5 Star Catalog Horses-ToFlip
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Consigned by Tanner Cross Wyatts Got Guns (P) 2013 Palomino/Overo Gelding
Consigned by Scott Janiszeski Puddy Wheelin 2014 Sorrel Gelding
Nu Cash Amarilla Chex
High Brow Hickory Smart Little Kitty Doc Athena Holly Tyde Peppy San Badger Wheeling Princess
Nu Chex To Cash (Q)
High Brow Cat Athena Accent
Colonel Sugar Chex (P)
Athena Puddy Cat
Colonels Smokingun Boss Sugar Bars (Q) Colonels Smokingun Clabber Lady Oil (Q)
Sugar Pop Gun
Wyatts Got Guns (P) 01035051
Puddy Wheelin 5590943
Colonels Lil Gun
Wheeling Peppy
Pistol Packin Kate (P)
Miss Wheeling Pobre
Rr Smoky (Q)
El Pobre
Silent Ambition
Pobres Deb
Silent Willow NOTES: Feathers is super quite and extremely gentle with all the talent in the world! He has been ranched on and is an awesome trail horse. He has had 8 months of reining training so he knows all of the maneuvers. He's been heeled on and hauled since the middle of summer, and is started in the breakaway and tie down roping. Going to be a jam up calf horse and heel horse when hes finished. Scores great and very user friendly. Feathers has been used for mounted shooting as well. Get your hands on this gentle all around horse! FMI call 605-933-2754. 14.2HH SIRE: COLONELS SMOKEN CHEX (Q)COLONEL SUGAR CHEX (P) (2007). Full brother to NU POPS ($89,766 and 10 AQHA points: finalist in the NRHA Open Futurity), POP GUN CASH BB ($50,651: European NRHA Non-Pro Futurity Co-Champion); half-brother to THE SWEET SPOT (P) ($54,307: APHA World Champion Junior Reining Horse). Sire of GREAT ON LINE (APHA World Ranch Cow Work Boxing LIMNOVAM Reserve Champion), SPOOKS SMOKEN CHEX (APHA World 4/6-Year- Old Reining Challenge $25,000 Limited Non-Pro Reserve Champion), CHEX THIS GUNNER (13.5 AQHA points: North Central RCHA Spring Derby Rein Work $7,500 Limited Open Co-Champion), SMOKN NU CHEX (ARHA World Junior Ranch Reining Champion), GREAT SMOKEN CHEX (Central New York RHA Ride/Slide Int. Non-Pro Derby Reserve Champion), BEE A SMOKEN CHEX (split 9th Tulsa Reining Classic Green Futurity Day 1 Limited Open), WATCHEMSMOKENOW (3rd Southeast RHA Affiliate Champ Limited Non-Pro class), Son of NU CHEX TO CASH, $65,654 and 380.5 AQHA points: NRHA Int. Open World Champion; NRHA Limited Open World Champion; Superior Reining; Superior Working Cow Horse. An AQHA Top 5 All-Time Leading Sire of RCH Point-Earners; 2017 AQHA Top 5 Leading Sire of Ranch Horse Point-Earners; 2017 RGP Top 10 Sire of Ranch Horse money- earners; an AQHA Top 10 All-Time Sire of Reining Point-Earners. Sire of 307 RGP money-earners, $3,795,861, earners of 8,610 AQHA points. DAM: PISTOL PACKIN KATE (P) . Sire is COLONELS LIL GUN (AQHA/APHA) (1997). $23,739 and 6 AQHA points: APHA World Champion Junior Reining Horse; finalist in the NRBC Open Derby twice; finalist in the NRHA Open Futurity; 6th APHA World 3-Year-Old Reining Challenge; Arizona RHA Open Futurity Champion. A 2017 AQHA Top 25 Sire of Ranch Horse Point-Earners. Sire of 110 RGP money-earners, 39 AQHA point-earners, including FRECKLES NU LIL GUN ($54,669 and 106 AQHA points: AQHA World Versatility Ranch Horse Amateur Conformation Reserve Champion), LIL GUN SMOKINOAK ($8,235 and 38.5 AQHA points: AQHA World Level 2 Amateur Reining Reserve Champion), LIL GUN DUNIT ($52,210 and 33 AQHA points: split 4th NRHA Int. Open Derby), LIL MONEY GUN ($23,685 and 13.5 AQHA points: APHA World 3-Year-Old Reining Challenge Champion), LIL GAGA GUN ($16,914 and 16 AQHA points: APHA World Champion Junior Reining Horse), BRIGHT LIL GUN (P) ($14,338: APHA World Champion Senior Youth Reining Horse), LIL HOLLYWOOD GUN ($10,442: APHA World 3-Year-Old Reining Challenge Champion), LOVIN ME GOOD ($9,017 and 46 AQHA points: APHA World Solid Paint-Bred Reining Open Champion). RGP-CB 12/2018
Wimpy's Deb NOTES: Wally is a 14.3 hh, 5 year old, AQHA- registered sorrel gelding, his cute head, neck and excellent confirmation make him a real eye- catcher! Check out his breeding, he has Athena Puddy Cat, High Brow Cat, High Brow Hickory and Peppy San Badger on his papers! He is bred in the purple and is extremely athletic. He was started in the cutting pen as a two year old and has since been trail ridden and used on the ranch for daily duties. He crosses water, goes up and down hills, crosses logs, and goes out alone or in a group of horses. He will go anywhere you point him! In the arena, Wally has a ground covering walk, has a cute trot, lopes circles, takes his leads, stops hard, rides one handed and backs up nicely. He is super quick and has a ton of cow! He has been used in All Around Cowgirl Competition’s competing in ranch cutting and sorting events. He will stand tied all day and night, stands great for the farrier, stands for the vet, and is great in a stall or pastured. He is good in new environments, nothing gets him excited. He is easy to catch, stands quietly to be brushed, saddled and bridled. If you are looking for a cute gelding with the potential and athleticism to go in any direction you won’t want to miss out on Wally! Sells 100% sound. FMI call 507-298-1050. SIRE: ATHENA PUDDY CAT (2000). $228,636: 4th NCHA Open Super Stakes; 5th Augusta 4-Year-Old Open Futurity; Memphis Cutting Classic Non-Pro Reserve Champion; finalist in the NCHA Non-Pro Classic/Challenge; 4th PCCHA Open Derby. Half-brother to SMART YOU BET ($62,296: finalist in the NCHA Open Futurity), SOUTHERN SKEETO ($54,476: NCHA $2,000 Limited Rider World Champion). A 2017 & 2018 AQHA Top 25 Sire of Cutting Point-Earners. Sire of 142 RGP money-earners, $1,928,511, 31 AQHA point-earners, including ITAWTATHENAPUDDYCAT ($325,363: NCHA Non-Pro Horse of the Year, NCHA Bronze Award), MERADAS PUDDY CAT ($114,903: split 3rd NCHA Non-Pro Classic/Challenge), ATHENA MAD MAN ($111,363: Augusta Non-Pro Classic Champion; NCHA Bronze Award), ATHENA NUFF ($102,571: finalist in the NCHA Open Super Stakes), ATHENA LIL CAT (15.5 AQHA points: AQHA World All-Age Ranch Sorting Level 2 Open Champion). DAM: MISS WHEELING POBRE (1995); finalist in the NCHA Top finalist Co-Champion Senior Youth. Dam of 3 AQHA foals, including ROLLIN ON DUBS ($14,555: Congress Cutting Non-Pro Derby Champion; Southern Non-Pro Cutting Futurity Champion; finalist in the Tunica Cutting 4-Year-Old Non-Pro Futurity). A daughter of WHEELING PEPPY, $9,745 and 6 AQHA points: semi-finalist in the NCHA Open Futurity; split 3rd Plains Cutting Maturity Open; split 5th Big Country Cutting Maturity Open. Sire of 64 RGP money-earners and earners of 1,601 AQHA points, including MISS JAMAICA PEPPY ($106,209: Congress Cutting Limited Non-Pro Champion; NCHA Bronze Award), DOCS BAR PEP ($101,267: NCHA $10,000 Amateur Reserve World Champion; NCHA Bronze Award), CREE PEPPY ($23,283 and 784.5 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Amateur Heeling Horse, Superior Amateur Heading), WHEELING PEPPY GLEN (102 AQHA points: AQHA World Amateur Team Penning Champion; Superior Team Penning), SHES PRETTY SMOOTH ($75,526: NCHA Non-Pro Futurity Champion). RGP-CB 12/2018
5 Star Horse Sale 2019 • 13
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