5 Star Catalog Horses-ToFlip
Hip No.
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Consigned by Robert Mast Jrs Macho Hancock
Consigned by Schmitt Horse Ranch Sparklinggunnerswhiz
2015 Bay Roan Gelding Red Eddie Hancock Blue Papoose Hancock Katie Kitten Hancock Lannieboy Hancock Blue Boy Hancock Annie Girl Hancock Joyce Ann Hancock Jrs Macho Hancock 5681592 Radical Rodder Rj Radical Reaction Scotch Iowa Girl Curtisimachictoo Lil Peppys Sugar Bar Smart Sonita Chic Smart Peppy Chic NOTES: "Macho" is a gentle, very well made gelding. He has been rode outside a lot sorting and moving cattle and horses. He has also been on lots of weekend trail rides. He's good with water, logs, and rough country riding. Macho is soft in the face, ease to please, and ready to be taken in your direction. Sound. FMI call 608-464-3598. 15.1HH SIRE: LANNIEBOY HANCOCK (2001). Son of BLUE PAPOOSE HANCOCK. Son of RED EDDIE HANCOCK. He is by EDDIE JOE HANCOCK. DAM: CURTISIMACHICTOO (2004). Dam of 4 AQHA foals. A daughter of RJ RADICAL REACTION, an AQHA point-earner and sire of). Son of RADICAL RODDER (Q), $19,787 and 91 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Senior Western Pleasure Horse; AQHA Reserve High Point Senior Western Pleasure Champion; 3rd AQHA World 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure; Congress Senior Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; 3rd Congress 3-Year-Old Snaffle Bit Western Pleasure Open; Superior Western Pleasure. An AQHA Top 10 All-Time Sire of Western All-Around & Western Pleasure Point-Earners. Sire of 396 RGP money- earners, $1,637,218, earners of 50,862 AQHA points, including HEZA RADICAL ZIP ($130,096 and 3,283 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Senior Western Riding Champion twice, Superior Trail. RADICAL RUMORS ($125,505 and 1,054.5 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Junior Western Pleasure Horse; NSBA Hall of Fame, Superior Western Pleasure), MORE RADICAL ($74,152 and 1,601 AQHA points: AQHA World Level 2 Amateur Western Riding Champion; Superior Trail. GINNIN ($56,519 and 1,948 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Senior Trail Horse, AQHA Amateur Champion), RADICAL REVOLUTION ($29,225 and 86 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Senior Western Pleasure Horse, Superior Western Pleasure), RADICAL YET FANCY ($28,786 and 598 AQHA points: AQHA World Senior Western Riding Level 2 Open Champion; Superior Western Pleasure). RGP-CB 12/2018 Go to http://schmitthorseranch.com/ five-star-horses/
2012 Sorrel Gelding Colonelfourfreckle Colonels Smoking Gun Katie Gun Gunners Peppy Oak Doc's Oak Docs Peppy Oak Rb Peppy Sue Rb Sparklinggunnerswhiz 5479724 Topsail Cody Topsail Whiz Jeanie Whiz Bar Sparkling Della Whiz Shining Spark Bella Della Miss Della Doc NOTES: “Eagle” is an eye catching sorrel gelding with tons of chrome! Pretty bald face with a cool baby blue eye, lots of shape, and white legs to really set him off. Eagle is reining trained, does all of the maneuvers with ease, and is a big stopper. He has been trail rode, goes through the obstacle course, good with a tarp, and goes where you point him. Eagle is extra gentle to be around, loves attention, and is for sure an eye catcher when people walk through our barn. Could easily be shown in ranch riding, versatility, reining, and we believe he would work for a 4H kid wanting an all-around show gelding. Can’t write a pedigree a whole lot better than his!! Sound, current on deworming, shoes, and coggins. For more info call 507-459-8654. 14.2HH SIRE: GUNNERS PEPPY OAK (2006). Sire of 42 RGP money-earners, including GUNNERS IS SMOKIN (P) ($5,746: APHA World 4/6-Year-Old Reining Challenge Non-Pro Reserve Champion), GUNSLITTLEVALENTINE ($12,674: 3rd Performance Quebec Non-Pro Reining Derby), SS GUNS N ROOSTERS ($10,774: Ontario RHA Obbo Open Futurity Champion), GUNNAGUNYA ($8,371: Yankee Prospects Open Reining Futurity Champion), GUNS LITTLE DREAM ($6,233: 1st Quebec AQR 2nd Chance Open Reining Futurity Reserve Champion), REINING RAINBOW ($5,623: Performance Quebec Limited Open Reining Futurity Champion), WHIZZARDS GUNNER ($5,230: Ontario RHA Obbo Non-Pro Futurity Reserve Champion), PEPPYGUNS MOONSHADOW ($3,595 and an AQHA point-earner and 5 novice points: 5th Congress Reining Level 1 Amateur), PEPPY KACHINA GUN ($3,289: 3rd Performance Quebec Open Reining Futurity), PAY ME MY GUN ($3,226: split 3rd Performance Quebec Reining Non-Pro Futurity). DAM: SPARKLING DELLA WHIZ (2006). Dam of 3 AQHA foals. Half- sister to MEGA WATT SHINE ($65,581 and 49.5 AQHA points: finalist in the NRHA Open Futurity), WIMPY DELLA RENO ($9,072: top 10 NRHA Int. Open Futurity), BELLA REVOLUTION ($8,720: 6th Congress Non- Pro Reining Stakes), SPARKLING CIELO ($5,688 and an AQHA point- earner: finalist European NRHA Open Futurity), XTRA LITTLE BELLA ($4,830: split 4th Wild Card Reining Challenge 4-Year-Old Open Futurity), LENA BELLA ($3,339: 5th Gilkerson Mem. RCH Hackamore Spectacular Open), DOCS CHICO LENA (NRCHA money-earner), CIELO BELLA (NRHA money-earner), BUDZUP (AQHA point-earner; NRCHA money-earner), and a daughter of TOPSAIL WHIZ, $53,868 and 11 AQHA points;3rd NRHA Open Futurity, Congress Junior Reining Open Champion. AQHA #2 All-Time Leading Sire of Reining Point- Earners; an AQHA Top 5 All-Time Leading Sire of Ranch Riding Point- Earners. Sire of 921 RGP money-earners, $12,654,019, earners of 14,472 AQHA points, including THE GREAT WHIZ ($256,470: NRHA Open Futurity Champion), EASY OTIE WHIZ ($233,611: split 5th NRHA Open Futurity), WHIZKEY N DIAMONDS ($222,619: 3rd NRHA Open Futurity), DUN IT FOR WHIZKEY ($214,816: NRHA Open Futurity Co- Reserve Champion), SMOKING WHIZ ($208,840 and 85 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Senior Reining Horse, Superior Reining). RGP-CB 12/2018
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32 • 5 Star Horse Sale 2019
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