5 Star Catalog Horses-ToFlip
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Consigned by Schmitt Horse Ranch Peptos Hickory Rey 2011 Bay Roan Gelding
Consigned by Dallas Schleg TS Jazz Sweet Bar 2014 Red Roan Gelding
Peppy San Badger Royal Blue Boon Docs Stylish Oak Playboys Mom
Dual Pep
Peptoboonsmal Moms Stylish Kat
Dual Jazz
Jazabell Quixote Dodger Doc Imprint Little Red Too
Peptos Stylish Oak
Mc Jazz
Dodgers Image
Peptos Hickory Rey 5499426
TS Jazz Sweet Bar 5664317
Dual Pep Nurse Rey Doc's Hickory
Dulces Peppy Sonoita Jessie Lectric Playboy
Dual Rey
Ts Dulces Pep
Sheza Hickory Rey
Ts Dulce Sweet Sugar
Chex Rio Hickory
Sweet E Lectric
Play Chex Rio PERFORMANCE RECORD: NCHA earner of $6,324; NCHA Certificate of Ability. NOTES: “Rey” is a gorgeous, bright colored bay roan gelding that is a finished cutter. Super nice horse suitable for open, non-pro, or amateur classes. Already earned over $6k NCHA and could easily go back to the cutting pen or show him in other events as well. Very broke and responsive, quick footed, smooth mover, lopes collected and soft, bends at the poll, and can really stop. He has the look of a head horse and I don’t think it would take much to convert him over. This gelding will catch people’s attention, flawless confirmation, beautiful flowing tail, cool colored, and broke the very best! Sound, current on deworming, shoes, and coggins. For more info call 507-459-8654. 15HH SIRE: PEPTOS STYLISH OAK (1997). $5,680: 3rd Australia NCHA Open Derby. Sire of 358 RGP money-earners, $3,951,332, 52 AQHA point- earners, including PEPTOS STYLISH SUE ($226,056: finalist in the NCHA Open Futurity), REDNECK STYLE ($185,668: Tunica Cutting Classic Non-Pro Co-Champion), ONE ROAN PEPTOS ($141,282: Australia NCHA Open Futurity Reserve Champion; Australian NCHA Hall of Fame), LIZZYS STYLISH PEPTO ($3,768 and 76 AQHA points: AQHA World Ranch Sorting Level 2 Amateur Champion), MSR PEPTART ($25,741 and 26 AQHA points: AQHA World Level 2 Open Junior Cutting Reserve Champion), ESKDALE WEST ROOSTER (AUS) ($86,463: Australia NCHA Open Futurity Champion), PIMPED OUT PEPTO ($79,289: PCCHA Non-Pro Futurity Champion), OAK AND ASHES (AUS) ($77,365: Australia NCHA Open Classic Champion; Australian NCHA Hall of Fame), PEPTOS STYLISH FOXY ($75,505: PCCHA Fall Open Futurity Champion), STYLISH SCOTTI ($75,407: PCCHA Fall Open Classic/Challenge Reserve Champion). DAM: SHEZA HICKORY REY (2003). NCHA money-earner and 5 AQHA points: AQHA World Amateur Cutting Level 2 qualifier; AQHA World Amateur Cutting qualifier; AQHA Select World Cutting qualifier. Dam of 2 AQHA foals, including PEPTOS HICKORY REY ($6,324: NCHA Certificate of Ability). Full sister to REX STING REY ($28,111: 4th Suncoast Winter Cutting Non-Pro Derby), LIL RIO REY ($22,264: finalist in the NCHA Amateur Futurity). Half-sister to LIL ROAN RIDIN HOOD ($23,637: 8th South Point Winter Cutting Classic Non-Pro), CHEXBOONSMAL ($20,281: Canadian RCH Int. Open Derby Champion), HICKORY KIT RIO ($5,116, AQHA point-earner: 7th Music City Amateur Classic), LIL LAND SLIDE (32.5 AQHA points: & NRCHA & NRHA money-earner, AQHA World Senior Cutting qualifier), HOUSE OF BLUES (money-earner). Out of CHEX RIO HICKORY ($90,031: finalist in the NCHA Open Futurity). A daughter of DUAL REY, $105,038: split 6th NCHA Open Futurity. A 2017 AQHA #1 Leading Sire of Cowboy Events Point-Earners; an RGP Top 5 All-Time Leading Sire of Cutting money- earners. Sire of 1,377 RGP money-earners, $41,826,059, earners of 8,832 AQHA points, including REYS DUAL BADGER ($313,563: NCHA Horse of the Year), SPECIAL NU BABY ($481,197: NCHA World Champion Mare; NCHA Bronze Award), DONT STOPP BELIEVIN ($452,436: NCHA Open Super Stakes Co-Champion; NCHA Gold Award). RGP-CB 12/2018
Jae Bar Sweety NOTES: This roan gelding is one of the best horses to come through our barn. He is gentle and quiet, you do not have to be a cowboy to get along with this great horse. He is fancy broke with a good smooth turn around and has lots of stop! He team ropes both ends and has earned several checks for us on the head side. Riding outside or down the road is never an issue for this guy, he has been used outside for sorting and doctoring cows all this last year and has trail ridden all over the midwest. FMI call 574-850-6744. 15HH SIRE: MC JAZZ (2002). Sire of JAZZ JEWEL (NCHA money-earner). Son of DUAL JAZZ, $60,371: 3rd Augusta Non-Pro Classic; 8th Abilene Spectacular Non-Pro Classic: 7th Bonanza 5/6-Year-Old Non-Pro; 6th Abilene Western Cutting 4-Year-Old Non-Pro; 5th Chisholm Trail Cutting Non-Pro Derby. Sire of 129 RGP money-earners, $1,346,304, 35 AQHA point-earners, including WEE LITTLE BADGER ($119,314: split top 10, NCHA Non-Pro Derby; NCHA Bronze Award), JAZZS LITTLE JOY ($101,020: Cotton Stakes Open Classic Derby Champion), MERADA JAZZ ($29,801 and 266.5 AQHA points: AQHA World Open Team Penning Champion; Superior Ranch Sorting), SAN JAZZY LENA ($21,121 and 51 AQHA points: AQHA World All-Age Ranch Sorting Open Champion), JAZZY LITTLE MELODY ($94,120 and 36 AQHA points: split top 10, NCHA Open Classic/Challenge; NCHA Bronze Award), DUALLYS IN TOWN ($74,913: 5th Southern Open Cutting Futurity), DUALS JAZABELL ($66,719: semi-finalist in the NCHA Open Futurity), JAZZ A LEE ($62,229: 5th PCCHA Open Classic/Challenge), JAZZWARE ($55,245: split top 10, NCHA Eastern Nationals Open), SMART N JAZZY (P) ($23,910: APHA World Senior Cutting Champion), DUAL N BOONSMAL (AUS) ($36,857: Australia NCHA Non-Pro Futurity Champion). DAM: TS DULCE SWEET SUGAR (2007). Dam of 5 AQHA foals. Half- sister to TS WHISKEY PLAYGIRL (American Ranch Horse Assoc. Honor Roll Halter 3-Year-Old Mare Open Leader). A daughter of TS DULCES PEP; sire of DULCES MERADA (American Ranch Horse Assoc. World Halter 3-Year-Old Mare Open Reserve Champion). Son of DULCES PEPPY; sire of 35 RGP money-earners, 16 AQHA point-earners, including DULCES LITTLE DARLIN ($107,550: finalist in the NCHA Open Finals; NCHA Gold Award), I CAN BE ME ($17,197: top 10 PCCHA Open Futurity), DP SPECIAL GRAY ($11,929: 5th NCHA Super Stakes $10 Horse Classic), DULCES CASH ($11,868: top 10 NRHA Int. Non-Pro Futurity), CARTMAN ($11,618: 3rd World Barrel League Finals Sutherland Arena Jackpot Youth 1D), BC PEPPY ($11,160: Iowa Breeders Cutting Futurity Non-Nominated Open Reserve Champion), DULCES DIAMOND ($8,541: split 9th Congress Cutting Non-Pro), WYLIE PEPPY ($8,310 and an AQHA point-earner: Congress Non-Pro Cutting Futurity Reserve Champion), DULCES CAM ($6,062 and an AQHA point-earner: NCHA Certificate of Ability), DULCE PEPPY LENA ($4,382 and 10 AQHA points: State of Missouri CHA $2,000 Limited Rider Reserve Champion), DULCEY JO ($4,258 and 5 AQHA points: Gold Country Spring Spectacular Cutting 4-Year-Old Open Co-Reserve Champion), LEGACYS BADGER DULCE ($4,125 and 24 AQHA points: 6th BBR World Barrel Racing Open 3D), CASH DULCES ($3,442: NCHA Certificate of Ability), DULCES CHANT (NCHA $3,193), DRIFTIN DULCE (12 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM). RGP-CB 12/2018
5 Star Horse Sale 2019 • 11
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