Braunvieh World Winter 2024
JWC Marketing to Manage 2024 National Braunvieh Sale
By Jessie Topp-Becker, Managing Editor
T he 2024 National Braunvieh Sale is around the corner but consignors and sale manag ers Wes and John Chism have been busy behind-the-scenes pre paring for the last couple of months. Get to know more about the father son team and their company, JWC Marketing.
breeds. We both have years of sale management experience; however, this will be the first sale where we collaboratively represent JWC Mar keting LLC. Why did you get started in livestock marketing/sales management? JWC Marketing started in 2015 af ter I spent six years as a breed asso ciation field representative. Our goal from the beginning was to provide marketing solutions to producers of all sizes, helping them tailor a mar keting program to their operational needs and goals. Sale management was a natural evolution as we sought to provide our customers with more opportunities to promote and mer chandise their livestock. What is your approach to sales management? Our approach to sales manage ment starts with the breeder. We feel
sent the very best the breed has to offer. We want this set of cattle to make the membership proud and encourage someone from outside the breed to want to know more about the Braunvieh breed and join us. Through this year’s screening pro cess, my father and I have enjoyed meeting and getting to know many Braunvieh Association of America (BAA) members and Braunvieh breeders. Why are you excited to work with the BAA on their national sale? The passion of the BAA membership is contagious. The breeders have been so enthusiastic about not only the breed but its promotion. Our appre ciation for Braunvieh cattle and their place in the beef industry only contin ues to grow. We are excited to partner with the association, its members and Braunvieh enthusiasts in this year’s National Braunvieh Sale. BW
it’s important to get to know the operations we work with. What are their goals? Direction? Preferences? Story? Knowing these answers helps us help them present their livestock to the best of their ability. What can breeders expect from this year’s National Braunvieh Sale? An excellent set of cattle that will repre
Wes Chism
Tell us about yourself. My name is Wes Chism. My wife, Kaitlyn, and I live outside of Kansas City, Mo., with our daughter, Eva. We enjoy assisting cattlemen with their marketing solutions, building rela tionships, traveling and raising our family in the same industry we grew up in. My father, John, is a lifelong livestock producer with many years in cattle marketing of numerous
Our appreciation for Braunvieh cattle and their place in the beef industry only continues to grow.
Braunvieh World Winter 2024
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