5 Star Catalog Horses-ToFlip
Hip No.
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Consigned by Griemsman Performance Horses
Consigned by Jeremy Michaelis Sah Driftnrawhidejoe
E Bon
2010 Black Gelding
2014 Buckskin Gelding
Doc O'lena Missy's Hankie Cee Bee Command Ms Boss A Nova
Blue Valentine Gooseberry Miss Susita Drift Zans Rawhide Otoe Poco Sue Yogi Joe 174 Doll 01
Dox Mister Hank Cee The Boss
Leo Hancock Hayes Miss Susita Hancock
Dox Snake Charmer
Blues Orphan Drift
E Bon 5351956
Sah Driftnrawhidejoe 5620359
Dual Pep Bar J Jackie Drys Silver
Popular Resortfigure
Zandorel Buck
Bcs Beach Babe
Sah Gias Rawhide
Bcs Silver Doc
Yogi Gia
Sassy Fargo NOTES: Heading and heeling horse. Top ranch horse. This horse is all business. He's very talented behind a steer and naturally does things correct and easy. The prior owners say Haze was their “go to” ranch horse. He's been hauled all summer and fall and keeps getting better and better. This is a nice horse with a focused, "Let's do this" attitude. He's ready to get on and win. Call or text Paul Griemsman FMI 605-484- 7117. Videos available on “Paul and Jana Griemsman performance horses” Facebook page. 15.1 HH 1200 lbs SIRE: DOX SNAKE CHARMER (1996). $10,234 and 218 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Amateur Heading Horse; 3rd AQHA World Senior Heeling; 4th AQHA World Amateur Heeling; Superior Heeling; Superior Amateur Heeling. Son of DOX MISTER HANK; sire of DOX SNAKE CHARMER ($10,234 and 218 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Amateur Heading Horse, Superior Heeling), LUV TO CUT ($6,816 and 74.5 AQHA points: 9th AQHA World Senior Reining, Superior Reining), HANKY PANKY DOX ($7,385: 7th State of Missouri CHA Open Futurity), DOC CEE LENA ($4,159: 6th Kansas Open Cutting Futurity), DOX MISSY KATY (6.5 AQHA points), HANKS LINDY LEE (AQHA point-earner), Son of DOC O'LENA, $23,848 and an AQHA point- earner: NCHA Open Futurity Champion. An AQHA Top 5 All-Time Leading Sire of Cutting Point-Earners; an RGP Top 25 All-Time Sire of Cutting money-earners. Sire of 745 RGP money-earners, $16,963,001, earners of 6,927 AQHA points. DAM: BCS BEACH BABE (2004). Dam of 6 AQHA foals. Half-sister to LARKIN LIKE BC (27 AQHA points: AQHA High Point Youth Heading Champion). A daughter of POPULAR RESORTFIGURE, $16,948 and 265.5 AQHA points: AQHA World Show Superhorse; AQHA World Champion Junior Heeling Horse; AQHA World Champion Junior Heading Horse; AQHA Reserve World Champion Junior Tie-Down Roping Horse; 3rd NRCHA World Bridle Open; Superior Heading; Superior Heeling. Sire of 34 AQHA point-earners, including SWEET AS TIME ($18,819 and 84 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Senior Tie-Down Roping Horse, Superior Tie-Down Roping), SHINEON RESORTFIGURE ($6,025 and 50.5 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Amateur Breakaway Roping Horse), RESORT ROUNDER (55 AQHA points: AQHA World Level 2 Amateur Tie-Down Roping Reserve Champion), POPULAR STOPULAR (39.5 AQHA points: AQHA World Amateur Int. Exhibitor Breakaway Roping Reserve Champion), RESORT ROUNDER (55 AQHA points: AQHA World Level 2 Amateur Tie-Down Roping Reserve Champion), POPULAR STOPULAR (39.5 AQHA points: AQHA World Amateur Int. Exhibitor Breakaway Roping Reserve Champion), GO FIGURE FIESTA ($41,977 and 44.5 AQHA points: Lance Graves Pro Classic Barrel Racing Slot Open Co-Reserve Champion), FANTAZ POPULARRESORT ($16,268 and 78 AQHA points: Cowboy Publishing Challenge Open Tie- Down Roping Champion; Superior Tie-Down Roping), POPULAR SHINER ($4,138 and 97.5 AQHA points: 6th AQHA World Junior Heading, Superior Heading), POPTARTS MS FRECKLE (67.5 AQHA points: 6th AQHYA World Heeling, Superior Heeling), SORT OF POPULAR ($8,653 and 21.5 AQHA points: Cowboy Publishing Challenge Open Tie-Down Roping Champion). RGP-CB 12/2018
Gia Ghau NOTES: Drifter as we call him is a 15 hand buckskin gelding. He is a great minded heading and heeling horse. He’s very solid whether riding indoors or outdoors, we have used him a lot for gathering and doctoring cattle. Watch for him in the preview this is another solid horse from Diamond MC Performance Horses. FMI call 660-748-5844 SIRE: BLUES ORPHAN DRIFT (1997). Son of LEO HANCOCK HAYES; sire of BAR STAR DANGER (107.5 AQHA points: AQHA Select World Tie-Down Roping Reserve Champion; Superior Amateur Tie-Down Roping), BAR STAR SADIE (45 AQHA points: 8th AQHA World Amateur Tie-Down Roping), Son of BLUE VALENTINE, an AQHA point-earner and sire of HAYES' PRONTO (AQHA point-earner), SALTY ROAN (AQHA point-earner), JAY JAY JUD (AQHA point-earner), BLUE'S RED BARON (AQHA point-earner), PINKY VALENTINE (Unplaced at 2), THE OUTLAW (Unplaced at 2). He is by RED MAN SI 85, an AQHA point- earner: Open Perf. ROM; sire of 15 Race ROM, including BOOGER RED ($51,324: NCHA World Champion; NCHA Hall of Fame), APACHE AGENT SI 95 (5 race wins, $9,486, won Kindergarten Futurity), CIBECUE ROAN (55.5 AQHA points: AQHA High Point Steer Roping Open Stallion Champion), JOHN RED SI 95 (14 race wins, $5,006, 3rd Nebraska Qh Champ, NTR), LADY HUR ($6,867 and 27 AQHA points: NCHA Certificate of Ability), ROAN DAN (4 race wins, $4,659), RED WOOD MAN (22 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM), MISFORTUNE II (6 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM), GUNMAN (6 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM), BLUE VALENTINE (AQHA point-earner), REDWOOD JAKE (AQHA point-earner), ALABI (AQHA point-earner), RED GOWN L SI 85 (7 race wins, NTR), RED JUNIPER (4 race wins, NTR). DAM: SAH GIAS RAWHIDE (1998). Dam of 15 AQHA foals, including SAH DRIFTN N BLUES (ABRA World Yearling In-Hand Trail Open Champion; ABRA World Amateur Showmanship Reserve Champion; ABRA Honor Roll Yearling In-Hand Trail Open Champion). A daughter of ZANDOREL BUCK; sire of JN LADY RAWHIDE (NRHA money-earner). Son of ZANS RAWHIDE; sire of FLINT HILLS SUNSHINE (PHBA World Heading Amateur Reserve Champion), ZANOTOES MAURA (PHBA World Junior Reining Open Reserve Champion), ZANS GOLD STUFF (5 AQHA points), RAWHIDES CHIEF (AQHA point-earner: PHBA Top top 10 Hunter Hack Amateur Champion), RAWHIDES LEO SHEIK (AQHA point-earner), SPRATS SUZANNE (Ranch Sorting National Championships Earnings), ZANS A DANDY (3rd Barrel Racing Bash Hutchinson Kansas March Senior 2D class), ZANS WILLY (5.5 novice points). He is by ZAN PARR BAR, 603 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion 3-Year-Old Stallion; AQHA World Aged Halter Stallion Champion twice; AQHA High Point Steer Roping Open Champion; AQHA High Point Halter Open Stallion Champion; AQHA High Point Junior Halter Open Champion; AQHA Champion; Superior Halter; Superior Heading; Superior Heeling; Superior Steer Roping. An AQHA Top 5 All-Time Leading Sire of Cowboy Events Point-Earners. Sire of 122 RGP money-earners and earners of 25,651 AQHA points, including SPARKLES ROSEZANA ($123,380 and 258.5 AQHA points: NRHA Open Futurity Champion; Superior Heading). RGP-CB 12/2018
5 Star Horse Sale 2019 • 19
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