The Veterinary Toolbox Supplies, Rules and Plans to Prepare for Veterinary Emergencies and Urgencies
M y parents were married May 21, 1977, and as was customary, they received a set of travel luggage in a salad-bowl-era shade of green that can still be seen on reruns of That ‘70s Show . In approximately 1996, my dad took the smallest suitcase, probably intended for toiletries, from the luggage set and wrote “CATTLE HEALTH” on the top with a black marker. This served as his herd veterinary toolbox up until last year when, much to my mom’s relief, the
handle broke and she purchased him something she considered more ap propriate. On any given day, one could open this DIY vet box and find syringes and needles in a variety of sizes; a castrating knife; an 8-inch curved needle with heavy suture thread; small, curved needles with dissolv able thread; a thermometer; scalpels; a needle holder/scissor combination tool; and LA-200. “The one thing that is absolutely essential to have in the toolbox is an
appropriate way to restrain that ani mal for safe treatment – both for the safety of the animal and the people that are involved,” says Becky Funk, DVM, Great Plains Veterinary Educa tional Center, Clay Center, Neb. “It doesn’t have to be fancy or compli cated, but it does need to be reliable and safe.” While these supplies may work in one man’s personal vet box, Funk emphasizes that those particular products considered “essential” to an operation depends entirely on the in dividual and their production setting and goals. “Regardless of which products those are, each producer should have a set of standard treatment protocols that are followed for different scenari os, and exceptions to those protocols need to be discussed with their veteri narian,” she stresses. Rule No. 1 in Funk’s book is for producers to establish a veterinary client-patient relationship (VCPR) with their veterinarian. “For both routine day-to-day operation and emergency treatment, having a veterinarian in volved will only become more critical going forward,” Funk points out. Assessing Ailments Even with a good working relation ship and VCPR, Funk expects an emergency call from producers at some point. “Emergencies happen to every one,” she points out. “While we can’t eliminate them, we can have a plan.” Part of that plan is being able to assess the emergency accurately. Funk’s Rule No. 2 is that not all emergencies are created equal. A true emergency, she says, will have char acteristics like major trauma, severe bleeding/blood loss, exposed bones, dystocia, a systemic disease that demonstrates rapid progression or se vere/intractable pain. Basically, a true emergency demonstrates imminent
Calving Kit Checklist “For most cow-calf producers, calving season is the time you’re virtually guaranteed to have an emergency of some sort, so put some thought into how those scenarios need to be handled and what your particular comfort level is with dealing with emergencies,” Becky Funk, DVM, advises. Following is a com plete calving supply and equipment checklist from BioZyme/VitaFerm, curated from
Calving Supply Checklist • Bucket for warm water and disinfectant
• Vaccinations/medications that fit into vaccination protocol suggested by vet • Portable de-horning paste (if applicable) • Ear tag applicator • Ear tags • Ear tag marking pen • Old towels to clean and warm the calf Supplies for the Calf That Won’t Nurse • Stainless steel bucket to collect cow colostrum or mix colostrum replacer • Colostrum replacer • Milk replacer • Electrolyte powder • Esophageal feeding tube with tubing bag • Calf bottle with screw-on nipple Supplies for Clean-Up • Bristle brush for calving equipment • Wire whisk for calf bottles Additional Helpful Items • Calf claim product • A long-acting tetracycline in the case of a retained placenta
• Disinfectant – cow friendly to put in warm water bucket (ask vet for suggestions) • Surgical scrub to use for disinfectant (cow friendly like Nolvasan or Betadine, ask vet for help) • OB sleeves • OB chains (2) • OB handles (2) • Lubricant • Calf puller (if necessary) • Calf puller bag (for storage and to keep sanitary) • Warm water source to fill bucket for cleaning pulling equipment • Plastic cup to get water and disinfectant from the bucket to clean the cow Supplies for the Calf Following Birth • Iodine for the navel • Syringes for vaccination/ medication • Needles for vaccination/medication
Continued on page 14
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