Braunvieh World Winter 2024

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Impacts of Gestation Length  Submitting DNA Samples Braunvieh World

Winter 2024  Volume 32  Issue 1 

N atioNal S ale C oNSigNmeNtS Fort Worth, Texas · Jan. 14, 2024

STAR LAYLA 55K2 PB107869 · DOB: 12/01/22 · 95% & Polled N7R Polar Steel II 57E X STAR Gypsy Soule ET 55B3 (TLC Silver Link/KWC MS Sybil K55) A fancy female that will make a great donor or show prospect out of the 2015/2016 Reserve National Champion Female. A rare opportunity to acquire Silver Link genetics and the first-ever opportunity from our foundation K55 cow family. Paid up and ready for the Braunvieh Bonanza and eligible for our Jr. National Incentive!

Don't hesitate to call us for more information! Both animals available for viewing anytime here at the ranch, Cattlemen's Congress or Fort Worth. Updates and videos to come on social media. This unique bull with a royal pedigree has the potential to be a real game changer in the breed. Whether you are looking for calving ease, phenotype, milk and fertility and/or carcass traits, Ferrari can accelerate your program. Paid up and ready for the Braunvieh Bonanza! STAR FERRARI 43K PB107868 · DOB: 11/22/22 · 92.5% Double Polled N7R Montoya 27E X MAE Magnum PI/Premium Plus PFI P434!

Congratulations Kaylin Jacobs and STAR Josie Lynn! (Magnum PI X WCCR 2026)

Congratulations Samantha Mahlman and STAR Lady Mae! (Magnum PI x Premium Plus) 2023 Washington County Scramble Heifer Show Reserve Champion European/British Female!

2023 Junior Nationals Reserve Champion Beef Builder Heifer, winning the second-ever Star Ranch Jr. National Incentive! and Elvis! Washington County Prospect Show 4 th Overall Champion Champion Santa Gertrudis Steer and many time Champion/Reserve ABC Steer at jackpots across the state!

"Let us not lose heart in doing good for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.” Galatians 6:9

Leslie: 408-968-8470 Molly: 408-690-9961

Star Ranch Cattle

BLC High Noon 624J

His Family Matters

BLC High Noon 624J PB101098, 90.9% Braunvieh, Homozygous Polled

High Noon is a son of BLC EZ Sleep 811G • High Noon is Top 1% of the breed for API • Top 2% of the breed for TI • Top 10% for CED & top 25% for BW • Top 35% for CEM. Top 45% for WW & YW • Act. BW 68 lb. out of a 2 year old heifer.

• Yes, High Noon’s family matters… where he came from and the genetics he’s passing to the next generation. • His sire, BLC EZ Sleep, is proven for calving ease and low birth weight, and sires cattle that have gone right back into our herd to perform. • High Noon’s dam is a Toronto daughter from the powerful 524 cow line, a family with great influence in the Brink herd. • BLC Dream Weaver 711L (at right) was born in High Noon’s first calf crop. He was just weaned when selected Grand Champion bull at the 2023 Tulsa State Fair. • Three bulls…three generations…all three excel at calving ease, birth weight and API indexes. • Contact us for semen on the family… BLC High Noon or BLC EZ Sleep.

BLC Dream Weaver 711L PB106815 92.2% Braunvieh.

Top 2% CED Top 2% BW Top 2% API Top 3% CEM Homo Polled Tulsa Grand Bull Son of BLC High Noon 624J 553K Sells Jan. 14 in Ft. Worth National Sale BLC EZ Venture 553K – deep & thick, pleasant disposition, calving ease, moderate growth.

BLC EZ Sleep PB96882 91.3% Braunvieh Top 1% CED & BW

PB105038 92.5% Braunvieh Top 3% CEM Top 5% BW 10% CED & API

Top 2% API Top 10% TI Top 25% CEM Homo Polled Owned with C Farms & Scott Houghton

Homo Polled. EZ Sleep son

BLC EZ Sleep 811G

out of a Venture 317A Daughter. Full of Muscle.

BLC EZ Venture 553K

Contact Brinks to order semen BLC High Noon 624J • $40/straw BLC EZ Sleep 811G • $35/straw

Bob & Marilyn Brink 765 80th St., Piedmont, KS 67122 Bob (785) 766-6449 • Marilyn (785) 766-8713 e-mail: • B RINK L IVESTOCK

T HANK Y OU H ERD B UILDER S ALE B UYERS : Gauze Farm, Brad Gauze, Louisa, KY Kruppa Livestock, Dylan Kruppa, Victoria, TX Bluebonnet Braunvieh, Benny Phillips, Chatfield, TX

Winter Contents

On the Cover: W/W Cattle Company, Section, Ala. Photo by Darren Richmond.


Braunvieh World Volume 32 • Issue 1

The Official Publication of The Braunvieh Association of America BRAUNVIEH ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA 7607 NW Prairie View Rd. Kansas City, MO 64151 (816) 599-7780 MANAGING DIRECTOR Montie Soules REGISTRATIONS Cassie Reid REGISTRATIONS, WEBSITE AND SOCIAL MEDIA Shelby Diehm REGISTRATIONS AND DNA

15 Don’t Miss These Braunvieh Events at the Fort Worth Stock Show


Impacts of Gestation Length on Cattle Performance

Heather Lange Wade Minihan BRAUNVIEH WORLD PUBLISHER BluePrint Media LLC PO Box 427 Timnath, CO 80547 MANAGING EDITOR Jessie Topp-Becker (701) 307-0772 CREATIVE DIRECTOR Kathie Bedolli (540) 842-8228 DESIGNER Kathie Bedolli ADMINISTRATION

17 Are You a Performance Leader or Pro?

Leslie McKibben COPY EDITOR Larisa Willrett

12 JWC Marketing to Manage

2024 National Braunvieh Sale

ADVERTISING SALES Darren Richmond (423) 364-9281

18 2024 National Junior Braunvieh Show Announcement

6 President’s Message 16 Braunvieh Update 16 Calendar and Events Departments 14 Submitting DNA Samples

Find Us on Social Media!

16 Welcome New Members 18 Junior Update 20 Advertiser Index


Braunvieh World  Winter 2024


N7R Key Largo 61K · Our junior herd sire · Will be sire of most of our 2024 calves · Winning combination of our Goldberry and Alex cow families

N7R Alpine Queen 98G Reg. #OB98449 · Aron x Vernon Bred to N7R Key Largo 61K N7R Polarsteel II 57E & MMR Roldan Emperador Sired sexed heifer embryos out of our two herd matrons from our Alex and Goldberry cow families NATIONAL SALE CONSIGNMENTS

SEMEN SALES N7R Montoya 27E owned with Alexander Braunvieh Ranch $25/unit owned with Blue Feather Ranch & Wilderness View Braunvieh $25/unit Many foundation fullbloods available on N7R Colonel Havelock 27F

N7R Polarsteel II 57E owned with Bluebonnet Braunvieh $30/unit; sexed heifer semen $150/unit, limited supply

RF N7R Appalachian 749J owned with Blue Feather Ranch & Wilderness View Braunvieh $25/unit

Diamond N 7 Ranch Mark and Connor Nelson 402-705-3907 | Hastings, Neb. | Website:

President’s Message with Robert Williams I have tried to make these President’s Messages

more than letting you know what the weather has been in Section or what my plans are for the up coming holidays. The magazine has a calendar of events so I try to avoid that redundancy of what’s upcoming, but I will break that rule now. I would like to invite and remind everyone about the Braunvieh Association of American (BAA) Annual Meeting and National Sale Jan. 14, 2024, and the BAA National Show on Jan. 16, 2024, during the Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo. This is my fa vorite event of the year and I encourage everyone

BRAUNVIEH ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA 7607 NW Prairie View Rd. Kansas City, MO 64151 (816) 599-7780 BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT • ROBERT WILLIAMS Section, Ala. (256) 599-5432 VICE PRESIDENT • BENNY PHILLIPS TREASURER • TYLER LISTER Lindsay, Okla. (508) 210-9910 DIRECTORS ERIC ARMINTROUT Peculiar, Mo. (816) 590-6056 SEAN LEHMANN LeRoy, Kan. (620) 490-0206 DANIEL ROBERTS Franklin, Ky. (270) 598-9848 Chatfield, Texas (903) 641-1594 SECRETARY • DEANA IMHOFF Bunceville, Mo. (660) 888-3349 MOLLY MIRASSOU Weatherford, Texas (408) 690-9961 JASON PFEIFER Russell, Kan. (785) 483-1805 JOHN HALL Hedley, Texas 806-930-2560 DANIEL ROBERTS Franklin, Ky. (270) 392-0688 TODD HILL

to attend. It’s a great event to see old friends, meet new friends and see some of the top Braunvieh cattle in existence. Details can be found on page 15. I’ve tried to make these letters informative and educational, and feel that af ter nearly 50 years in the purebred cattle industry, I am somewhat qualified. I have made all the mistakes – some twice and a few multiple times. I have tried to stress how important it is to any breed to have a large and highly accurate database. I feel it’s even more important to the Braunvieh breed as we try to prove our value to the industry. I have also tried to stress the importance of collecting and reporting proper data and tying this information with genom ics. A highly accurate database not only helps us reach our genetic goals but, more important, it helps us reach them faster. Now that we are a part of IGS, which is one of the largest genetic evaluations in the world and includes most of our competitors, our genetic progress is even more imperative. I have also come to realize that there are a lot of misunderstandings when it comes to genetic evaluations and the resulting EPDs they generate, and how to read and implement them. One of most important things in looking at an EPD is its accuracy, which is the second line below the EPD and is identi fied as “ACC.” This can range from 0 to 1; the closer to 1, the better. It will never get to 1, but the more data that is reported will cause this number to increase. This tells us how accurate or predictable the EPD actually is. Doing 100K genomics will also have a positive effect on accuracy and in crease this number. The EPDs will be shown in yellow when a 100K is done. When comparing cattle of the same breed (i.e., Braunvieh to Braunvieh), instead of looking at the actual EPD, I would rather see the % ranked. This number is located on the third line and is identified that way. This number

Continued on page 18

Childress, Texas (806) 681-9333


Braunvieh World  Winter 2024

SPRING SELECTION DAY SALE SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 2024 10 A.M.-2 P.M. • AT THE RANCH, FAYETTE, MO. • OFFERING • 40 18-MO-OLD HYBRID & BRAUNVIEH BULLS 50 SPRING BRED HEIFERS: PB BRAUNVIEH, HYBRID & BU INFLUENCE All Sell with McBee Milk Guarantee CALF MARKETING PROGRAM FOR BULL CUSTOMERS SINCE 1992 21st Annual Located in the Heart of Missouri’s Fescue County Bi-Annual Bull & Female Selection Day Events McBee Genetic Advantage Calf Roundup Program A genetic source program designed to add more value to calves that are of McBee-influenced genetics.

TERI MCBEE 221 State Route H • Fayette, MO 65248 Tara Cuppy • (573) 263-1850 Farm Manager: Evan Diehls (573) 999-0651 •


Impacts of Gestation Length on Cattle Performance By Mason Carter, MS, PAS, West Texas A&M University, and Tommy Perkins, Ph.D., PAS, Associate Professor of Animal Science, West Texas A&M University

For beef producers , maintaining a high pregnancy rate in their beef herd is the driving variable for sustain ability and economic viability for beef production. With the increased use of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) such as artificial insemination (AI), fixed-time AI (TAI) and Embryo Transfer (ET), along with the inclusion of conventional or sexed semen, we have seen increased genetic diversity compared to the sole use of bulls for natural service (NS). Since the introduction of AI, ARTs improvements over the previous decades have increased observed fertility efficiency. As the use of AI (more specifically TAI) has increased, many advantages such as increased sire accessibility, im proved calf uniformity, reduced exposure to reproductive disease, potential for rapid genetic improvement, earlier calving and reduced herd bull numbers (due to increas ing the cow-to-bull ratio compared to NS). Through the use of ARTs, the opportunity for increased data collec tion and information accessibility has improved producer management decisions. Implementing an AI protocol with the use of conventional and/or sexed semen in working operations allows producers to utilize previously inacces sible sires in programs. The use of sexed semen would allow producers to target calf crops of higher concentra tions of bulls or heifers. The concern with incorporating AI protocols into beef production has been due to increased costs, labor and heat-detection error compared to the upfront lower costs of NS. However, with TAI, heat detection labor is removed due to breeding cows and heifers at a set time compared to heat detection AI protocols. Use of estrus synchroniza tion protocols reportedly has resulted in pregnancy rates of 78.3 percent using a non-PGF2 and 73.7 percent with a PGF2. Implementing AI ARTs assist the beef producer with increased economic benefits such as higher con ception rates compared to only NS programs, TAI + NS (92.7 percent) vs. NS only (83.2 percent), along with the report that TAI increased pregnancy rates earlier in the breeding season. In a 40-head TAI vs. NS research trial, the herd pregnancy rate of TAI was 97.5 percent (with a calving rate of 92.5 percent and 90 percent weaned calf rate) while NS had a herd pregnancy rate of 92.5 percent (with an 80 percent calving rate and 77.5 percent wean ing rate). Research has shown a higher percentage of calves being weaned from TAI (84 percent) compared to NS (78 percent). From these findings, producers could see increased net profits of $11,110 with TAI over the use of NS. Along with adopting some form of ART, AI producers increased data recording. Additional benefits toward beef cattle improvement comes through the recording of AI date and calf date of birth (DOB), which allows for ac curate gestation length (GL) determination. By using AI instead of NS, producers know the exact date, time and bull that the dam was serviced. Again, the No. 1 goal in

Bred cows at Diamond H Ranch, Childress, Texas

beef production is getting cows and heifers bred to even tually have a live calf. Some incorporation of NS through clean-up bulls is needed to ensure this is achieved. Another important management decision that must be considered for breeding success must include an ade quate plane of nutrition, prior to and during the breeding season, whether TAI or NS is being implemented. In operations that utilize clean-up bulls following a one- or two-time AI protocol, they must utilize DNA par ent verification to guarantee calf parentage back to the AI sire (or clean-up bull). Through use of parent verification practices, producers will see increased sire EPD accura cies. Additionally, this practice validates the data being recorded for each calf, thus allowing producers to know which sires are influencing their calves’ genetics. The in troduction of AI by beef producers can improve efficiency through genetically improving their cow base, increasing pregnancy rates, increasing pounds weaned, reducing in breeding from sire selection, and overall ability to increase data collection for improved herd management decisions. As mentioned previously, adding AI protocols into a beef operation has added benefits, including increased data recording for increased knowledge to investigate the positive and negative impacts of their cow herd genetics, especially in the calf crop. Accurate recording of AI date, DOB and parent verification is needed to maximize gains from AI systems. The increased data collection allows for the calculation of calf GL, which is limited in the current breed association world. GL may be critical in influencing calf

Continued on page 10


Braunvieh World  Winter 2024



Show Prospects



Halter broke and ready to show! 7 of 8 Quantum Markers.

Halter broke and ready to show! ET calf, full sibling to our 42S donor cow.

Build Your Genetics

Black Joker daughter. AI exposed to Ranger. Confirmed pregnancy by sale day. 52K

51K Ranger daughter. AI exposed to Xerox. Confirmed pregnancy by sale day.

Todd Hill  Childress, Texas 806-681-9333 or 940-585-4610 The Source for Fullblood and Purebred Genetics You’ll be Proud to Own.



ducers to shorten calving windows of certain herd groups based off the sire(s) used during that breeding season. In return, this could reduce labor inputs from checking ma ternity pastures, fuel expenses and help producers make decisions on when to assist during the birthing process. When developing and breeding heifers, the GL component could assist in breeding decisions by avoiding longer GL bulls, which in turn could influence incidence of dystocia. The use of GL could be useful in avoiding issues of dystocia, but there could be negative repercussions if a producer single-trait selected for shorter GL in cattle. A recent study using dairy cattle reported short GL (SGL) calves had increased incidences of stillbirths and morbid ity with increased BRD and digestive issues; whereas long GL (LGL) calves had increased incidences of dystocia and stillbirths (due to increase BW) compared to calves of av erage GL (AGL – calves born between 270 and 282 days). Dams calving in the AGL category had a lower assisted calving percent compared to SGL dams. Furthermore, SGL calves were reported to have higher occurrence of death and culling prior to 300 days of age. Calves born from dams from AGL births showed higher incidence of survivability and becoming pregnant at 500 days of age as compared to those of SGL and LGL, which had re duced numbers in being AI bred (due to death or culling). Further investigation is needed to evaluate the impact of management decisions on GL and the influence on calf performance, outside of the use of GL as a management tool in reducing BW of calves. BW

performance, survivability and calf retention for potential replacements. From ongoing research, GL could poten tially become a focus of interest similar to the current focus on birth weight (BW) and calving ease (CE). Let’s discuss the direct influences of GL and factors that influence the number of days (shorter and longer) on GL. The major influences on varied gestation lengths are cattle breed, calf sex, dam age, dam parity, twinning and ambient temperature effect. Cattle gestation length is around 283 to 285 days but is generally influenced by breed type. British breeds are generally shorter than the average (279 days). Continental breeds are typically around the average and American breeds typically have a longer GL than the other cattle breeds. Sire and dam breeds do have additive effects, as reciprocal matings will typically be the average of the two breeds. The influence of the calf sex of bulls will typically increase GL by one day or more compared to heifer calves. Twinning was reported to reduce GL compared to single births. The final factor that directly affects gestation length is the ambient temperature. Previous research indicates that excessive heat and higher ambient temperature will shorten the GL of the calf, while colder temperatures tend to extend the length of gestation. Last, we need to evaluate GL and its influence on beef cattle production. For producers, the increased under

standing of the influence GL has on our breeding, calf and ranch management may help reduce labor and loss due to dystocia. Foremost, calf heritability of GL has been reported to be a moderately inheritable trait of .25 to .54. How does GL impact the beef operation? Gestation length has a direct additive effect on birth weight (BW), which in turn may negatively influence calving ease (CE) in some aspect. So increased labor may occur. In consensus, as GL is below the average of the breed, BW will typically be lighter, and as GL increases, BW is expected to be heavier. Research has indicated that for every 1 day increase in GL, BW increases by .55 to 0.66 pound. As mentioned earlier, breed type has an influence on final GL, which has the same impact on BW. This may result in increased calving assistance at parturition. How can GL be used as a pre diction tool and help make man agement decisions? Sires have been shown to have moderate to moderately high correlation values on GL. Further research should explore GL in order to more precisely evaluate calving date windows due to sire of re cord. This would allow beef pro


West Texas A&M Sire Evaluation Research Project

As of today, there are five calf crops with some form of data collection or com pleted data sets (fall 2021, spring 2022, fall 2022, spring 2023 and fall 2023). There is a combined total of 601 cows between the fall and spring herd, with a total of 324 calves that have been on feed to date. Dam data recorded were breed type, age and body condition. Incorporated into this project are Angus, Braunvieh, Santa Gertrudis and Simmental bulls. For AI sires, there are 37 bulls with 14 clean-up bulls with the most current data records. The data collected in this project began with AI date through harvest data. Calf data was divided into three groups – calfhood, feeding and harvesting phases. During the calfhood phase, the data collected were

Old 13 Farm, Section, Ala.

AI date, DOB, calf sex, BW and weaning weight. During the feeding phase, the data recorded were finishing weight (FW), residual feed intake, average daily gain (ADG), residual ADG, average dry matter intake, raw feed-to-gain ratio (F:G) and adjusted F:G. For the harvesting phase, data collection included finishing weight, hot carcass weight, Quality Grade, Yield Grade, ribeye area, marbling score, backfat and kidney pelvic-heart fat. As of now, there are no findings we can definitively report besides the effect of calf sex on performance traits, which has been bull calves are heavier (BW through FW) than heifers, and heifers have higher marbling carcasses. BW


Braunvieh World  Winter 2024

R &D F arm s Genetics Selling at the National Sale, Jan. 14, 2024

MHF A91 PB108157

Featuring a flush from this proven donor cow!

O utstanding set of halter-broke Junior Show Heifer Prospects

Ms RDF Lightning Bug 1338L PB108158 Ms RDF Fire Fly 1336L PB108157 These two are ET daughters out of A91 x SFF Mr Firepower 126J (PB101620) . We are selling choice of these two full sibs!

Ms RDF Duchess 1349L PB108094 Selling this natural heifer out of A91 x Deacon 452D (PB90240) .

Ms RDF Lady Diana 1326L PB108090 This Deacon daughter, a maternal sib to our Teddy Bear bull, sells too!

Cell: (270) 392-0688 361 Draper Road, Franklin, KY 42134 Daniel, Bobbie, Megan & Kaleb Roberts follow us on Facebook at “R&D Farms Cattle”


JWC Marketing to Manage 2024 National Braunvieh Sale

By Jessie Topp-Becker, Managing Editor

T he 2024 National Braunvieh Sale is around the corner but consignors and sale manag ers Wes and John Chism have been busy behind-the-scenes pre paring for the last couple of months. Get to know more about the father son team and their company, JWC Marketing.

breeds. We both have years of sale management experience; however, this will be the first sale where we collaboratively represent JWC Mar keting LLC. Why did you get started in livestock marketing/sales management? JWC Marketing started in 2015 af ter I spent six years as a breed asso ciation field representative. Our goal from the beginning was to provide marketing solutions to producers of all sizes, helping them tailor a mar keting program to their operational needs and goals. Sale management was a natural evolution as we sought to provide our customers with more opportunities to promote and mer chandise their livestock. What is your approach to sales management? Our approach to sales manage ment starts with the breeder. We feel

sent the very best the breed has to offer. We want this set of cattle to make the membership proud and encourage someone from outside the breed to want to know more about the Braunvieh breed and join us. Through this year’s screening pro cess, my father and I have enjoyed meeting and getting to know many Braunvieh Association of America (BAA) members and Braunvieh breeders. Why are you excited to work with the BAA on their national sale? The passion of the BAA membership is contagious. The breeders have been so enthusiastic about not only the breed but its promotion. Our appre ciation for Braunvieh cattle and their place in the beef industry only contin ues to grow. We are excited to partner with the association, its members and Braunvieh enthusiasts in this year’s National Braunvieh Sale. BW

it’s important to get to know the operations we work with. What are their goals? Direction? Preferences? Story? Knowing these answers helps us help them present their livestock to the best of their ability. What can breeders expect from this year’s National Braunvieh Sale? An excellent set of cattle that will repre

Wes Chism

Tell us about yourself. My name is Wes Chism. My wife, Kaitlyn, and I live outside of Kansas City, Mo., with our daughter, Eva. We enjoy assisting cattlemen with their marketing solutions, building rela tionships, traveling and raising our family in the same industry we grew up in. My father, John, is a lifelong livestock producer with many years in cattle marketing of numerous

Our appreciation for Braunvieh cattle and their place in the beef industry only continues to grow.


Braunvieh World  Winter 2024

Big Blue Braunvieh

A Game Changer

Bojangles has been truly transformative to our herd these last 4 years. We do have semen available and are willing to transport to upcoming shows.

Complete DNA profile available.

2024 National Sale

OCC Mr. Bojangles

JANUARY 14 • 6:00 P.M. FORT WORTH STOCK SHOW We are excited to offer 4 BOJANGLES heifers. Be sure to come check them out in Fort Worth!


Elynn and Stillwater Farms on a successful show season with Miss BBB 2232. Your hard work does not go unnoticed – in or out of the show ring!


BIG BLUE BRAUNVIEH Jeff & Jason Zimmerman

(402) 223-8367 (402) 520-0605

Find us on Facebook!

Miss BBB 2232


Submitting DNA Samples

By Heather Lange, Braunvieh Association of America

2024 is bringing big changes for the Braunvieh Association of America (BAA), there is no doubt about that! Hopefully the newest change I am about to go over will bring excite ment, as it is one that has been requested for years and now it’s finally going to be a reality. Starting in January 2024, breeders can send DNA samples for testing directly to the lab, rather than the BAA of fice. Three pieces of information will become mandatory in order for this to work. They are: 1) a registration (or recorded “P”) number for each animal; 2) a barcode for each sample; and 3) the DNA submission form must be present with the samples. Without going into too much de tail, international IDs are the basis

for many comparisons, and the bulk of an international ID contains an animal’s registration number. That said, we are predicting that this change will shave days, if not weeks, off your results’ turn-around time. The process for getting the DNA submission form completed will not change very much. You will still queue up your animals for testing in your DigitalBeef account. From there, once you have selected all the animals that you want tested, as well as which tests you want, you will submit that data to the office. Once it’s been processed, you will be sent an email with your ready to-send form, which you will print, stick in with the samples and send it all together to Neogen! You can still

purchase blood and hair cards from the association website. There will be a grace pe riod through March so we can get the hang of this new process. Un til then, you can still send samples to the office if you feel the need. Just know that come April, additional fees are going to be incurred for samples sent to the office, as well as if samples are sent to the lab without appropriate paperwork, etc. We have all-new literature at , which covers sample collecting and handling. DNA testing is on an uprise, and we are striv ing to be as efficient and cohesive with the lab as possible. Be on the lookout for new how-tos as well as a video walk through, which will cover all of this. BW

Starting in January 2024, breeders can send DNA samples for testing directly to the lab, rather than the BAA office.


OUR SINCERE THANKS! To those breeders who’ve purchased our PROVEN genetics. We’re excited to see how our genetics perform in your herd! HOME OF FIRE POWER

PRIVATE TREATY Selling fullblood Braunvieh, Beef Builder and percentage bulls.

370 Strain Road • Cohutta, Georgia 30710 Blake Bagley (706) 280-7733

Tim Bagley (706) 217-5459


Braunvieh World  Winter 2024

AT THE Don’t Miss These Braunvieh Events Fort Worth Stock Show Jan. 14-16 , 2024

1/2 page horizontal Braunvieh World Flying K Ranch Winter 2024 Join us for our annual membership meeting and a catered lunch.

The Braunvieh Association of America (BAA) Annual Meeting and National Sale are set for the Fort Worth Stock Show in Fort Worth, Texas. Schedule Jan. 14 12 p.m. BAA Annual Meeting in the Cactus Room 5 p.m. National Braunvieh Sale Jan. 15 4 p.m. Braunvieh Bonanza Jan. 16 11 a.m. National Braunvieh Show Tickets are $30 per person if purchased online by Jan. 10, 2024. Visit to purchase tickets or send checks to the BAA office. Tickets can also be purchased at the door for $40. BW




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R a


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Most breeding programs have choices... There’s always ONE that stands out and maybe it has pink wings.

Our GREAT foundation of genetics results in GREAT progeny, promoting the future of the breed.

Flying K Baby Blu 10G #PB99470 Our proven PB herd bull.

KING AIR #OB100296 Our new OB herd bull.

Danny & Kim Goggans | Sulphur Springs, TX 75482 | (903) 243-0151 OFFERING FULLBLOODS • PUREBREDS • BEEF BUILDERS ®

FLYING K RANCH “Only Braunviehs”


Braunvieh Update News From the Braunvieh Association of America

THR Assessments If you have elected to become

Lake Side Cattle, Sarah Galloway, Tool, Texas Molly Mirassou, Weatherford, Texas Sire Evaluation Project/West Texas A&M University, Tommy Perkins, Canyon, Texas Sydney Triplett, Chappell Hill, Texas Texas Braunvieh Association, Clydene Pittman, Canadian, Texas Triple B Farm, Stephen Blezinger, New Ulm, Texas Tyler Pekar, Hallettsville, Texas Maria Stegar, Tacoma, Wash. Olson Brothers Braunvieh, Altoona, Ks. Junior Members Barry William Cato Jaden Tweedy, Imboden, Ark. Faith Breshears, Montrose, Colo. Kyndal Ashcraft, Hanover, Ind. Lindsay Robbins, Paoli, Ind. Everett Trenkamp, Owenton, Ky. Andrew Ross Gaddy, Willard, Mo. Haylee Shepler, Beatrice, Neb. Sophie McGuire, Checotah, Okla. Caleb York, Moran, Texas Cash Evine Broom, Liberty, Texas Jess Koetting, Fort McKavett, Texas Kacenda Thompkins, Moran, Texas Katie Hataway, Borger, Texas Lani Rose Pilat, Hallettsville, Texas Maekayla T. Kersey, Breckenridge, Texas Max Kennedy, Karnes City, Texas Zech Henderson, Cisco, Texas Paden Smith, Gentry, Ark. Paxton Smith, Gentry, Ark. TC Renewals TC membership renewal notices have been emailed to TC breeders. Current memberships will expire Dec. 31, 2023, unless they are renewed before this date. The grace period for payment, and TC breeder status, will end on April 30, 2024. Should your membership expire, you will be considered a non-member and must submit a new application for mem bership as a THR breeder. If 2024 Assessment is Paid Between These Dates Dec. 1, 2023-Jan. 31, 2024 Feb. 1, 2024-April 30, 2024 May 1, 2024-Dec. 31, 2024

2024 Annual Meeting The 2024 Braunvieh Association of America (BAA) Annual Meeting will be held at 12 p.m. in the Cactus Room at the Fort Worth Stock Show on Sunday, Jan. 14, 2024. Pre-regis tration is required. Pre-registration is $30 and includes a meal. Payment is only required for the meal. Registra tion after Jan. 10 is $40. Pre-registration is available at .

Welcome New Members Active Members Amy Johnson, Shorter, Ala. Bryan Mullins, Conway, Ark. Southern Outdoor Farms, Chris Tallent, Cohutta, Ga. Briscoe Cattle, Brack Briscoe, Mitchell, Ind. Byran McClung, Bedford, Ind. JKC, Jim and Kay Churchman, Pekin, Ind. Quentin Rupp, Victoria, Kansas Gauze Farm, Brad Gauze, Louisa, Ky. 3G, Glenn Gautreaux, Raceland, La. Seth Mizell, Amite, La. Braunvieh Advantage Farms, Shane Jones, Elkland, Mo. Missouri Braunvieh Association, Larry Lane, Morrisville, Mo. Stephanie Votrain, Hillsboro, Mo. Charmayne Haynie, Richey, Mont. BCA Tree Farms, LLC, Brad Britton, Edmond, Okla. Finca Del Carmen, Luis Ramos, Arecibo, PR Jennifer Burman, Belle Fourche, S.D. Jimmy Mitchell, Afton, Tenn. H 4 Cattle, Hugh Hawes, Wharton, Texas J&J Cattle Company, Audrey Johnson, Bryan, Texas Kraus Family Farms, Kevin Kraus, Rosharon, Texas a THR breeder (formally the POP Program), your THR assessment and membership renewal has been emailed to you. If the association does not have an email on file, or you have elected for a paper copy, the packet has been mailed. Staff is available via email or phone to as sist with these assessments should you have questions. Instructions to complete these online were included with the packet, and a how-to video is available through DigitalBeef or at this link: watch?v=8W_MwdAVEU8 . Should you choose to mail your assessment into the office for comple tion, keep in mind a $5 manual pro cessing fee will apply. Assement fees are based on a cal endar schedule.

Continued on page 21

Pay This Amount

Per Head


$11 $16

Calendar and Events January 1 Cattlemen’s Congress Braunvieh Pen Show, Oklahoma City, Okla.


BAA Annual Meeting & National Braunvieh Sale, Fort Worth, Texas


Braunvieh Bonanza, Fort Worth, Texas


National Braunvieh Show, Fort Worth, Texas

31-Feb. 2 Cattle Industry

Convention & NCBA Trade Show, Orlando, Fla.

February 10-11 San Angelo Stock Show, San Angelo, Texas March 2 Houston Livestock Show Braunvieh Show, Houston, Texas April 20 June 24-28 National Junior Braunvieh Show, Stillwater, Okla. McBee Spring Selection Day Sale, Fayette, Mo.


Braunvieh World  Winter 2024

Are You a Performance Leader or Pro?

By Robert Williams, President, Braunvieh Association of America

During the August Braunvieh Association of America (BAA) Board of Directors meeting , the board passed a new pro gram to encourage more data reporting and recognize breeders who meet certain levels of data submission. The Performance Leader submits data on at least 90 percent of their calf crop for the following traits:  Birth weight or calving ease

 Weaning weight  Yearling weight  Docility  Mature cow weight

The Performance Pro meets requirements of the Performance Leader , plus 100k genomic test on 90 percent of their birth group. The 90 percent requirement is of the remaining animals in the contemporary group. Animals removed from the contemporary group, whether they are sold, culled or dead, will not be counted in the 90 percent. BAA members will be eligible for the program by report ing the required data. There is no application process,

Brink Livestock, Piedmont, Kan.

and this program is monitored by the BAA office. The dates for the program coincide with your yearly calf crop. When all data is reported within the required time frame, producers will be eligible. BW

BLC warlock 470D PB90070

Warlock daughters are very attractive and fertile with picture-perfect udders. His bull calves have loads of eye appeal, growth and ratio at the top in bull tests!


If you’re

looking for:



CED: TOP 1% CEM: TOP 1% BW: TOP 10% STAY: TOP 10% DOC: TOP 10%


C Farms is your

one-stop shop.

Thank You! To our HerdBuilder Sale buyers

exciting news! Watch for BLC EZ SLEEP calves in the spring – the first born at our place!

TODD CLUBB (319) 330-3590

Scott Houghton, Platteville, Wis. Andrew Jones, Ash Grove, Mo. Schlautman Farms, Henderson, Neb.

C FARMS 6036 31st Ave. | Vinton, Iowa |

We have low-maintenance purebred Braunvieh and Braunvieh/Angus that will work in any environment.



Junior Update

By Gage McWhirter, JBAA Vice President Hello! My name is Gage McWhirter. I am currently serving as your 2023 2024 Junior Braunvieh Association of America (JBAA) vice president. This year, the JBAA had the oppor tunity to attend the IGS Leadership Conference in Phoenix, Ariz. At the conference we visited the Biosphere and a Holstein steer feedlot. We also

got visits from multiple industry leaders highlighting agriculture in Arizona.

Watch the JBAA Facebook page and the Braunvieh Association of America website, , for more information. BW PAYNE COUNTY EXPO CENTER Stillwater, Okla. National Junior Braunvieh Show June 24-28, 2024 COMING SOON! Hotel and additional information 2 0 2 4

The JBAA has been hard at work planning socials at all the livestock shows for more junior involvement. The show season is ending with only three shows left, and everyone is preparing for the Braunvieh Association of America Annual Meeting and National Sale in Fort Worth in January. The JBAA Board of Directors has been hard at work finding sponsors for the 2024 National Junior Braun vieh Show, June 24-28 in Stillwater, Okla. We are always looking for sponsors, so if you are looking to be involved in the 2024 National Junior Braunvieh Show, reach out to the JBAA Advisory Committee for more information. I speak for the whole junior board when I say thank you all very much for your unwavering support of the juniors in this amazing association. The JBAA is also working on collecting donations for the annual For the Love Auction where all benefits go straight to the junior national fund. If you have an item or basket you would like to donate, please contact one of the members of the JBAA Board to collect your item before the deadline. Thank you for supporting our juniors and this amaz ing breed we all enjoy so much. We cannot make progress without continuous support from everyone. BW

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Continued from page 6

will be 1 to >95 and tells us where that EPD is ranked within the population. Sires will be ranked against active sires, dams will be ranked against active dams, and non parents will be ranked against nonparents. There is no

good or bad in this number and it all depends on your breeding objectives. Telling me an animal has a YW EPD of 75 really tells me nothing. Telling me where it is ranked within the breed is much more important to know. But if I am comparing a Braunvieh to any other breed that is part of IGS, then the actual EPD is what I want to compare. Another useful tool under our EPDs tab is the bar graph called “Trait Rankings vs. Breed Avg.” This gives you a quick look of how this animal ranks in all the traits and the possible movement of this trait as the accuracy improves. I can’t discuss EPDs without talking about our $ Indexes, API (All Purpose Index) and TI (Terminal Index). These can be found under the “Indexes Value” tab on the EPD screen. Through well-conceived and rigorous computa tions, $ Indexes estimate an animal’s overall impact on your bottom line. The same technology that led to the dramatic progress in swine, poultry 

CREEK’S EDGE BRAUNVIEH Polled Traditional Purebreds

Larry and Pam McAfee Shipman, Illinois (618) 593-2370


Braunvieh World  Winter 2024

ROCK CREEK BRAUNVIEH Mr RCB J177 PB103606 Sire - WW DUNN 883F Dam - Miss TNB FOREVER LADY 742 Homozygous Black Heterozygous Polled - 90.9%

Give me a call to discuss your breeding program options.

ROCK CREEK BRAUNVIEH Kendall Schlake • (402) 300-0745 71310 570 th Ave. • Fairbury, Neb. 68352

Bulls, females and embryos for sale at all times.

Before we became part of IGS, I believed we were fighting a nuclear war with rocks. That’s no longer the case; we now have the tools that, when used properly, advance this great breed to the relevance that it is capable of achieving in the beef industry. and dairy genetics over the last several decades was used in developing BAA’s $ Indexes. Which index to use? If you’re keeping replacements use API. If not, TI. Before we became part of IGS, I believed we were fighting a nuclear war with rocks. That’s no longer the case; we now have the tools that, when used properly, advance this great breed to the relevance that it is capable of achieving in the beef industry. I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone the happiest of holidays and a prosperous new year. As far as the weather in Section – we need rain. BW Come see the BAA in booth #2280


2024 Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show Jan. 31 - Feb. 2 Orlando, Florida

WALT EMORY // 405 820 9400


ADDING VALUE PRODUCTION SALE Friday, April 26th, 2024 5:00 PM EST Athens Stockyard, Athens TN Angus, Braunvieh, & Simmental Cattle

April 2024


The 7th Annual Add ing Value Production Sale is back at the Athens Stockyard. Come join us Friday, April 26th in Athens, TN to select bulls and females with soundness, fertility, and performance.


Sale Information Robert Williams (256) 599-5432 • Eddie Zeigenbein (812) 620-3422 Daniel Roberts (270) 392-0688 For catalogs: Julie Hiesterman or (785) 313-2328

Rolling Oaks Ranch Registered Santa Gertrudis and Braunvieh Cattle

Cedar Bluff Farm

Advertiser Index Adding Value Sale........................20 Alexander Braunvieh Ranch........23 Bagley Farms Inc.........................14 Big Blue Braunvieh......................13 Bluebonnet Braunvieh................21 Brink Livestock..............................3 C-Farms.......................................17 Cedar Bluff Farm.........................20 Creek’s Edge Braunvieh..............18 Diamond H Ranch..........................9 Diamond N7 Ranch.......................5 Emory Livestock..........................19 Flying K Ranch.............................15 Imhoff Family Farm....................20 Jay H Farms LLC..........................22 McBee Cattle Company.................7 PFR Braunvieh.............................15 R & D Farms.................................11 Richmond Photo & Video............20 Rock Creek Braunvieh.................19 Rolling Oaks Ranch......................20 Star Ranch.....................................2 Tri C Cattle LLC............................20 W/W Cattle Company..................24 W2 Bar Land & Cattle..................21

Mark & Suzanne Russell 417.793.6361 Caleb & Kelsey Russell 417.793.6357 Jason & Molly Frieden 417.793.6758 @cedarblufffarmmo

Carson Priddle

1476 Ripley CC-1 Doniphan, MO 63935 573-255-3539

SGBI Herd #16875 BAA Herd #12072

Jasper, Missouri

Quality Purebred and Percentage Braunvieh Bulls & Females Available Year ‘Round!

Tri C Cattle LLC Fullblood, Purebred, & Percentage Braunvieh Cattle

DARREN RICHMOND Ringgold, Ga. (423) 364-9281

Trey Saunders 2100 Stern Road Chappell Hill, Texas 77426 (979) 551-0718

SALE CATTLE • HERD SIRES • DONOR COWS • Facebook/Darren Richmond

TO ADVERTISE IN BRAUNVIEH WORLD Contact Sales Representative: DARREN RICHMOND (423) 364-9281


Braunvieh World  Winter 2024


BRAUNVIEH UPDATE Continued from page 16

W2 BAR LAND & CATTLE LLC EST. 1952 ... So God Made a Farmer – Paul Harvey

BAA Board elections will take place at this meeting. Active mem bers in good standing were sent ballots. These ballots must be re turned to the BAA office by Jan. 10 or turned in at the annual meeting on Jan. 14. Member Financial Obligations The following updates have been made to Member Financial Obliga tions effective Jan. 1, 2024: Any member and/or account with an overdue account aged 60 days will have their account put on hold until the account is paid in full. All rights and activities will be suspended until the account is paid in full. As a reminder, registration certif icates and either new registrations or transfers will not be released until the account balance is paid in full. BW

Performance, Pounds & Profit with Braunvieh! PUREBRED, FULLBLOOD & PERCENTAGE CATTLE AVAILABLE

Ask about frozen genetics we

I’d appreciate it if you’d consider voting for me, Josh Williams, as one of your next board of directors.

also have available!

JOSH WILLIAMS, EMT (985) 570-3224

GENE WILLIAMS, FNP (985) 516-8900

Bluebonnet Braunvieh

 Are You Looking for Powerful Heifers?

See Our National Sale Entries January 14, 2024 FORT WORTH STOCK SHOW 064K Sired by Nuts & Bolts 959E 065K Sired by El Mario 454F. Has 7 of 8 quantum performance genes. 078K Sired by Nuts & Bolts 959E

CONVENTIONAL SEMEN IS ALSO AVAILABLE ON Ontario (PB99171) El Mario 454F (PB99171) All these bulls are homozygous polled!


N7R Polar Steel II 57E

Benny J. & Marilyn Phillips P.O. Box 66, Chatfield, Texas 75105 903.641.1594 Bluebonnet Braunvieh

SGP Nuts & Bolts 959E PB91755



National Sale Consignments


Both JMS Luna and JMS Paris are entered in the 2024 National Show.

Miss JMS Luna L421 Reg. # OB107756 • DOB: 04/12/23

Miss JMS Paris L365 Reg. # PB107760 • DOB: 02/08/23

Luna is a full sister to Miss JMS Beth K312 (OB105195), a fullblood heifer who was recently named the FB/BP Reserve Champion at the Junior Show at NAILE.

Miss JMS Petals J190 Reg. # BC103172 • DOB: 02/24/21


Miss JMS Tiva J210 Reg. # BC100756 • DOB: 03/29/21

We thank our buyers from several states throughout 2023. Merry Christmas!

Tiva was the BeefBuilder Show Heifer of the Year for both 2022 and 2023. Also pictured is Tiva’s first calf.

Chris, Nesha & Jalyn Smith Rose Bud, Arkansas (501) 626-3115



Braunvieh World  Winter 2024

National Braunvieh Sale Consignment 2024

JEWEL IS OUR TOP PUREBRED OPEN HEIFER! Only for the Fort Worth National Sale would we part with this one!

SHE HAS A POWER- PACKED PEDIGREE AND IS POLLED! Jewel is not only an own daughter of XEROX, but her dam is sired by TML SILVERADO! This combines UNDAUNTED, WALKER and BLC GYPSY on the bottom side.

She is an own daughter of MHF XEROX X002. XEROX (deceased) has very limited semen available. The sire that makes a difference and

BE IN FORT WORTH, TEXAS on JANUARY 14, 2024 at 5:00 PM!

Alexander Xerox Jewel PB107500 · Born: 1/19/23

foundation genetics that can enter the show ring!

A special "Thank You" to all of our 2023 customers! Let us help with your bull, heifer or semen needs in 2024.

◄ Extremely functional with great feet, structure and disposition. ◄ Used heavily in the JHL program with first progeny grading 4 out of 5 Prime. ◄ Best All-Around Bull Test Performer to date at Diamond N7 Ranch with high ratios in all traits. ◄ Dam is coming on 13 years old and still going strong, with a 153 MPPA. Top 3% WW and YW EPDs. ◄ Polled and 92.7%. Outcross to many bloodlines.


Montoya Ruby Red BC 103338 2023 Res. Grand Champion Beef Builder Fort Worth Bonanza Show 2023 Ozark Empire Champion Yearling Heifer 2023 Tulsa State Fair Res. Grand Champion Beef Builder Heifer

N7R Montoya 27E PB93722 · Sire: N7R Redhaven 16B Partners with Diamond N 7 Ranch and JHL Ranch CED BW WW YW Milk TM CEM Stay Doc 11.6 0.9 52 72 14 40 4.4 7.4 17.8

Dwight Alexander 3886 FR 3389 Brashear, TX 75420 (903) 439-8209

Breeding stock available


national sale offerings

BLC nana chai 801h # PB99858 • BD: 09/01/2020 HOMOZYGOUS POLLED. A young donor who is just starting to make her mark on the breed. She is a power cow who is the only active purebred dam with a TOP 5% YW and TOP 25% API. Sells 8+ bred to WW Xerox 861F. Sells with 4 embryos by BLC EZ Sleep 811G. JANUARY 14, 2024 Fort Worth, Texas

both females sell!

WW MS 078H et # BC103171 • BD: 10/24/2020

POLLED. A beautiful-made female who is sired by the Canadian-bred Swiss Tradition Ivan. Fullblood genetics in a polled package. Will calve by sale day to WW Xerox 861F.

Thank you to Gauze Farms, Rush, Ky., for their private treaty purchase of WW Calamity Jane 679D, a full sister to such greats as WW My Maria 454B and WW Gypsy Rose 813F. They also purchased Gypsy Rose’s natural calf, WW Silver Rose 289K. Look for great things to come out of this program.

WW xerox 861f

Service sire of our National Sale females. Our thanks to Lister Ranch, Lindsay, Okla., for their purchase of this proven calving ease herd sire.

WW calamity jane 679d

ROBERT WILLIAMS (256) 228-6416 (256) 599-5432 cell Section, Ala.

2023 herd builder sale We thank our buyers. We appreciate your support and friendship. TOP-SELLING LOT: Stillwater Farms & Elynn Zeigenbein, Campbellsburg, Ind. TOP-SELLING BRED COW: Siebrandt Family Farms, Jansen, Neb.

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