5 Star Catalog Horses-ToFlip
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Consigned by Dallas Schleg Zans Raskal Cat 2013 Buckskin Gelding
Consigned by Tom Bowling Remingtonite
2012 Sorrel Gelding Colonelfourfreckle Colonels Smoking Gun Katie Gun Gunners Special Nite Mifillena Mifs Doll Sidewinders Doll Remingtonite 5575867 Smart Little Lena Smart Chic Olena Gay Sugar Chic Tammy Chiccy Reminic Tammy Niccy Tammy Chexx NOTES: Remy is a finished reiner. He has been started on both ends in the team roping. He is ready to go to the show ring in the Ranch Riding. This gelding is easy to be around, very quiet and gentle in every way. Has been rode by youth riders. He is a great young gelding that will fit about anywhere. FMI call 513-324-8035. 15HH SIRE: GUNNERS SPECIAL NITE (2004). $242,724 and 75 AQHA points: NRHA Open Futurity Reserve Champion; split 8th NRBC Open Derby; 5th AQHA High Point Senior Reining; NRHA Int. Open Futurity Champion; finalist in the NRBC Open Derby; Superior Reining. Full brother to GUNNERLICIOUS ($77,736: Italian NRHA Open Derby Champion). A 2018 RGP #1 Leading Sire of Reining money-earners; 2018 AQHA Top 5 Leading Sire of Reining Point-Earners. Sire of 259 RGP money-earners, $2,544,299, 71 AQHA point-earners, including MODERN GUN ($175,451: NRBC Open Derby Champion), BAILEYS SIDEKICK ($38,256 and 19 AQHA points: AQHA World Level 2 Open Junior Reining Reserve Champion twice), THAT KIND OF NITE ($11,358 and 28.5 AQHA points: AQHYA World Ranch Riding Level 2 Reserve Champion), BAILEYS NOT PAINTED (P) ($82,313: 3rd NRBC Non-Pro Derby), HOLLYWOOD NITES ($75,908: NRHA Limited Open Futurity Champion), LENAS SHINING GUN ($74,017: finalist in the NRHA Open Futurity), INTO THE NITE ($73,220: NRHA Non-Pro Futurity Co-Reserve Champion), WHAM BAM GUNNER MAN ($69,245: split 9th NRHA Open Futurity), SUNGLASSES AT NITE ($55,912 and 15 AQHA points: split 9th NRHA Open Futurity), GUNNERS SPECIAL GLO ($51,015: split 8th NRBC Open Derby), GUNNERS BRITE NITE ($50,809: top 10 NRHA Open Futurity), ME AND JULIO (P) ($41,861: APHA World 4/6-Year-Old Reining Challenge Non-Pro Champion), BAILEYS SIDEKICK ($38,256 and 19 AQHA points: AQHA World Level 2 Open Junior Reining Reserve Champion twice). DAM: TAMMY CHICCY (2004). NRHA money-earner and an AQHA point- earner. Dam of 9 AQHA foals, including CHEX THIS GUNNER (13.5 AQHA points: North Central RCHA Spring Derby Rein Work $7,500 Limited Open Co-Champion), ATWISTEDBLONDECHIC ($3,046: finalist in the NRHA $25,000 Limited Non-Pro Futurity; 5th North Central RHA Futurity Int. Non-Pro, 3rd North Central RHA Futurity $25,000 Limited Non-Pro). Half-sister to LENAS TAMMY NICCY ($6,557: North Central RHA Futurity Int. Non-Pro Reserve Champion), BIG NICCY (Wimpys Little Step $50,000 Limited Open Reining Derby Champion), BLONDE CHEX TO CASH (AQHA point-earner; NRHA money-earner), and a daughter of SMART CHIC OLENA, $167,471 and 65 AQHA points;NRHA Open Reserve World Champion; AQHA World Champion Senior Reining Horse; ,AQHA World Champion Senior Cutting Horse; ,AQHA High Point Cutting Champion;AQHA High Point Senior Cutting Champion Congress Cutting Open Champion. AQHA #1 All-Time Leading Sire of Reining Point-Earners; RGP #2 All-Time Leading Sire of RCH Money-Earners; AQHA #2 All-Time Leading Sire of RCH Point- Earners; an RGP Top 5 All-Time Leading Sire of Ranch Horse & Ranch Riding money-earners. Sire of 1,066 RGP money-earners, $14,149,406, earners of 28,010 AQHA points, including SMART SPOOK ($405,080 and 91.5 AQHA points: NRHA Open Futurity Champion; NRHA Hall of Fame, Superior Reining), OLENA OAK ($381,390 and 193 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Junior Working Cow Horse, Superior Reining). RGP-CB 12/2018
High Brow Cat Lady Rolena
High Rollin Cat
Slidin High Cat
Dudes Prescription Ms Arreba Hollywood Hollywood Dry Doc
Zans Raskal Cat 5575197
Sun Otoe
Sun Otoes Dude
Tiffanys Sunset
Gold Bailey Girl Zans Rawhide
Tiffany Zan
Otoes Red Satin NOTES: This buckskin gelding is broke the very best! He is a top notch head horse and has had countless miles of outside riding. He has trail ridden all of Shawnee National Forest and anybody can ride him down the trail or in the arena! Lots of cow catching done on this horse and he will go anywhere you point him. Lots of speed and lots of stop! Cannot say enough about this horses athleticism and willingness. Smooth and easy to sit with cow sense and a level disposition, he is the ultimate ranch horse! FMI call 574-850-6744. 15HH SIRE: SLIDIN HIGH CAT (2006). Son of HIGH ROLLIN CAT; sire of HIGH ROLLIN COUNTRY ($15,558 and 14 AQHA points: AQHA World Versatility Ranch Horse Ranch Cutting Division Youth Champion), HIGH SKIPPIN CAT ($11,488 and 71 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Amateur Working Cow Horse), HIGHBROWS TENIN CAT ($26,213: finalist in the NCHA Limited Non-Pro Derby), CATS GENUINE JOKER ($15,864: 4th NRCHA Int. Non-Pro Futurity), HY ROLLIN HOLLYWOOD ($14,810: 5th NRCHA Non-Pro Futurity), HIGH ROLLIN SUG ($9,142 and 18 AQHA points: Oklahoma Early Bird Cutting Classic Non-Pro Reserve Champion), HIGH TANACAT (Colorado RCHA Mid American $7,500 Limited Open Derby Champion), Son of HIGH BROW CAT, $110,800: Augusta Open Classic Champion. RGP #1 All-Time Leading Sire of Cutting money-earners; AQHA #1 All-Time Leading Sire of Cutting Point-Earners. Sire of 1,805 RGP money-earners, $80,526,653, earners of 9,862 AQHA points, including DONT LOOK TWICE ($843,096 and 51.5 AQHA points: NCHA Horse of the Year, NCHA Hall of Fame, Superior Cutting), METALLIC CAT ($637,711: NCHA Horse of the Year, NCHA Hall of Fame), BOON SAN KITTY ($565,504: NCHA Horse of the Year [shared], NCHA Hall of Fame). DAM: TIFFANYS SUNSET (2008). Dam of 5 AQHA foals. A daughter of SUN OTOES DUDE; sire of DUDES ZAN MAN (AQHA point-earner; 38 novice points). Son of SUN OTOE; sire of PRINCESS OTOE TOO (AQHA point-earner), OTOES SUNNY LADY (race placed), OTOES JET STAR (Unplaced at 2), MISS WIMP OTOE (Unplaced at 2). He is by OTOE SI 95, NCHA money-earner and 76 AQHA points: AQHA Champion; Superior Halter, 5 race wins, $4,595; sire of earners of 5,896 AQHA points; 34 Race ROM, including YANKEE'S OTOE (167 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Senior Barrel Racing Horse, Superior Barrel Racing), OTOE'S OMEN (185 AQHA points: AQHA World 3-Year- Old Geldings Reserve Champion; AQHA Youth Supreme Champion), SHE'S A SHINY (616 AQHA points: AQHYA World Showmanship Reserve Champion; AQHA Champion), GO MA GO SI 97 (5 race wins, $19,992, won Lafayette Derby), SLEEPY'S TOE SI 100 (11 race wins, $7,970, won Juarez International Stakes, NTR), OTOE JABAR SI 95 (10 race wins, $7,820 and 30 AQHA points; AQHA Champion; won Minnesota Futurity), TINY DARE SI 85 (race winner, won West Texas QHA Community Futurity), OTOE QUEEN (13 AQHA points: AQHA High Point Junior Tie-Down Roping Champion), TOEBARS (94 AQHA points: AQHA High Point Tie-Down Roping Champion; AQHA Champion), HARD TO BEAT (354 AQHA points: AQHA High Point Halter Open Stallion Champion; AQHA Champion), OTOE'S OMEN (185 AQHA points: AQHA World 3-Year-Old Geldings Reserve Champion; AQHA Youth Supreme Champion). RGP-CB 12/2018
5 Star Horse Sale 2019 • 29
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