5 Star Catalog Horses-ToFlip
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Consigned by Matt & Mitchell Meyer Srd Driftin Socks
Consigned by Schmitt Horse Ranch Custom Cuda 2014 Chestnut Gelding
2014 Dun Gelding
Sun Frost Miss 3 John Rosie Wood Generals King Chit Chat Kathy Limited Hancock Seven S Gunsmoke
Hollywood Dun It Country Bobs Sugar Great Red Pine Berrys Enola Gay Crome Plated Jac Another Greyhound
Pat Cowan
Country Dun It Great Red Berry
Roy Boy Holder
Country Bay Berry
Speedy Belle Holder
Srd Driftin Socks 5660911
Custom Cuda 5611095
Triple Drifter Kn
Custom Crome
Anna Drift Holder
Custom Elegance
Topsail Cody
Roan Anna Holder
Justa Sailing
Anna Dun NOTES: Elvis is a big unique colored gelding. Our neighbor started this horse under saddle and then used him to assist him in calving his 150 head beef herd. He carried calves on him and used him as a shield to doctor calves out in the pasture. Due to money problems we bought Elvis from out neighbor and have been working on his arena riding. This horse will make and exceptional rope horse and will get many looks in the arena. If your looking for a big stout colorful gelding, he is ready for a job. Don't miss out! 100% sound. FMI call 563-590-2836. 15.2HH SIRE: ROY BOY HOLDER (1998). Son of PAT COWAN, 9 AQHA points; sire of COWAN DRIFT (20 AQHA points: split 4th Cowboy Publishing Challenge Pole Bending Open), QUITE A SUN FROST (10.5 AQHA points: top 10 AQHA Select World Barrel Racing), YO PLENTYALADY (AQHA point-earner), STREAKIN TO THE SUN ($2,183 barrel racing), YO CHANTELLA FROST (split 9th BBR World Barrel Racing Open 5D), YO GRAY FROST (barrel racing money-earner), YO JACKIE FROST (3rd Roper Rally Barrel Racing Open 3D), YO RODEO FROST (4th Dash N Dance Open Barrel Futurity 2D), YO LONLEY FROST (barrel racing money-earner), YO BIG BATCHA FROST (7th Greg Olson Mem. Barrel Racing Open 5D). Son of SUN FROST; sire of 40 RGP money- earners, 37 AQHA point-earners, including FRENCH FLASH HAWK ($1,500,000 unofficial: WPRA NFR Barrel Champion), PC FROSTY BID ($83,700 and 84 AQHA points: AQHA World Senior Barrel Racing Level 2 Open Reserve Champion; Superior Barrel Racing), PCFRENCHMANSTARZAN (16 AQHA points: AQHYA World Barrel Racing Int. Exhibitor Reserve Champion), PC POCO DELL FROST ($57,861: money-earner in the Cheyenne Frontier Days Barrel Racing), PC FROSTY BID ($83,700 and 84 AQHA points: AQHA World Senior Barrel Racing Level 2 Open Reserve Champion; Superior Barrel Racing), PCFRENCHMANSTARZAN (16 AQHA points: AQHYA World Barrel Racing Int. Exhibitor Reserve Champion), PC LANES QUEST ($10,053: 4th Fizz Bomb Open Barrel Futurity), FLYING HEARTS TUFFY (123.5 AQHA points: Cornhusker Classic ARHFA Futurity Heeling Non-Pro Champion; Superior Heading), MP JET TO THE SUN (57.5 AQHA points: AQHA High Point Heading Stallion Leader, Superior Heading), MY SUPER FROST (188 AQHA points: 5th AQHA High Point Senior Heeling, Superior Heading), PC JOES FROST (103 AQHA points; Superior Heeling, AQHA World Junior Heeling qualifier), SUN FROSTED ROCKET ($16,482 and 30.5 AQHA points: BFA World Barrel Futurity Youth 2D Reserve Champion), PC BRONSIN (WFQHA Reserve World Champion Aged Stallion). DAM: ANNA DRIFT HOLDER (2003). Dam of 9 AQHA foals. A daughter of TRIPLE DRIFTER KN. Grandson of GENERAL DODGER, an AQHA point-earner and sire of DRIFTY DODGER (263 AQHA points; AQHA Champion), DODGER'S GOBBLIN (111 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM), MOLLY BROWN DODGER (197 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM), CHEE CHEE'S GEN (AQHA point-earner), PEAKS LADY DODGER (AQHA point-earner), GENERAL RED LIGHT (AQHA point-earner), BETTIEJOBAR (Unplaced to 3). RGP-CB 12/2018
Justa Great Pine NOTES: “Cuda” is a stunning, thick made chestnut gelding with flawless confirmation. He is reining trained, very talented, quick footed, fancy turner, and big stopper. Cuda has been shown lightly but successfully by a rookie rider. He is extra gentle and kind to be around, loves attention and to be groomed. Cuda has been trail rode down the fields and through the ditches, steps out nice, low headed and smooth moving. He crosses all of our trail course obstacles, drug the log, good with a tarp, and we have played around with cattle. Cuda is trained and talented enough to take in any direction, big time rope horse prospect as well. Fancy gelding that catches everyone’s eye that walks through our barn! Sound, current on deworming, shoes, and coggins. For more info call 507-459-8654. 14.3HH SIRE: COUNTRY BAY BERRY (1999). $40,799 and 168 AQHA points: NRHA Int. Open Derby Champion; 8th NRHA Int. Open Futurity; 6th NRHA Limited Open Futurity; 6th FEI/USEF Champ Reining Open; finalist in the NRHA Open Derby; Superior Reining. Sire of OAKIES RED BERRY ($69,663 and 16 AQHA points: finalist in the NRHA Open Futurity), BERRYINFINITESURPRISE (P) ($33,200: split 3rd NRHA Int. Open Futurity), BAY BERRY SHAKE ($30,135: finalist in the NRHA Non- Pro Futurity), COUNTRY BAY MAGIC ($8,060 and an AQHA point- earner: split 5th Rocky Mountain RHA Summer Slide Stallion Stakes Futurity Open), COUNTRY SURPRISE (P) ($3,534: Eastern Slope Slide Non-Pro Reining Derby Reserve Champion), LIL SUGAR BAY BERRY ($3,111 and an AQHA point-earner: Great Plains Open Reining Futurity Co-Reserve Champion), BERRY BERRY SMOOTH (14 AQHA points: finalist Denver National Inv. Open Freestyle Reining), COUNTRY BAY WHIZ (13.5 AQHA points: finalist High Roller Reining Classic Int. Open Futurity), CUSTOM VOODOO (13.5 AQHA points: AQHA World Amateur Reining Level 2 qualifier), COUNTRYS RHYTHM (5 AQHA points), BAY BERRYS TOP MARK (AQHA point-earner; NRHA money-earner). DAM: CUSTOM ELEGANCE (1999). Dam of 11 AQHA foals, 5 money- earners, including SPOOKABILITY ($10,581: split 4th Rocky Mountain RHA Summer Slide Stallion Stakes Futurity Open, split 5th Rocky Mountain RHA Summer Slide Open Futurity, Rocky Mountain RHA Summer Slide Limited Open Futurity Champion), TWILIGHT SPOOK ($23,053 and 138.5 AQHA points: split 4th Rocky Mountain RHA Summer Slide SSA Futurity Open, split 5th Rocky Mountain RHA Summer Slide Open Futurity, 3rd Columbine Classic Non-Pro Reining Derby, Superior Amateur Reining), LIL CUSTOM COUPE ($3,889 and 66 AQHA points: 9th Rocky Mountain RHA Summer Slide Stallion Stakes Futurity Open, Eastern Slope Slide Reining Open Derby Reserve Champion; 8th Scottsdale Classic Int. Open Reining Futurity), CUSTOM VOODOO (13.5 AQHA points: AQHA World Amateur Reining Level 2 qualifier), CUSTOM CHOCOLENA (AQHA point-earner: split 7th Southwest RHA Limited Open Futurity), RED MAMBA (NRHA Mountain REG Affiliate Champ Non-Pro Futurity Reserve Champion; 8th Low Roller Reining Classic Non-Pro Futurity, NRHA Mountain REG Affiliate Champ Futurity $25,000 Limited Non-Pro Reserve Champion). Full sister to CUSTOM INSPIRATION ($17,059: Congress 3-Year-Old Reining Stakes Limited Non-Pro Co-Reserve Champion). RGP-CB 12/2018
20 • 5 Star Horse Sale 2019
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