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THE LEDGER Association News | Features | Events WINTER 2022

Official Publication of the American Aberdeen Association ®



Sire: MCR ALL JACKED UP(18338)




Dam: CRF YONKERS(16119)

EZ LUCINDA 24P(2820)



2021 American Royal Grand Champion Bull 2021 Big E Grand Champion Bull 2021 Iowa State Fair Grand Champion Bull 2021 National Champion Senior Bull Calf 2020World Beed Expo Reserve Champion Bull


Kathleen Smith 2701 Davis Mill Rd Goochland, VA 23063 804-543-6545


WINTER 2022 | 3

THE LEDGER The official publication of the


American Aberdeen Association ® is published quarterly and mailed to AAA members and interested parties. MAGAZINE STAFF Publisher Blueprint Media P.O. Box 427, Timnath, CO 80547 email: Managing Editor LINDSAY GRABER RUNFT • (785) 614-2861 Editor LISA BARD • (970) 498-9306 Designer/Materials Coordinator MEGAN SAJBEL FIELD • (303) 981-4668

ON THE COVER Winter has come to 7C Aberdeen Cattle Co., at Stillwater, Okla. Photo by Wade Coffey.

FEATURES DNA-Typing Procedures Stay in the loop on new DNA-typing procedures for AAA members. Grazing and Forage Management During and After Drought 5


Administration LESLIE MCKIBBEN (608) 573-2530 Copy Editor LARISA WILLRETT


Evaluate your grazing and forage management plans this winter with advice from an Extension forage specialist.

The Veterinary Toolbox



Get prepared for calving season with information on when to call the vet and what to keep in your vet toolbox.


The Ledger is recognized by the American Aberdeen Association ® as the official breed publication for Ab erdeen cattle; however, management, editing and financial responsibilities are vested in BluePrint Media LLC. We reserve the right to edit or refuse any copy or advertising material submitted for publication. BluePrint Media LLC hereby expressly limits its liability resulting from any and all mis prints, errors and/or inaccuracies in advertisements or editorial content. The opinions and views expressed in all editorial material are those of the writer or the person interviewed and not necessarily those of American Aberdeen Association ® . POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: American Aberdeen Association, 19590 East Main Street, Suite 104, Parker, CO 80138. CONTACT DARREN RICHMOND AT DJRICHMD@GMAIL.COM OR (423) 364-9281

National Show and Sale


See all the details for AAA’s National Show and Sale, plus the Annual Meeting at NWSS.

Meet the Rancher


Read about how Gary and Terry Gilbert imported American

Aberdeen genetics from Australia into Minnesota.

In Memoriam


Remembering two AAA members who passed away in 2021.


DEPARTMENTS 6 Logistics 6 President’s Column 8 Junior Corral 20 Ad Index 20 Events 20 New Members


DNA-Typing Procedures

E ffective Dec. 1, 2021, the American Aberdeen Associa tion ® (AAA) began adminis trating new DNA procedures. All DNA tests and results must go through the AAA for animals to be eligible for registration. To increase efficiency, all animals will be assigned a number within the registry that per manently associates the animal with its DNA. After registration, that DNA assigned number will be upgraded to an actual registration number. For newly DNA-typed animals, breeders will no longer need to send DNA reports to the office for registra tion. For animals DNA-typed before Dec. 1, 2021, DNA reports will still need to be provided. As a reminder, DNA parent verifica tion is required for: • Fullblood registrations • Moderator ® /purebred bulls used artificially (AI) must be verified to the American Aberdeen portion of their pedigree.

All DNA samples must be sent directly to the American Aberdeen Association at 19590 East Main St., Suite 104, Parker, CO., 80138. An updated form for submitting DNA samples is available on the AAA web site.

• Moderator ® /purebred females who will be flushed must have a DNA type on file – parent verification not required. Please note: Parent verification is not necessary to register Moderator ® /purebred animals.

WINTER 2022 | 5


S eason’s Greet ings. 2021 was a year of growth for the American Aber deen Association®!

We set out this year with a vision to streamline our registration and DNA process to provide better services to our membership in an effort to handle growth of the breed more flu idly. We anticipated a few challenges, but the fast, hard curveballs we faced consumed every benchmark and due date set – the growing pains sure were felt. However, we are thrilled that we have now taken control of the DNA process and the horizon looks bright for the new registration software to be in place. As we close out the year, we are still working through a few hic

cups. Be patient with the office staff; the end of our headaches is near. National Western Stock Show is right around the corner. We are excited to reconvene as a breed and are looking forward to breaking in the new facilities in Denver. Check out the website for the schedule, national sale details, banquet reservations and be sure to take advantage of the hotel discount when you make your reser vations. I hope this issue of The Ledger finds you happy, healthy and looking forward to 2022. TL

We are pleased to report our breed showed substantial growth with new membership from coast to coast, and an increase in registrations and trans fers across all our product lines. We feel extremely fortunate since a signifi cant number of other breeds have not experienced that growth.

LOGIST ICS  NE I L EFFERTZ It’s a Small World with Bigger American Aberdeen Opportunities

T hese changing times have changed the way business is done everywhere. To be suc cessful, we “old guys” must learn that things are different now; just get over it and get on with it! There are terrific opportunities and, especially now, an added focus on beef production efficiency and sus tainability. This bodes well for market ing American Aberdeen fullblood and Moderator® genetics and beef. Online selling and buying can be fun and profitable, providing access to a larger pool of potential clientele. Key requirements to successful online seedstock marketing include: 1. Plan ahead. Get your calves regis tered as soon as possible. The link to the American Aberdeen Associa tion® herd book is a key compo nent to your online sale site. 2. Get your cattle cleaned up and clipped, and shoot high-quality video and a good still photo. Pro

fessionals are available to help in most areas. 3. Know the pregnancy status of bred females. Ultrasound sexing preg nancies can add value. 4. Learn how to email a photo and up load a video. Find a young person to help you. 5. Become familiar with truckers who can assist potential bidders in transporting their purchases. 6. Do your paperwork. Promptly trans fer registration papers to buyers. As a seller, this is your responsibility. Take care of your customers and they will come back. The American Aberdeen breed is gaining momentum like no other breed. The key to marketing is to know your breed. Know the advan tages of American Aberdeen genetics when applied to commercial beef production. Making a smaller cow be all she can be is the most efficient thing you

can do to improve commercial beef cow-calf efficiency. No breed can help do that better than American Aber deen. Keep an open mind. I just received a text from a friend whose daugh ter showed an 890-pound steer calf sired by a Maine-Anjou bull out of a halfblood American Aberdeen cow. The steer won his division. His dam weighs about 1,100 pounds in “show shape.” He was 80 percent of the cow’s weight at 9 months of age. Wow! This is just an example of how fullblood American Aberdeen genetics can influence the future of efficient beef production in America. There is so much good news about new folks getting involved in the breed that it’s hard to cover it all. Winston Churchill said, “Make no small plans for they have no magic to stir men’s souls.” Plan big. It’s a smaller world with bigger opportunities. TL



SIRE: EZ Captain Jack 1X DAM: High Hopes Brenda

SEMEN $30 per straw

WINTER 2022 | 7 NEILL SHOW CATTLE Ronnie Neill • (573) 248-6588 Shelbyville, Missouri

AMERICAN ABERDEEN ASSOCIATION ® 19590 East Main Street, Suite 104 Parker, CO 80138 • (303) 840-4343 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President CRAIG WALKER • W Diamond Livestock Co. 1601 Springfield Rd. • Roswell, NM 88201 (575) 626-7444 Vice President

JUNIOR CORRAL  HANNAH HOFFMANN, AJAA PRESIDENT H ello everyone! I hope everyone had a great fall. The American Junior Aberdeen Association (AJAA) Board of Directors recently finished up our fall planning meeting. We can’t wait to see everyone in Chillicothe, Mo., on June 20-25, 2022, for Junior Nationals! It’s also crazy to think that the 2022 National Western Stock Show is right around the corner! Before we know it, we will all be in our stalls getting to see all of our stock show friends! The AJAA Board of Directors is working hard to prepare for our big fundraising event. During the National Western Stock Show, we will be hosting our annual auction during the National Banquet. This auction is our main fundraiser that helps us put on our Junior National Show. We have greatly appreciated every one’s support in the past and we are looking forward to the 2022 auction! Some things we will be auctioning off are our t-shirt sponsors, bucket spon sors, buckle sponsors and so much more! Make sure you watch our Facebook page for the auction items and even more updates. The National Western Stock Show has always played a big part in prepping the AJAA for the Junior National Show in June. We are all extremely thankful for all the support that we have received over the years. All the support that we get allows us to give our youth members many opportunities to be involved with the breed. I hope everyone has a happy holiday and safe travels during the holiday sea son. I’m looking forward to spending time with family and enjoying good food. I can’t wait to see everyone in Denver for the National Western Stock Show in a few short weeks and get ready to get “Charged up in Chillicothe” for our Junior National Show in June! TL

DARWIN ENGELKES • Pine Hurst Farm 16927 H Ave. • Wellsburg, IA 50680 (319) 415-0540 Director REBECCA MILLER • Lime Kiln Farm 277 Clipp Road • Delmar, NY 12054 (518) 337-0231 Director

JACK SANDFORD • Sandford Ranches PO Box 556 • Greenwood, TX 76246 (940) 389-9225 Director ROB FANNING • Fanning Cattle Co. 877 Oakland Lane • Harrodsburg, KY 40330 (309) 373-2996 Director ALLEN SIEVERKROPP • S Four Farms PO Box 235 • Ephrata, WA 98823 (509) 750-4203 Director KENNY HINDS • Comanche Beef 3302 Twilight Beach Rd. • Duncan, OK 73533 (580) 656-4383 For information about registering animals or membership, contact the AAA Office: 19590 East Main Street, Suite 104 Parker, CO 80138 • (303) 840-4343 The American Aberdeen Association ® is a not-for-profit corporation of North Dakota dedicated to the preservation and promotion of Aberdeen cattle.


We too, are always striving to build on and improve our own genetics. We are excited to welcome ‘Jamine’ to our herd. DCS Jamine 8J

Sir James Moderator bull out of our own DC Cash.

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous 2022!

AVAILABLE FOR SALE!  BULLS Bloodlines include: Brand Red, Mister Jack, All Jacked Up and DCS Cash.  FEMALES Bred brood cows.

D&J Farm Dwane Riedemann Sutherland, Iowa 51058 (712) 446-3441 (712) 260-1891 (cell)

The International Year Code for 2022 is: K


NAILE Jr. Show - Reserve Champion Fullblood NAILE Open Show - Reserve Junior Champion Heifer Mathias Bender and JPC CAT CALL

Sire: HNB The Answer 20D Dam: JPC Virginia Hill C1

HNB The Answer 20D FM40103 SIRE: Ardrossan Overcast DAM: Ardrossan Oo La La

Stored at:

••Semen Available •• $40/straw • Discount 10+ Certificates $100/$50

White Mountain Genetics Jason Whitford (920)583-0031


WINTER 2022 | 9

G raz in g an d F orage M an age m e n t D u rin g an d A fte r D rou gh t

BY JERRY VOLESKY, EXTENSION RANGE AND FORAGE SPECIALIST W inter is a good time of year to begin making graz ing and forage plans for the upcoming season. Of

As one would expect, the timing and duration of drought conditions are key in the resulting effect on pasture growth. Dry conditions in April and May would impact growth of cool-season grasses and dry condi tions from mid-May to mid-July would have a more pronounced effect on warm-season grasses. Spring tempera tures may also affect the start of the growing season and use of available soil moisture. For many livestock producers, carryover or residual grass from the previous growing season can help support stocking rates that were higher than what would have been anticipated just based on grass pro duction during a dry growing season. If the previous year was dry, and the amount of carryover forage is limited, producers should consider this in their cattle number and stocking rate plans.

• Fewer reproductive tillers (seed heads) and plants remain mostly vegetative. • Severe drought will cause plants to go into dormancy. • Reduced growth of rhizomes and formation of new buds that will pro duce next and future years’ tillers. • Lower carbohydrate (energy) re serve storage. Although most pasture grasses are quite resilient, it is common to expect that production during the year follow ing a drought will be reduced, even with average precipitation. The rea sons for this are most likely associat ed with the reduced root and rhizome growth, formation of new buds and overall energy reserve status of the plants. The exact amount of reduced forage production the year after a drought is difficult to predict because the precipitation patterns and severity of each drought are rarely the same. In addition, the precipitation amounts and timing this coming year are un known. However, rangeland that is in a higher range condition will recover more quickly after drought than lower condition range. Timing of grazing is an important factor in grazing management, and a common recommendation is to avoid grazing in the same pasture at the same time each year. Previous research has shown that repeated an nual grazing during the rapid growth stage will reduce the overall vigor of grasses. This rapid growth phase is when grass plants are transitioning from a vegetative to elongation and reproductive stages and typically oc curs in May for cool-season grasses and during June and July for warm season species. Combining drought and grazing stress will likely reduce forage production in the subsequent year. Drought Grazing Plans and Management The uncertainty of how much spring and early summer precipita tion will occur suggests the need for Continued on page 14 

course, there can be a tremendous amount of uncertainty about what type of growing conditions we will see in the spring and summer. This is especially true if we had drought con ditions the previous summer, or little fall and winter precipitation. Precipitation and Pasture Growth Total plant production on native rangelands is dynamic and influenced by multiple weather-related factors. The most important factor influenc ing yearly plant production is the amount of growing season precipita tion, which can vary widely in differ ent years. Plant production directly influences appropriate year-to-year stocking rates. In dry years with lim ited plant production, livestock forage demand often exceeds available plant production, and livestock producers are faced with decisions of overutiliz ing pastures, selling cattle or finding alternative feed resources. In years with above-average precipitation, plant production supply may be great er than livestock grazing demand.

Grass and Rangeland Response to Drought

The primary response and effects of drought on grasses and pastures include: • Reduced aboveground growth. • Reduced root growth.


WINTER 2022 | 11

The Veterinary Toolbox Supplies, Rules and Plans to Prepare for Veterinary Emergencies and Urgencies


M y parents were married May 21, 1977, and as was customary, they received a set of travel luggage in a salad-bowl-era shade of green that can still be seen on reruns of That ‘70s Show . In approximately 1996, my dad took the smallest suitcase, probably intended for toiletries, from the luggage set and wrote “CATTLE HEALTH” on the top with a black marker. This served as his herd veterinary toolbox up until last year when, much to my mom’s relief, the

handle broke and she purchased him something she considered more ap propriate. On any given day, one could open this DIY vet box and find syringes and needles in a variety of sizes; a castrating knife; an 8-inch curved needle with heavy suture thread; small, curved needles with dissolv able thread; a thermometer; scalpels; a needle holder/scissor combination tool; and LA-200. “The one thing that is absolutely essential to have in the toolbox is an

appropriate way to restrain that ani mal for safe treatment – both for the safety of the animal and the people that are involved,” says Becky Funk, DVM, Great Plains Veterinary Educa tional Center, Clay Center, Neb. “It doesn’t have to be fancy or compli cated, but it does need to be reliable and safe.” While these supplies may work in one man’s personal vet box, Funk emphasizes that those particular products considered “essential” to an operation depends entirely on the in dividual and their production setting and goals. “Regardless of which products those are, each producer should have a set of standard treatment protocols that are followed for different scenari os, and exceptions to those protocols need to be discussed with their veteri narian,” she stresses. Rule No. 1 in Funk’s book is for producers to establish a veterinary client-patient relationship (VCPR) with their veterinarian. “For both routine day-to-day operation and emergency treatment, having a veterinarian in volved will only become more critical going forward,” Funk points out. Assessing Ailments Even with a good working relation ship and VCPR, Funk expects an emergency call from producers at some point. “Emergencies happen to every one,” she points out. “While we can’t eliminate them, we can have a plan.” Part of that plan is being able to assess the emergency accurately. Funk’s Rule No. 2 is that not all emergencies are created equal. A true emergency, she says, will have char acteristics like major trauma, severe bleeding/blood loss, exposed bones, dystocia, a systemic disease that demonstrates rapid progression or se vere/intractable pain. Basically, a true emergency demonstrates imminent

Calving Kit Checklist “For most cow-calf producers, calving season is the time you’re virtually guaranteed to have an emergency of some sort, so put some thought into how those scenarios need to be handled and what your particular comfort level is with dealing with emergencies,” Becky Funk, DVM, advises. Following is a com plete calving supply and equipment checklist from BioZyme/VitaFerm, curated from

Calving Supply Checklist • Bucket for warm water and disinfectant

• Vaccinations/medications that fit into vaccination protocol suggested by vet • Portable de-horning paste (if applicable) • Ear tag applicator • Ear tags • Ear tag marking pen • Old towels to clean and warm the calf Supplies for the Calf That Won’t Nurse • Stainless steel bucket to collect cow colostrum or mix colostrum replacer • Colostrum replacer • Milk replacer • Electrolyte powder • Esophageal feeding tube with tubing bag • Calf bottle with screw-on nipple Supplies for Clean-Up • Bristle brush for calving equipment • Wire whisk for calf bottles Additional Helpful Items • Calf claim product • A long-acting tetracycline in the case of a retained placenta

• Disinfectant – cow friendly to put in warm water bucket (ask vet for suggestions) • Surgical scrub to use for disinfectant (cow friendly like Nolvasan or Betadine, ask vet for help) • OB sleeves • OB chains (2) • OB handles (2) • Lubricant • Calf puller (if necessary) • Calf puller bag (for storage and to keep sanitary) • Warm water source to fill bucket for cleaning pulling equipment • Plastic cup to get water and disinfectant from the bucket to clean the cow Supplies for the Calf Following Birth • Iodine for the navel • Syringes for vaccination/ medication • Needles for vaccination/medication

Continued on page 14 


American Aberdeen Association ® NATIONAL SHOW AND SALE

Make plans to join us at our National Show, Sale and Annual Meeting in Denver, Colo., at the National Western Stock Show !

WEDNESDAY , JAN. 12 7 a.m. Cattle arrival THURSDAY , JAN. 13 12 p.m. All American Aberdeen cattle in place FRIDAY , JAN. 14 2 p.m. National American Aberdeen Junior Show (Witwer Show Arena, Yards) SATURDAY , JAN. 15 2 p.m. National American Aberdeen Pen and Bull Show (Witwer Show Arena, Yards) 7 p.m. American Aberdeen Association ® Annual Membership Banquet and Junior Auction (Embassy Suites) SUNDAY , JAN. 16 9 a.m. National American Aberdeen Female Show (Witwer Show Arena, Yards) Following Show: Begin cattle release 3 p.m. National Sale closes on at the Embassy Suites. 6 p.m. American Aberdeen Association Membership Meeting and Breeder’s Reception (Embassy Suites) MONDAY , JAN. 17 8 a.m. All American Aberdeen cattle off NWSS grounds SCHEDULE


National Western Stock Show Denver, Colo. Jan. 12-17, 2022


Embassy Suites 4444 North Havana Street Denver, CO | (303) 375-0400

Block Name: American Aberdeen Association® Rate: $129/night

*Note:This year the Embassy Suites will not be offering shuttles to the National Western Stock Show Complex.

WINTER 2022 | 13

plans that include multiple scenarios. These scenarios might include: 1) average or above-average precipita tion during that period; 2) abnormally dry to moderate drought (60 to 90 percent of average precipitation); or 3) continued severe drought (< 50 to 60 percent of average precipitation). Regardless which scenario comes true, the primary focus should be about balancing forage supply (growth, production) and demand (animal numbers). Keep in mind that grazing management through con secutive drought years is critical for future pasture health. For pastures and rangeland, com mon recommendations for the year after a drought include: • Delaying initial turn-out to pasture. • Reducing stocking rates. • Capitalizing on growth of weedy Grazing and Forage Management During and After Drought Continued from page 10 danger of loss of life or permanent damage to the animal. A veterinary urgency, on the other hand, certainly needs to be addressed, but, as Funk explains, needs attention in hours – not min utes. While there may be trauma, it doesn’t result in loss of function or change in mental activity. Urgencies may include minor lacerations, lame ness not involving obvious fractures or limb displacement, or systemic diseases that don’t appear to com promise respiratory function or to be progressing rapidly. Next are what Funk calls “I just noticed it” emergencies – problems that simply go unnoticed until they are advanced. This may happen, for example, if the stock is out on pasture, making it difficult to lay an eye on every single animal. Noticeably aged wounds, lumps and bumps, and chronic injuries and wounds fall into this category. Finally, there’s the emergency of convenience, which happens when an incident may rise to emergency status because it’s a convenient time for the owner to seek care. Emergencies of convenience may or may not have The Veterinary Toolbox Continued from page 12 species that might occur. • Using rotational grazing. • Using alternative forages. After a long period of feeding hay, delaying turn-out to pasture is one

recommendation that many produc ers find difficult to follow. Other than cases where a short, early grazing period is used to make use of weedy annuals like downy brome, delaying turn-out will benefit the perennial grasses. The deferment will allow the grasses to develop more leaves and ideally reach a point where some of their depleted energy reserves can begin to be restored. Where deferred rotational grazing (four or more pastures) is used, defer ment priority should be given to pas tures that were grazed when grasses were green and did have some growth occurring before they went into drought dormancy. Overall, the great est number of cow-days per acre will be obtained when pastures are not grazed until plants have completed most of their growth for the year. Using Critical Dates to Help Plan Many ranch drought plans suggest the use of “critical” or “trigger” dates. The concept is based on monitor ing precipitation amount received been an emergency initially, and now that care is being sought, still may or may not qualify as an emergency. Emergencies of convenience may be incidences like long-term weight loss, extended periods of lameness, symp toms of systemic disease or possible dystocia. Regardless of the type of emergen cy, Funk warns producers that a call to her office will lead to Rule No. 3: the emergency will be triaged, which means you will be asked for informa tion about your emergency to help de termine the order, or rank, in which your emergency will be handled at her clinic. The information given by the producer will help determine if it’s a true emergency, an urgency, if it was just noticed or if it’s a convenient time for the producer to bring the animal in to the clinic. Funk recommends getting to know the veterinary doctors and staff not only as part of a VCPR, but also as part of preparing for an emergency. “Your veterinarian needs to know what animals you have and what your routine management practices are. They should have access to the health history of your animals,” she says. On the flip side, she points out, “You should be familiar with their

by these defined dates and initiating certain management actions when those precipitation amounts are less than anticipated. Management actions vary by individual ranch operation and would include things such as various levels of culling on livestock classes, feeding hay, finding addition al pasture, drylotting animals or using seeded forages. Precipitation amounts and critical dates vary for different pasture and rangeland types and location. Critical date plans and actions are flexible over time, and it often takes several years of records and observations to refine the plan for an individual op eration. In general for central states, important periods and dates are as follow: • Previous growing season: Con sider the previous year’s pasture production and level of utilization. Drought in the previous year will likely be reflected in lower pro duction during the current year because of reduced vigor in the grass plants. emergency protocols so when you need care, time isn’t lost trying to figure out how to contact them. Open communication can be a tool to avoid an emergency all together.” Additional preparations producers can make are either to be prepared to transport animals to the clinic or to restrain the animal at their location. “Conversations with your veterinar ian about how to prepare for these periods are helpful,” Funk says. “Know your comfort level dealing with situations and when to call for help.” It’s important to put some thought into your veterinary toolbox. It could contain supplies, treatments to use in the field that you’ve discussed with your veterinarian or a list of phone numbers to call in an emergency. It could be a fancy, custom-made cattle veterinary box, a tackle box intended for fishing or a pea-soup green suit case swiped from an aging luggage set. In the nearly four-decade span of my memory, I don’t recall that little suitcase being used for its originally intended purpose very many times. No, it was destined for bigger things. It may not have traveled worldly – or even out of the tri-county area – but it’s certainly seen a thing or two in its day. TL Continued 


• April 1: End of dormant season (October through March). Precipitation to this point supports early cool season grass growth. • May 1: Precipitation to this point is the basis for cool season grass growth. The amount of moisture in the soil profile at this point will also affect the rapid growth of cool-season grasses that occurs during May and is the basis for early warm-season grass growth. • June 15: Precipitation to this point is the basis for warm-season grass growth. Moisture in the soil profile will also affect the rapid growth of warm-season grasses that occurs during late June and July. Seeded Annual Forages There are a number of different cool- and warm-season annual forages that can be planted to produce forage dur ing times of deficit. Although most all of these can either be hayed or grazed, the greatest tonnage of forage will be produced when they are hayed. This is because grazing is less efficient in terms of actual consumption vs. the pro duction potential of the forage. With grazing, there are the losses associated with trampling and reduced production because growth is interrupted when plants are grazed at various growth stages. Growing any annual forage with irrigation would, of course, greatly increase yield during drought. This is particularly true for those planted late summer with the intention of fall forage. Information on seeding rates and methods, fertility requirements, or other cultural practices for any forages can be obtained from your local Extension office or seed supplier. TL P I N E H U R





AMERICAN ABERDEEN GENETICS Champion Fullbloods and Moderators Seed Stock for Sale at All Times

Darwin & Mel Engelkes and Family


WINTER 2022 | 15

Meet the Rancher: From Australia to Minnesota


W hen Gary and Terry than 15 years ago, they contacted Peter and Jeanette Stebbins of the Australian Lowline Cattle Association. They were merely looking for embryos or semen after reading an article about the Stebbins’ line of Austra lian Lowlines, never suspecting that would initiate a 10-year partnership and allow the Gilberts to import top genetics into their already-established Angus seedstock operation. “I was really interested in the pure ness of the breed,” Gary Gilbert says. “The American Angus are large, and we know that they’re not pure any more – they’re not the original Angus – and it intrigued me to have some thing that was pure.” The breed’s purity came from the Australian Lowlines being involved in an extensive research project, starting in 1929 when top Aberdeen bulls were imported to Australia from Canada. From there, the herd pro gressed, became a closed herd and was eventually divided into three groups based on yearling growth rate – highlines, which had higher growth rates; lowlines, which had lower growth rates; and control lines, which were randomly selected. After 15 Gilbert of Hermantown, Minn., first started to pur sue lowline cattle more

years, the lowlines were about 30 per cent smaller than the highlines, but efficiency was same for both groups. In 1993, the lowline herd was sold on the open market to seven purchasers, one of whom was Jeanette Stebbins. Jeanette was known for promot ing the breed overseas and, in 2006, she and her husband made a trip to the United States to visit 13 different states and 18 different cattle opera tions in an attempt to find someone like-minded to partner with so that their genetics could further the breed in the United States. The Australians left Minnesota feel ing confident that the Gilberts were who they were looking for and the Ausmerica partnership was created, with cattle imported to the United States from Australia in 2006, 2009 and 2013. “Ardrossan Jamberoo was a bull that we imported; Genevieve was a bred heifer that we imported; and then there were four cows that came over,” Gilbert says. “We were very, very fortunate to have the partnership we had with Jeanette and Peter Steb bins, and the quality of cattle that they have in that Ardrossan line.” The partnership dissolved in 2016, as the Stebbins were nearing retire ment. In the dispersion, the Gilberts purchased a number of fullblood

American Aberdeen. Today, they raise and sell fullblood American Aber deen, percentage American Aberdeen as well as registered Angus cattle, last year marketing a combination of around 30 bulls and 75 bred females. “We’ve done very extensive embryo transfer and flushing of our cows, along with AI breeding,” Gilbert says. “We’ve tried to stay on the very top of that end of technology. The cattle we imported for the most part were 5, 6, 7, 8 years of age and, be fore you know it, they get old on you.” Terry, Gary and daughter, Jillayne, have been raising American Aberdeen cattle since 2006 when they created the Ausmerica partnership with Peter and Jeanette Stebbins.

Continued on page 18 

Imported cattle from 2013, turned out to grass in Minnesota.


WINTER 2022 | 17

“Those programs – American Aberdeen Plus ® , Moderator ® and Moderator Plus ® programs – are very beneficial for the breeder and for what we’re interested in.” – Gary Gilbert

Meet the Rancher Continued from page 16

The Gilberts did their best to maintain the pure genetics, utilizing a flushing facility and some recipient herds in Montana. The results have proven themselves time and time again, one of which is a bull called Gilberts Excellence E135. “He is a son out of a bull that we imported semen on from Australia,” Gilbert says. “Gilberts Excellence is 50 inches at the hip and weighs 1,830 pounds, so there is more than just calving ease there, there is per formance too. He is a real up-headed, real extended-front-end kind of pretty

bull as well as being powerful. He’s as good of bull as we’ve ever raised.” Gilbert is also excited about Blackstone, a bull he purchased from Idaho, that’s the result of years of targeted breeding. His calves will be hitting the ground this year. The benefit of the Aberdeen cattle, both fullblood and percentage, has been very noticeable to Gilbert over the years, from their gentle disposi tion to their bar-none efficiency, and of course, the calving ease aspect as well. “I think too much of anything isn’t good, but my point is, we try to pay attention to that with what we’re breeding,” he says. Gilbert tries to keep the females as pure as possible, looking back at cow families, finding genetic lines and matriarchs, then discovering how to thread that cow’s qualities back through to produce the perfect calf, a quality female or possible future herd sire. And just like the Stebbins worked to bring the lowline cattle to the United States, Gilbert hopes to be a part in bringing the American Ab erdeen breed further forward as they continually become more commer cially viable in the cattle industry. “We have utilized particular seed stock in the American Angus Asso

ciation and flushed to our fullblood cows, and we’ve gotten along really well that way with really top-notch fe males and bulls,” Gilbert says. “Those programs – American Aberdeen Plus ® , Moderator ® and Moderator Plus ® programs – are very beneficial for the breeder and for what we’re interested in, which is becoming a more com mercially viable breed. “These cattle just flat work when it comes to performing so that you can get that 1,100- maybe 1,200-pound cow that raises a 600-pound calf, and that’s what we’re looking for,” Gilbert explains. “Not for that momma cow to be 1,700 or 1,800 pounds and raise a 500-pound calf; that just doesn’t work. I’ve got a few commercial bull customers, and they’re really good customers. Last year they bought a dozen bulls from me, and they realize that the American Aberdeen influence is going to make a difference in their program.” Bull selection is a serious affair for the Gilberts. They’ve been doing it since 1999 when they first started raising Angus bulls. Bulls developed and offered through private treaty go through a strict culling process, starting at birth through weaning and beyond. “If that calf doesn’t come off of his mama and show that he’s a bit spe cial, he’s going to get banded,” Gil bert says. “We look at feet and legs, and there, that’s paramount, you’ve got to have good feet and legs.” Gilbert credits the Australian cattle with having “built-in” good feet and legs as well as udders, thanks to work that Jeanette had already done before the cattle even came to the states. He jokes that the only problem with the fullblood American Aberdeen bulls is that they can last until they are 8 to 10 years old. “You better be constantly add ing customers to your base because they’ve got the longevity, are pretty hardy and good breeders,” he says. “But really, we’ve been really fortu nate to have an inside track with Jea nette and her program from Australia to get us started.” TL

Gary and Jillayne tag a newborn American Aberdeen calf at the ranch in Minnesota.

Ardrossan Jacarla B263 shows everything the Gilberts are looking for in a mature American Aberdeen cow.



North-central Louisiana (318) 650-6001 BL BALDRIDGE LIVESTOCK Breeding QUALITY

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Dick & Patti Shulanberger Wagoner, Okla. • (918) 691-9555

America’s Fullblood Red Aberdeen Foundation Herd LGL LAZY G RANCH, LLC


Aberdeen Influenced Breeding Stock

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Glenn & Nancy Chapman LGL Lazy G Ranch, LLC Vale, Oregon (541) 473-4248

JEFF & TERI SCHELKOPF P.O. Box 343 • Sutton, NE 68979 402-469-7294 • 402-773-4297


Tunk Mountain Ranch ABERDEEN CATTLE

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A B E R D E E N S MODERATORS & FULLBLOODS AVAILABLE BULLS • HEIFERS • SEMEN • EMBRYOS SALLY 360-748-8970 HALLIEDEW 541-350-3160 713 Deep Creek Rd., Chehalis, WA 98532 • C A L L F O R FA R M T O U R S •

Darren & Katherine Wise 1765 Tunk Creek Rd. • Riverside,WA 98849 509/846-3075 (D) • 509/846-3013 (K)

DARREN RICHMOND Ringgold, Ga. • (423) 364-9281 Facebook/Darren Richmond SALE CATTLE • HERD SIRES • DONOR COWS

To place an ad in The Ledger, contact Sales Representative: DARREN RICHMOND (423) 364-9281 •

SUMMER ISSUE ADVERTISING DEADLINE Reserve your ad by May 31, 2022

WINTER 2022 | 19

AAA WELCOMES NEW MEMBERS Ledgeway Farm, Pittston, Maine Allmendinger Homestead, Shelton, Wash. Myles Shepherd & Justin Mathis, Carr, Colo. Harold Pyeatt, Sr., Damon, Texas Junior Members (19)

Active Members (55) DM Farm, Lebanon, Tenn.

Diamond BL Ranch, Hunstville, Texas Flowing Brook Farm LLC, Leola, Pa. T Bar A Cattle Co., Kaufman, Texas Spice Creek Ranch, Fredonia, Texas Marshall Homstead, Perkins, Okla. Never Dunn Ranch, Cedar City, Utah Alexander Farm, Alvarado, Texas Aspentre Farm and Ranch, Salon, Idaho SWC Cattle Company, Taylor, Texas Black Shoe Farm, Saint Hedwig, Texas Costal Alabama Lowline Farms, Summerdale, Ala. Free Radical Ranch, Morning View, Ky. Scotty Lee, Hartselle, Ala. Stone Valley Farms, Holt, Mo. Walking G, Crawford, Texas Gardner Cattle, Hitchcock, Texas LJ Ranch, Groesbeck, Texas SBS Cattle, West Alexandria, Ohio Fleming Livestock, Paxton, Ill. Claypool Homestead, Buffalo, S.D. Doc’s Aberdeens, Alma, Ark. Corey Boland, Anderson, Texas Country Dancer Farm, Superior, Wis. Old Sadler Ranch, Sadler, Texas Double Oak Farm, Chico, Texas Circle K Farm, Van Buren, Ark. Getzelman Centennial Farm, Hampshire, Ill.

Poverty Lowlines, Powell, Tenn. Belle’s Hollow Miniature Farm and Gardens, Livingston, Texas Alicia Barnes, Winlock, Wash. Frostington LLC, Spring, Texas Kreed Farm, Washington, Ga. Archmoore Farms LLC, Chester, Okla. Kathy Brawley, Burnsville, N.C. Whisky Roots Ranch, Bush, La. Fagerman Farm, Hartselle, Ala. Duende Farm LLC, Del Valle, Texas Raven Ranch, Amma, W.V. Shasta Valley Lowlines, Montague, Calif. S & B Farms, Morganton, N.C. Rural Reverie LLC, Carthage, Texas Faith Acres Farm, Springtown, Texas Aberdeen Reign Farm, State Center, Iowa Hilltop Ranch, Weiser, Idaho Thompsons Andalusians and Aberdeen Farm, Stayton, Ore. T3 Cattle, Hays, Kan. Circle K Ranch, Benton, Ky. Ken & Sheri Soring, Cohasset, Minn. B&K Livestock, Mohawk, N.Y. Broken V Ranch, Kenedy, Texas

Jillian Mael, Rathdrum, Idaho Kolleen Arnt, Sedalia, Colo. Sarah Rodriguez, Granbury, Texas Paige Pedevilla, Weiser, Idaho Sadie Schnieders, Delhi, Iowa Curstyn Pence, DeRidder, La. Connor Burney, Strasburg, Colo. Vivian Burney, Strasburg, Colo. Ashley Young, Reed Point, Mont. Mikell Ohara, Fort Benton, Mont. Aniah Claypool, Buffalo, S.D. Katelynn Green, Alma, Ark. Ramsey Bohannan, Arcadia, Fla. Crew Bohannan, Arcadia, Fla. Hadley Bohannan, Arcadia, Fla. Jace Blaeser, Chippewa Falls, Wis. Dusty Kendrick, Van Buren, Ark. Brook Rose, Cibolo, Texas Kylie McDonald, Greenville, Ohio 4D Land & Cattle Company. .............15 Auction Effertz...................................5 Baldridge Livestock..........................19 Black Shadow Aberdeen Farms.........19 C22 Purple Cows...............................9 D&J Farm..........................................8 Dakota Territory Ranch.....................21 Deep Creek Aberdeens. ...................19 Effertz EZ Ranch. ...............................3 Gilbert Aberdeen Angus. ..................17 Gunnderosa Aberdeens....................23 Heavenly Acres Ranch LLC................19 Hickamore Hill American Aberdeen......2 High Voltage Farms..........................19 Idaho Livestock................................24 Lazy G Ranch.............................19, 22 Neill Show Cattle................................7 New England Beef............................19 Pine Hurst Farm...............................15 Richmond Photo & Video.................19 S Bar 5 Farms. ................................19 S Four Farms...................................21 Topline Aberdeen Cattle Co...............11 Triple S Cattle..................................19 Tunk Mountain Ranch.......................19 W Diamond Livestock.......................19 Y4 Ranch........................................20 AD INDEX


January 10


National Western Stock Show (NWSS) National American Aberdeen Junior Show, Denver, Colo. NWSS National American Aberdeen Pen & Bull Show, Denver, Colo. American Aberdeen Association ® Member Meeting & Breeders Reception, Denver, Colo. National American Aberdeen Sale, NWSS, Denver, Colo. NWSS National American Aberdeen Female Show, Denver, Colo.

Cattlemen’s Congress American Aberdeen Junior and Open Show, Oklahoma City, Okla.



AMERICAN ABERDEEN  MARKETPLACE Y4 Ranch Missy Ousley, & Cowan Perkins Owners



June 20-25

American Junior Aberdeen Association Junior Nationals, Chillicothe, Mo.

27810 Hwy. 20 West Hines, Oregon 97738 (541) 589-4852 (541) 589-1475

October 2

West Fryeburg Fair, Fryeburg, Maine


In Memoriam

Bruce Ankeny

Since teaching, he has been self-employed in a variety of occupa tions. For the past several decades, he found great fulfillment in raising sheep and cattle. Through raising livestock, he formed many great friendships throughout our nation. Bruce and Greta owned and operated Ankeny Acres. He is survived by his wife of 53 years and their two children, Corey (Racheal) Ankeny and Christi (Jared) Jensen. He was blessed with nine grandchildren. He is also survived by his siblings, Myron Ankeny, Devonne Hibbs and Beverly Chapman. He was preceded in death by his par ents, Morris and Maxine Ankeny, and brother, Dennis Ankeny. The family suggests memorial contributions be made to Greenleaf Friends Academy,

in her home in Adolphus, Ky. Cindy was born in Beardstown, Ill., to the late Byron Gerald Hiles and Mary Logsdon Hiles. Cindy was a lifelong cattle breeder, former director of the American Aberdeen Associa tion ® and co-founder of the Eastern Aberdeen Association. She was the former owner of Jackson Associates Accounting Firm in Oxford, Ind., and Cross Creek Farms in Adolphus, Ky., and was a member of PEO Sorority in Bowling Green, Ky. She is survived by her husband, Ron Bluett; a son, Michael James Kania II; her mother, Mary Hiles; brother, Michael (Laura) Hiles; two sisters, Bonnie (Ken) Cox and Pam (Jeremy) Honeycut; two stepsons, Nathan Bluett and Matt (Amanda) Blu ett; two stepdaughters, Jessica (Tim) Maley and Kristie Bluett; and numer ous nephews and nieces. The family requests that in lieu of flowers, donations be made in Cindy’s memory to the Scholarship Fund c/o American Aberdeen Associa tion, 19590 E. Mainstreet, Ste. 104, Parker, CO 80138. TL

Bruce E. Ankeny, 74, of Nampa, Idaho, went home to be with his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Oct. 2, 2021. Bruce was born

April 22, 1947, in Caldwell, Idaho to Morris and Maxine Ankeny. He grew up in the Greenleaf area, attending country elementary schools. As a high school student, he attended Green leaf Friends Academy and excelled at athletics. He continued his education and athletics, and earned his bach elor’s degree at George Fox University and earned his master’s degree at the University of Idaho. In 1968, Bruce married Greta Ed wards. They had two children, Corey and Christi. After college graduation, Bruce and Greta moved to Grang eville, Idaho, where they both taught school. They then moved to the Trea sure Valley where Bruce taught and coached at Greenleaf Friends Acad emy for four years.

P.O. Box 368, Green leaf, Idaho 83626. Cindy Hiles Bluett Cynthia Jean Hiles Bluett, 74, passed away Sept. 11, 2021,


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WINTER 2022 | 21

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WINTER 2022 | 23

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