5 Star Catalog Horses-ToFlip
Hip No.
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Consigned by Chad Lindaman Docs Blu Deck 2012 Blue Roan Gelding
Consigned by Billy Jack Kolander Jdg Jessies White 2012 Buckskin Gelding
Roan Bar Dandy Dealya What Joes Fireball Bert Sumpin Sarah Tuffernhel SI 85 Tula's Lady Dundees Dude
Poco Stripe Del Jays Jamie Diamond N Texas Poco Chicks Mr Pete Oswald
Rockin Dandee Bar
Poco Stripes Jessie Poco Mccues Star
Blu Roan Bar Thistle
Jessie Poco Mccues
Miss Sara Bert
Docs Blu Deck 5464879
Jdg Jessies White 5455748
Tuff Scoop
Awesome Pete
Docs Tuff Chip
Hairpin Awesome Babe
Gin Blaze
Oswald's Pete
Lasso Doc Money
Babes Conquest
Docs Lasso Bee NOTES: "Blu" is a really attractive and gentle true blue roan gelding. He has been ridden on the farm and we have used him for a lot of general riding. We have checked fence on him, rode him through the woods, through the ditches and across water. The previous owner started him around cattle and in the box. He has pulled the roping dummy and has been used to move cattle. We have used Blu more for fun and enjoyment. He pastures well with other horses and is easy to catch. He is current on de-worming, shoeing, vaccinations and coggins. For more information contact Chad @ 641-485-4464. 15.3HH SIRE: BLU ROAN BAR THISTLE (2001). Son of ROCKIN DANDEE BAR. Son of ROAN BAR DANDY; sire of WOODY ROAN BAR (132 AQHA points; Superior Team Penning, AQHA World Amateur Team Penning qualifier), ROAN CORN (23 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM, AQHA World Team Penning qualifier), MR FLASH BAR KAT (AQHA point- earner). DAM: DOCS TUFF CHIP (2003). Dam of 4 AQHA foals. A granddaughter of TUFFERNHEL SI 85, 64 AQHA points: AQHA Champion; Race winner; sire of earners of 3,756 AQHA points, including HAZARD COUNTY (15 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Weanling Stallion), TUFF'S LINDA BEL (180 AQHA points: AQHYA World Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Superior Western Pleasure), TUFF'S LINDA BEL (180 AQHA points: AQHYA World Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Superior Western Pleasure), SKIPA TUFF GOLD (PHBA World 4-Year- Old Gelding Open Champion), I'MA TUFF (235 AQHA points: 7th AQHA World Open 3-Year-Old Mares, Superior Halter), TODD'S TUFFY (253 AQHA points; AQHA Champion), MISS SKIP CHIC (314 AQHA points; AQHA Youth Champion), TUF SILVER CHICK (388 AQHA points; Superior Hunter Under Saddle), ISMAY'S TUFF DAWN (128 AQHA points: AQHA High Point Open Hunter Under Saddle Leader, AQHA Champion), TUFF TICKET (38 AQHA points; AQHA Champion), TUFF JET (54 AQHA points; Superior Western Pleasure), WHAT A TUFFY (65 AQHA points; Superior Western Pleasure), LOVE N EMOTIONS (114 AQHA points: 7th AQHA World Open 3-Year-Old Mares, Superior Halter), MR CANDY'S TUFF (28 AQHA points), DO TELL TUFF (29 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM), KS TRADITION (32.5 AQHA points; Amateur Perf. ROM, AQHA World Amateur Heading qualifier), FLEETCHICK (34 AQHA points), TUFF LOVER (39.5 AQHA points: and 29 novice points; Youth Perf. ROM). RGP-CB 12/2018
Tonzi Babe NOTES: I've owned this horse since he was 3 years old. He has been used in a pasture setting, moving and doctoring yearlings. He crosses water and is traffic safe. Easy to catch, bathe, clip, and load. Extremely gentle gelding. FMI call 507-840-1596. 15.1HH SIRE: JESSIE POCO MCCUES (1996). Son of POCO STRIPES JESSIE; sire of LADY POCO JAMES (220.5 AQHA points: 5th AQHA High Point Junior Heading Open, Superior Heading), POCO JESSIES SUGAR (AQHA point-earner; NRHA money-earner), MR PEPPY STRIPE (money-earner), POCO JESSIE MISS (4th FQHR RRNDUP N Review 4/10-Year-Old Mare Open), JESSIES JOE COP (3rd FQHR RRNDUP N Review Halter Aged Mare Open). DAM: HAIRPIN AWESOME BABE (1999). Dam of 6 AQHA foals. A daughter of AWESOME PETE; sire of JUNIORS PINE (5th Congress Heading Amateur). Son of MR PETE OSWALD. He is by OSWALD'S PETE; sire of CREEPY JUNIOR (15 AQHA points: AQHA High Point Barrel Racing Select Amateur Champion), BLAZING KID BOOTS (5 AQHA points), PETES BAY CODY (AQHA point-earner). RGP-CB 12/2018
5 Star Horse Sale 2019 • 33
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