5 Star Catalog Horses-ToFlip
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Consigned by Meyer Horse Co Mr Skippits Ashwood
Consigned by Schmitt Horse Ranch Spooktacular Whiz 2013 Buckskin Gelding
2014 Grullo Gelding
Crowned Okie Perty Susie Bee Prettypoco Blackburn Comets Mega Bucks
Grays Starlight Katie Gun Topsail Whiz Blonde At The Bar Hollywood Dun It Riv O Lena Smokeys Gray
Okie Blackburn
Spooks Gotta Gun Prettywhizprettydoes
Mr Skippit Poco
Spooks Gotta Whiz
Ms Goldie Blackburn
Mr Skippits Ashwood 5630423
Spooktacular Whiz 5640547
Mr Blackburn 41 Mr 14'S Susie Scooter Bright
Mr Poco Blackburn
Hollywood Heat
Bonnie Brenna
Smokin Holly Dunnit
Ashwood Maid
Ms Smokey Jean
Scotch Slippers NOTES: Ashwood is a very nice grullo gelding. 15 hands, very stout, big bone and foot, and shapey. He’s been used extensively on the ranch for all types of ranch chores. This horse is gentle for most all levels of riders. Lopes good circles, knows his leads, and good stop. We have started heading on Ashwood and he’s really coming nicely. If you want to go to the arena or just go enjoy riding him on the trails this is your horse. This is a very solid horse that can go any direction. Sound, no vices. FMI go to Meyer Horse Co Facebook page or call 563-599-3755. SIRE: MR SKIPPIT POCO (2009). Son of OKIE BLACKBURN; Son of CROWNED OKIE, WFQHA World Senior Cutting Non-Pro Champion; 5th South Dakota Open Cutting Futurity; 4th WFQHA World Senior Cutting. Sire of DOCS CEE OKIE (98.5 AQHA points: AQHA World Level 2 Amateur Heeling Reserve Champion), DOCS CEE OKIE (98.5 AQHA points: AQHA World Level 2 Amateur Heeling Reserve Champion), KAYCE QUIXOTE (82 AQHA points: 9th AQHA World Amateur Team Penning, Superior Amateur Team Penning), DOCS CHILLY PEP (20 AQHA points: Ranch Sorting National Championships Earnings). DAM: BONNIE BRENNA (1994). Dam of 16 AQHA foals. A daughter of MR POCO BLACKBURN; sire of MR JESSE BLACKBURN (IBHA World Dun Factor Open Champion), PRETTY POCO CHIP (WFQHA World Halter Yearling Stallion Open Reserve Champion), MR PRETTY POCO (26.5 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM, AQHA World Junior Heeling qualifier), MR POCO PANOCHE (23 AQHA points: finalist in AQHA World Heading Level 2 Amateur), JUDGE BLACKBURN (3rd American Ranch Horse Assoc. World Stallion & Foals). Son of MR BLACKBURN 41; sire of MISS STEEL BLUE (56 AQHA points; Superior Western Pleasure), TACKIE BLACKBURN ($5,466 and 14 AQHA points: 3rd Dixie National Stock Show NRHA Non-Pro; NCHA Silver Award), LADY BUCK 1ST (71.5 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM). He is by PRETTY BUCK, an AQHA point-earner and sire of earners of 1,260 AQHA points, including SNIPPER W ($44,815 and 181 AQHA points: NCHA World Champion; NCHA Hall of Fame, AQHA Champion), BUCK DEUCE ($4,006 and 151 AQHA points: NCHA Certificate of Ability, AQHA Champion), PRETTY BUCK GEE (35 AQHA points: semi-finalist in the NCHA Open Futurity, AQHA Champion), PRETTY BOY GEE (36.5 AQHA points; NCHA money-earner, AQHA Champion), FRANK BUCK (65 AQHA points; AQHA Champion), MR BLACKBURN 40 (41.5 AQHA points; AQHA Champion), MR BLACKBURN 37 (56 AQHA points; AQHA Champion), MISS BUDA BUCK (34 AQHA points; AQHA Champion), STRUMMER (57 AQHA points; AQHA Champion), BUCK TOMMY (57 AQHA points; Superior Halter), MR BLACKBURN 36 (26 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM), POCO BUCK (28 AQHA points: AQHA High Point Trail Stallion), ROPER BUCK (45 AQHA points; Youth Perf. ROM), RIO BUCK (21.5 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM), SIR BUCK (20 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM), MISS SNIPPY (18 AQHA points; NCHA money-earner), BUCK BEAM (18.5 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM), wonDER BUCK (17 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM). RGP-CB 12/2018
Miss Jeanie Jaguar NOTES: “Frankie” is a full made, well-built gelding wrapped up in a buttermilk buckskin coat. He is reining trained, does all of the maneuvers, good turner, big stopper, and lopes beautiful cadence circles. Frankie has a friendly personality and is easy to get along with. We bought this gelding from the people who raised him from a colt, he has been rode out through the pasture checking cows as well as through the fields and ditches. Frankie crosses wooden bridges, tarps, logs, and is good with a rope. We have drug the log and tracked some cattle in the arena. He has also been shown a few times in some ranch riding classes by the previous owners. This gelding can go in any direction, definitely has the bone and foot to hold up in the roping and on the ranch. Sound, current on deworming, shoes, and coggins. For more info call 507-459- 8654. 15HH Brother to GOTTA SHOTTA WHIZ. SIRE: SPOOKS GOTTA WHIZ (2007). $346,715: NRHA Open Futurity Champion; NRBC Open Derby Champion; NRHA Open Derby Champion; split 6th NRBC Open Derby; USEF National Champ Reining CRI3 Open class winner. Full brother to SPOOKS GOTTA RUN ($68,373 and 37 AQHA points: APHA World Solid Paint-Bred Reining Open Champion). A 2017 & 2018 RGP Top 10 Sire of Reining money-earners; 2018 AQHA Top 25 Sire of Reining Point-Earners. Sire of 114 RGP money-earners, $1,465,074, 33 AQHA point-earners, including SPOOKY WHIZ ($183,096: NRHA Open Futurity Champion), GOTTA TWIST IT UP ($147,148: NRHA Int. Non-Pro Futurity Champion), THEBETTERTOHEARUWITH ($104,853: split 9th NRHA Open Futurity), GOTTA GET A DIAMOND ($14,881 and 22 AQHA points: AQHYA World Champion Reining Horse), SPOOKS SHOW TIME ($88,191: High Roller Reining Classic Non-Pro Derby Champion), SPOOKS GRAND SLAM ($57,827: split 3rd NRHA Non-Pro Futurity). DAM: SMOKIN HOLLY DUNNIT (1999). Dam of 8 AQHA foals, including GOTTA SHOTTA WHIZ ($3,988: Reining Alberta Spring Classic 4-Year- Old Derby $25,000 Limited Non-Pro Co-Champion; Reining Alberta Spring Classic 4-Year-Old Non-Pro Derby Co-Reserve Champion; Wheat City Non-Pro Reining Derby Champion). Half-sister to HBR SMOKEY (15.5 AQHA points: and 8 novice points), and a daughter of HOLLYWOOD HEAT, $6,019 and 345 AQHA points: 3rd AQHA World Senior Heading; 8th AQHA World Senior Open Tie-Down Roping; Southwest RCHA Futurity Senior Ranch Horse Reserve Champion; money-earner in the NRHA Open Futurity; 5th NRHA Futurity Super Stakes Plus Open; AQHA Performance Champion; Superior Tie-Down Roping; Superior Heading; Superior Heeling. An AQHA Top 25 All-Time Sire of Cowboy Events Point-Earners. Sire of 53 RGP money-earners and earners of 6,442 AQHA points, including SEVEN S ZANS DULCE ($27,505 and 512 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Amateur Breakaway Roping Horse, AQHA Amateur Performance Champion), JDC HOLLYWOODS HOT ($17,349 and 382 AQHA points: AQHA World Junior Heeling Level 2 Open Champion; Superior Heading), MUY MUY CALIENTE ($6,975 and 171 AQHA points: AQHA Select World Heading Int. Exhibitor Champion; Superior Amateur Heading). RGP-CB 12/2018
12 • 5 Star Horse Sale 2019
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