
AMERICAN ABERDEEN ASSOCIATION ® 19590 East Main Street, Suite 104 Parker, CO 80138 • (303) 840-4343 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President CRAIG WALKER • W Diamond Livestock Co. 1601 Springfield Rd. • Roswell, NM 88201 (575) 626-7444 Vice President DARWIN ENGELKES • Pine Hurst Farm 16927 H Ave. • Wellsburg, IA 50680 (319) 415-0540 Secretary NEIL EFFERTZ • Effertz EZ Ranch 17350 Hwy 1804 N. • Bismarck, ND 58503 (701) 471-0153 • Director GARY GILBERT • Gilbert Aberdeen Angus 3986 Lindahl Rd. • Hermantown, MN 55810 (218) 348-7877 Director ROB FANNING • Fanning Cattle Co. 877 Oakland Lane • Harrodsburg, KY 40330 (309) 373-2996 Director WADE COFFEY • 7C Aberdeen Cattle Co. 4001 W Glencoe Rd. • Stillwater, OK 74075 (405) 880-6908 Director


G reetings to all. What a productive year it has been, and it would not have been possible without the countless hours from our volun teer committee members, regional presi dents and the enthusiastic American Aberdeen Associa tion ® Board of Directors. It has been a year of positivity and internal growth.

AMERICAN ABERDEEN EVENTS January 22 We have come a long way, but we still have a long way to go. I am convinced there are no limitations we can’t overcome with our talented membership. Get involved and stay involved, it takes us all to move mountains and 2019 was just the start of the efficient movement. I truly appreciate each and every one of you. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. I look forward to seeing you in Denver. TL June 22-27 We are excited about the 2020 National American Aberdeen Show and Sale, and annual meeting. It will kick off another year of progress as we unite and re energize our love for this breed. Please check out the website, www.america , for more details and don’t forget to buy your banquet tickets online so we plan accordingly. Thanks to those operations that sponsored an award for the National Show; your support is greatly appreciated! On a final note, I want to thank you personally for the opportunity to repre sent you as president. I appreciated the daily, sometimes hourly, conversations that ultimately led to support and encouragement that kept me on task over the past year. It has been most humbling to see your passion and dedication for the success of American Aberdeen cattle and the American Aberdeen Asso ciation. Thank you to a great set of people who you elected into office. These individuals have worked overtime and will continue to work hard to accomplish what we started a year ago. Progress is never as smooth or as swift as one intends, especially in a member-based organization. I am confident and proud that the progress we made this year was a step in the right direction and praise all those involved for their time and dedication to making a difference for this great breed. Our mission in January was to UNITE this breed and give a voice back to the membership. We have successfully accomplished that, and I do believe we are more unified than ever! As the year rounds out and a new year begins, we look forward to completing started projects and developing new opportunities to keep this breed growing. I am convinced there are no limitations we can’t overcome with our talented membership. Get involved and stay involved.

ALLEN SIEVERKROPP • S Four Farms PO Box 235 • Ephrata, WA 98823 (509) 750-4203

AAA Representative  DEAN PIKE

Need assistance in purchasing American Aberdeen cattle, marketing your program or herd management? Contact Dean Pike: (303) 810-7605

National Western Stock Show (NWSS) American Aberdeen Junior Show, Denver, Colo. NWSS American Aberdeen Open Shows, Denver, Colo. National American Aberdeen Sale, Denver, Colo.

2020 AJAA Junior National Show and Competitions, Woodward, Okla.

For information about registering animals or membership, contact the AAA Office: 19590 East Main Street, Suite 104 Parker, CO 80138 • (303) 840-4343 The American Aberdeen Association ® is a not-for-profit corporation of North Dakota dedicated to the preservation and promotion of Aberdeen cattle . The International Year Code for 2020 is: H


October 2

West Fryeburg Fair, Fryeburg, Maine


November 11-12

Hawkeye American Ab erdeen Extravaganza Sale, Online

Photo by Ryan Collins


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