5 Star Catalog Horses-ToFlip
Hip No.
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Consigned by Michels Performance Horses Surely Hez Hot
Consigned by Schmitt Horse Ranch Dual Glo Ct
2011 Bay Gelding
2014 Gray Gelding
Zippo Pine Bar Tamara Wess Tiger Leo SI 95 Beths Doc Solano Hotrodders Jet Set Kenora Sorrel Jd Concluded
High Brow Hickory Smart Little Kitty Doctor Wood
Zippos Mr Good Bar
High Brow Cat Miss Echo Wood
You Bet Im Good
Wild Haired Cat
Solano Tigeriffic
Surely Hez Hot 5408696
Dual Glo Ct 5643971
Gay Echo Dual Pep
Hocus Pocus Hotrod
Dual Glo Solano
Surely Sheza Hotrod
Dual Glo Tammy Ct
Queen Glo Solano Colonel Rey Lena
Shes Not So Sure
Tams Reining Gal
Shes Sure Fine PERFORMANCE RECORD: Earner of 1.5 AQHA points; 1.5 novice points. In AQHA competition: 0.5 trail point in open events; 1 halter point in youth activities; 1.5 western pleasure points in novice youth events; winner of 2 Grand Championships NOTES: Tator is a finished push button pleasure horse. He has novice amateur points and is a dream to ride. He is safe for anyone. Slow jog and rocking chair lope that you could sit all day. He has also been ridden outside and used as a lesson horse. FMI call 574-350-4044. 15.2HH SIRE: YOU BET IM GOOD (1999). An AQHA point-earner. Sire of 39 RGP money-earners and earners of 1,334 AQHA points, including UBETIMWHISTLINDIXIE (346.5 AQHA points: finalist in AQHA World Western Pleasure Amateur, AQHA Champion), YOU BET IM SUMTHIN (452.5 AQHA points: and 133.5 novice points: 7th Congress Senior Youth Equitation, AQHA Amateur Champion), THE GOOD TEATOTALLER ($6,025: Illinois QHA Breeders Futurity 3-Year-Old Non- Pro Western Pleasure Champion), ODDS R IM GOOD (51 AQHA points: and 32.5 novice points: 4th Illinois QHA Breeders Futurity 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure), YOU BET IM A STAR (107 AQHA points: and 80 novice points: 5th Dixie National Stock Show AQHA Senior Trail), BET SHEZ INVITED ($4,185 and 9.5 AQHA points: and 23.5 novice points: Ohio QHA Breeders Open Longe Line Futurity Champion), ALL BETS ARE IN ($3,651 and 71 AQHA points: Ontario QHA Breeders Futurity 3-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Reserve Champion). DAM: SURELY SHEZA HOTROD (2003). NSBA money-earner an AQHA point-earner and 9 novice points Dam of 2 AQHA foals, including SURELY HEZ HOT (AQHA point-earner; 1.5 novice points), YOU BET HES HOT (7th Iowa QHA Futurity Breeders 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; 4th Iowa QHA Futurity Breeders 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure, 3rd Iowa QHA Non-Pro Western Pleasure Futurity). Full sister to THIS HOCUS FOR SURE (Reichert Celebration 2-Year-Old Owner/Rider Western Pleasure Limited Open Reserve Champion), SHEZA HOCUS (8.5 AQHA points), SHEZA HOTROD TOO (AQHA point-earner). A daughter of HOCUS POCUS HOTROD, $6,713 and 149.5 AQHA points: IN SBA Pleasure Jubilee Open Western Pleasure Maturity Reserve Champion; Virginia QHA Futurity 2/3-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Champion; split 4th Southern Belle Inv. Novice Horse Western Pleasure Open; Virginia QHA 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Futurity Co-Reserve Champion; Superior Western Pleasure; Superior Amateur Western Pleasure. Sire of 57 RGP money-earners and earners of 3,168 AQHA points, including HOCUS POCUS TIME ($46,226 and 117 AQHA points: NSBA World Green Open Hunter Under Saddle Reserve Champion), A HOCUS IN TIME ($31,592 and 180.5 AQHA points: NSBA World 2-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion), HONEY OF A HOTROD ($13,222 and 50 AQHA points: and 19.5 novice points: NSBA World 2-Year-Old Limited Non-Pro Western Pleasure Reserve Champion), HOTRODS R LUCKY TOO ($10,060 and 227 AQHA points: NSBA World Trail Novice Amateur Reserve Champion; Superior Trail). RGP-CB 12/2018
Playboys Tamara NOTES: “Friz” is one cute little steel gray gelding. He’s had cutting training as a colt, quick footed, good stopper, and has a good way of moving. Friz is gentle as can be, loves attention, always meets you at the gate to be caught, and has a bubbly cool personality. We have been riding Friz through the fields and ditches and along the highway. He crosses the trail course obstacles, good with a rope, and we have been turning back on him. He’s compact made, high bred, talented, and we believe he’d make a jam up breakaway, heel, or calf horse. His picture doesn’t do him justice, wait till you see him in person! Sound, current on deworming, shoes, and coggins. For more info call 608-434-4789. 14HH SIRE: WILD HAIRED CAT (2002). $134,469: AQHA Reserve World Champion Junior Cutting Horse; split 5th NCHA Open Derby. Full brother to WOODYS WILDEST CAT ($345,935 and 30.5 AQHA points: finalist in the NCHA Open Futurity; NCHA Bronze Award), MISS WOODY TWO SHOES ($143,635: split 4th NCHA Open Futurity), WILEY CAT ($140,880: finalist in the NCHA Open Futurity); half-brother to PEPTACULAR ($110,362: NCHA Non-Pro Co-World Champion), ECHOS FROM THE PAST ($104,678: top 10 NCHA Open Derby), LITTLE BELLY DANCER ($91,208: Augusta Open Classic Champion), SCOOT A LIL CLOSER ($67,150: semi-finalist in the NCHA Open Futurity), MISS TAZWOOD ($59,474: split 7th NCHA Non-Pro Futurity). Out of MISS ECHO WOOD ($59,800 and 13.5 AQHA points: AQHYA World Cutting Champion). DAM: DUAL GLO TAMMY CT (2001). Dam of 4 AQHA foals. Full sister to TAMS DUALLY CT (15 AQHA points: finalist in AQHA Select World Cutting). Half-sister to PEPTOS PLAYMATE CT (NCHA money-earner), and a daughter of DUAL GLO SOLANO, $49,935 and 76.5 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Senior Cutting Horse; 3rd AQHA World Senior Cutting; top 10 Augusta Open Classic; 5th NCHA Derby Amateur; split 3rd State of Missouri CHA 4-Year-Old Maturity Open; Superior Amateur Cutting. Sire of ALITTLEBITOFGLO (P) ($4,553: APHA World All-Age Cutting Youth Champion), DUALIN LENA CT ($26,248: Carolina Classic Reining Open Derby Champion), DULLIN GRITTY (115.5 AQHA points: 7th AQHA World Amateur Ranch Sorting, Superior Amateur Ranch Sorting), SOLANO GLO REY CT ($8,897 and 7.5 AQHA points: Bell Ranch Summer Slide Open Reining Futurity Champion), TAMS DUALLY CT (15 AQHA points: finalist in AQHA Select World Cutting), TOOT N GLO (AQHA point-earner), LEANIN DUALLY CT (AQHA point-earner), PLAY AND GLO (NCHA $1,884), JW SOLANO (NCHA $1,211), MISS DUAL GLO (NCHA $1,124), ZOES DUAL GLO (NCHA money-earner), Son of DUAL PEP, $313,192: split 3rd NCHA Open Super Stakes. An RGP Top 5 All-Time Leading Sire of Cutting money-earners; an AQHA Top 25 All-Time Sire of Cutting & Cowboy Events Point-Earners. Sire of 831 RGP money-earners, $25,863,732, earners of 5,988 AQHA points, including DUAL REY ME ($814,292 and 30.5 AQHA points: NCHA World Champion 3 times; NCHA Hall of Fame), DUALLY LENA ($395,616: NCHA Open Futurity Reserve Champion), OLENA DUALLY ($302,685: finalist in the NCHA Open Futurity; NCHA Gold Award), TAPT TWICE ($285,226: Breeders Inv. Open Derby Reserve Champion). RGP-CB 12/2018
30 • 5 Star Horse Sale 2019
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