5 Star Catalog Horses-ToFlip
Hip No.
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Consigned by Meyer Horse Co Fired Up Dooley 2012 Buckskin Gelding
Consigned by Schmitt Horse Ranch Sh One More Chex 2013 Buckskin Gelding
Flit Bar
Fire Water Flit SI 86
Bueno Chexinic Katie By The Bay
Slash J Harletta Bully Bullion SI 104 Fluently SI 90
Bueno Chex Kaweah Smart Chic Olena Kathleens Boss Shining Spark Lil Hotshot Express Two Eyed Jonesy
Firewater Finale
Smart Lil Chexinic
Im A Little Bully
Fired Up Dooley 5459724
Sh One More Chex 5523496
First Down Dash SI 10 Dash To Chivato SI 96 Fishers Favorite SI 98 Dooleys Chivata SI 88 Dooley Authorized SI 1 Dooleys Lil Sister SI 95 Pretty Lil Sister SI 90
Sparkin Hot
Lil Hot Par Tee Girl
Sh Lenas Cutin Smart
Smart Taris Peppy NOTES: “Uno” is a good looking versatile gelding. He’s put in numerous hours on the ranch dragging claves, checking fence, and has been trail rode many miles as well. He will go wherever you point him, crosses wooden bridges, logs, and tarps. He has all of the reining buttons in the arena, has a nice turn around, lopes collected soft circles, changes leads, has hip control, and is soft in the face. Show him in a ranch riding class or enjoy him on the ranch, he’s happy doing either one. Easy going horse with a quiet demeanor. He’s the perfect size to make a switch end rope horse as well. Sound, current on deworming, shoes, and coggins. For more info call 507-459-8654. 15HH SIRE: SMART LIL CHEXINIC (2002). 44.5 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM; AQHA World Junior Reining qualifier; AQHA World Senior Reining qualifier; AQHA Region 2 Junior Reining Champion. Sire of SH SMARTCHEXTOCASH (53 AQHA points: American Ranch Horse Assoc. Honor Roll All-Age Ranch Reining Open Champion), CHEXYS STEPPIN OUT (25 AQHA points: AQHA World Junior Ranch Riding qualifier), SH DOLLIE CHEX (15.5 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM, AQHA World Junior Ranch Riding qualifier), SH BEAU BEAR (AQHA point-earner: 9th Dakota 50/50 Futurity Open), CNOTES SHINING CHEX (AQHA point- earner: 4th Rocky Mtn. QHA Fall Halter Futurity Colorado Owned Weanling Any Sex Open), SH REIN DANCE (top 10 Dakota 50/50 Futurity Open). Son of BUENO CHEXINIC, $27,908 and 84 AQHA points: Congress Junior Reining Open Champion; 3rd NRCHA World Rcha Futurity Open; 5th NRHA Derby 4/5-Year-Old Open Derby; 3rd AQHA World Junior Reining; Denver National Stock Show Judge 2 Senior Reining Champion; Superior Reining. Sire of 133 RGP money- earners, $1,069,193, earners of 2,640 AQHA points. DAM: LIL HOT PAR TEE GIRL (2004). Dam of 6 AQHA foals, including CNOTES SHINING CHEX (AQHA point-earner: 4th Rocky Mtn. QHA Fall Halter Futurity Colorado Owned Weanling Any Sex Open; 4th Rocky Mtn. QHA Fall Halter Futurity Weanling Any Sex Open), PARTY LIKE A COWBOY (top 10 Dakota 50-50 Futurity Open). A daughter of SPARKIN HOT, NRHA $1,154 AQHA $3,745 and 109.5 AQHA points: Superior Amateur Reining; Open Perf. ROM; Amateur Perf. ROM; AQHA World Junior Reining qualifier; AQHA World Senior Reining qualifier; AQHA World Amateur Reining qualifier. Sire of 13 AQHA point-earners, including SPARKIN HOT JACKE (76 AQHA points: AQHA High Point 2nd Level Dressage Champion; Superior Dressage), SPARKIN HOT SKIDMARK (6.5 AQHA points: PHBA World NRHA Reining Stakes Open Reserve Champion), CRACKLIN HOT DEW (27.5 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM, AQHA World Junior Reining qualifier), SHINING HOT SPARKLE (51.5 AQHA points: 6th Congress Ranch Riding Level 1 Youth), SPARKIN HOT TARI (21.5 AQHA points: Center Of the Nation QHA Futurity Junior Reining Open Champion), KEVS SPARKNTARI DEW (13.5 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM), SPARKIN RED HOT (9 AQHA points: Sandhills Slide Reining Sire Stakes Open Reserve Champion; AQHA Region 2 Youth Ranch Riding Champion), LITTLE KEV DEW (8 AQHA points), TARIS SPARKIN HOT (AQHA point-earner; 4 novice points), SMART LIL SPARKY (AQHA point-earner), MTCUP SPARKIN HOT (AQHA point-earner), HAVING A HOT FLASH (NRHA money-earner). RGP-CB 12/2018
NOTES: Dooley is a nice young, well bred gelding. He’s got a barrel racing pedigree top and bottom. Dooley rides very nice. He lopes collected circles, moves off leg pressure, has a soft mouth, and has all the makings of a champion. He’s been patterned on the barrels and we have been roping the sled on him. Dooley rides great outside and we’ve used him to check pastures as well as some ranch work. Rides great on the trails and gentle for most levels of riders. Sound, no vices. FMI Meyer Horse Co Facebook page or call 563-599-3755. 15.3 HH SIRE: FIREWATER FINALE (2004). 5th Sho Me Barrel Futurity Slot Open. Sire of 28 RGP money-earners, including FIRIN FOR BULLION (U) ($33,560: Xtreme Barrel Racing Fort Mohave Arizona February Open Futurity 1D Reserve Champion), JMS THISBUGS FOR YOU ($21,162 and 18 AQHA points: Barrel Racing Bash Lincoln Nebraska October MVP Open Futurity Champion), BRATZILLA (U) ($3,790: money-earner BFA World Open Barrel Futurity), FIREWATER REQUESTS ($3,614: 3rd JJ Classic Barrel Futurity Breeders Incentive Average Open 1D), RUNNIN MOON SHINE ($3,334: WPRA Finals Barrel Racing Junior 2D class winner), WRANGLER ROCK IT ($3,096: money-earner World's Oldest Rodeo Barrel Racing), JMS FIREWATERS JEWEL (6.5 AQHA points: 3rd CMSA World AQHA Overall Select Amateur), JMS FIREBUG (Unplaced to 4), REQUEST TE FIREWATER (Barrel Racing Bash MINOT North Dakota July Future Fortune Open 2D Champion), ABSOLUTE FIRE (B Tuff Barrel Racing Future Fortune Open 4D Reserve Champion). DAM: DOOLEYS CHIVATA SI 88 (2006). Race winner, $7,329, Dam of 1 AQHA foal, and a daughter of DASH TO CHIVATO SI 96, Calif. High Point 3-Year-Old Racing Colt, 4 race wins, $150,549, won Southern California Derby [G1], PCQHRA Breeders' Derby [G2], 2nd The Classics Futurity [R]; sire of 213 Race ROM, 13 stakes winners, $3,587,607, including BOLD CHIVATO SI 105 (16 race wins, $117,308, Oklahoma High Point Claiming Race Horse), GIGARAD SI 106 (10 race wins, $110,758, won Bitterroot Futurity [RG2]), BJ A DASH OF RUM SI 105 (6 race wins, $71,149, won Cowboy Classic Futurity [G3]), OFF KEY HARMONY SI 102 (5 race wins, $64,916, 3rd Lucille Rowe Derby [RG3]), JUST WANNA BE ME SI 99 (7 race wins, $56,922, won Dashing Folly Handicap), CHASE TO CASH SI 96 (race winner, $50,614; finalist in the Gillespie County Fair Futurity [G3]), OSU COWBOY ATTITUDE SI 109 (9 race wins, $85,930, 2nd Turf Paradise Distance Challenge), CHANAC SI 101 (12 race wins, $55,427, Northwest High Point 3-Year- Old Racing Gelding), DANCING CHIVATO SI 95 (3 race wins, $48,856, West/Southwest High Point 3-Year-Old Racing Gelding, 2nd Mile High Derby [G2]), CHIVATO STAR SI 98 (3 race wins, $46,685, won Cherry Creek Futurity [RG3]), FINELY TUNED CHIVATO SI 99 (2 race wins, $44,136; finalist in the Jim Bader Futurity [RG3]), LA VEDERA SI 105 (2 race wins, $43,423, 3rd Gillespie County Fair Futurity [G3]), SHEZA DASHING RASCAL SI 101 (2 race wins, $37,953; finalist in the Valley Junction Futurity [G2]), CHIVATOS DAWN SI 94 (4 race wins, $37,274, won Lucille Rowe Derby [RG3]), CHIVASSO SI 104 (3 race wins, $36,174, won Utah Sires Fall Futurity [R]), ROYAL WAR CRY SI 104 (6 race wins, $35,307, won Elko County Fair Derby). RGP-CB 12/2018
34 • 5 Star Horse Sale 2019
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