Braunvieh World Summer 2023

and others. Master breeders choose to market all cull animals at the sale barn and not to fellow seedstock breeders. The true master breeder

works tirelessly to produce superior seedstock that can improve the major ity of Braunvieh cattle and/or Braun vieh-cross cattle in the world. BW

DNA collection is a must for master Braunvieh breeders. DNA is gener ally used for parent verification. I would expect every animal produced on your operation to be both sire and dam verified via DNA. As a master breeder, you should collect a 50K (or higher) genomic test for calculation of genomic-enhanced EPDs (GE-EPDs). Genomic technology has decreased in price over the years, and DNA sample collection is relatively easy to perform using the tissue sampling unit (TSU). Last, DNA sampling can also be used to validate animals for genetic defects found in the breed. At right is a summary table for some of the traits that need to be measured or recorded by a master Braunvieh breeder. THE ROAD TO BECOMING A MASTER BRAUNVIEH BREEDER Continued from page 8 In general, becoming a master Braunvieh breeder can be quite simple. You must collect all relevant data at the optimum time, only keep replacements that excel in perfor mance (based on your good record keeping), and cull ruthlessly for low performance (independent of pedigree), infertility, poor udder and teat quality, bad temperament, feet/leg problems







Breeding Date Body Condition

Immediately after service


3 mos. pre-calving

1-9 1-5

Calving Ease


At birth

Birth Weight - Heifers Birth Weight – Cows

60-70 lbs. 70-85 lbs.

Within 24 hrs. of birth Within 24 hrs. of birth Within 24 hrs. of calving Calving date/breeding date

30-100 40-130 1-9, 1-9

Udder and Teat Gestation Length Calving Interval


<280 days <365 days 205 days >600 lbs. 2x calf WWT

265-300 days 330-400 days 140-270 days 400-900 lbs.

At birth

Weaning Age Weaning Wt.

Largest CG within 60 days

Weaning day

Cow Wt.

Calf weaning day

1.5 to 3.0

Yearling Wt. Frame Score Pelvic Measure


365 days of age (DOA) 365 DOA (320-550 DOA) 365 DOA (320-720 DOA) 365 DOA (320-550 DOA) 365 DOA (320-550 DOA) 365 DOA (320-550 DOA) 365 DOA (320-550 DOA) 365 DOA (320-550 DOA) 365 DOA (320-550 DOA)

320-430 days



>150 cm 2 >32 cm 1 (docile)

120-250 cm 2

Scrotal Circumference

30-40 cm

Docility Score


Ultrasound – Rib Fat Ultrasound – Ribeye Ultrasound – % Fat Ultrasound – Rump Fat

0.20 to 0.50 in. 10.0 to 14.0 in 2

0.10-1.0 in 5.0-18.0 2

3.0 to 5.0%


2x rib fat

0.10-1.0 in

2024 Semen Directory Work on the Braunvieh Association of America (BAA) 2024 Semen Directory is underway and you won’t want to miss this opportunity to showcase your genetics. A few things to note about featur ing bulls in the directory:  Bulls featured in the Bull Features must be Braunvieh or have been in the BAA Sire Evaluation.  All information and photos are due by Oct. 15, unless you are submitting print-ready ads, which are due Nov. 15.  Pictures must be in profile view; the animal should be set up correctly and facing the right (just like a show photo).  All proceeds from this directory help offset expenses of the BAA Sire Evaluation Program. BW Full-Color Ad Rates Half-Page Bull Feature $200 Quarter-Page Ad $200 Half-Page Ad $300 Full-Page Ad $400 For more information, contact Clydene Pittman at (806) 217-0575. Receive a 10% discount if you spend $1,000 or more!


Braunvieh World  Summer 2023

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