Cathy Monteith,
Mark & Dawn Sarafin Southampton, Mass. (413) 687-5752
Honeybrook Farms, Saskatchewan, Canada, for the opportunity to own this fine bull. We’re excited to see his influence on our cows.
SUMMER 2019 | 77
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