MidCoast Cattleman's Opportunity Sale Catalog
S CREENING S TANDARDS Animal Identification 1. All animals must be accurately identified: A. Tattoo B. Fire Brand C. Freeze Brand 2. Registrations and transfer must be completed. 3. Calves under two (2) months of age can have IRA and transfer as adequate information. Quality and Soundness 4. All animals must be in good flesh and show sale preparation. Any animal not meeting these requirements will be automatically removed from the sale offering. 5. All sale animals must be free of genetic defects such as hernia, double muscling, free martins, etc. Any female exhibiting udder problems or signs of possible problems will be removed from the sale offering. All cattle offered and accepted for sale must be free of all disqualifications stated in the SGBI Standard of Excellence. 6. All sale animals must not be surgically altered, with the exception of dehorning. All cattle cosmetically dehorned or scooped must be completely healed. 7. For reasons of safety, points must be tipped on all animals with horns. Fertility 8. Any male or female exhibiting visual signs of infertility or extremely low fertility will be removed from the sale. 9. Females A. All females must be guaranteed safe in calf by a licensed veterinarian by 26 months of age and to calve before 36 months of age. B. Females with calf at side over six months (6) of age must be palpated safe in calf by a licensed veterinarian. Females with calf over nine (9) months of age must be palpated safe in second trimester by a licensed veterinarian. C. Females with calf under six (6) months may sell as exposed. D. All other guarantees will be represented by the seller in the sale catalog. E. Any female four (4) years or older must have a record of calving interval. 10. Bulls Any bull fifteen (15) months or older must be fertility tested and be confirmed a satisfactory breeder within thirty (30) days of the sale by a licensed veterinarian. Bulls must be Trichomoniasis (Trich) tested according to the Texas Animal Health Commission rules. Health Health paper issued within thirty (30) days of sale date. Animals must be eligible for interstate shipment, except as otherwise announced. Heifers over four (4) months of age are required to be calfhood vaccinated for brucellosis unless originating from a brucellosis-free state. The screening criteria shall be done by the Sale Committee.
S ALE T ERMS & C ONDITIONS Bidding: Each lot on which there are two or more bids will be sold to the highest bidder. Disputes: The auctioneer in charge will settle any disputes as to bids, and his decision shall be final. Terms: The terms are cash or check to be paid the day of the sale unless prior arrangements have been made. Purchaser's Risk: Each animal becomes the risk of the purchaser as soon as sold, but not delivered, until settlement has been made. Registration Papers: Registration certificates on each animal will be delivered direct to SGBI after the buyer's check has cleared the bank. You will receive your certificate direct from the office of SGBI. Announcements: Announcements made from the auction box will take precedence over the printed matter in the sale catalog. Liability: All persons attending the sale do so at their own risk. The owner of sale management assumes no liability, legal or otherwise, for any accidents that may occur. Screening: ALL SALE CATTLE SHALL BE INSPECTED BY THE MID-COAST SCREENING COMMITTEE AND MUST MEET THE “SGBI ACCREDITED SALE PROGRAM SCREENING STANDARDS.” Health: Health paper issued within thirty (30) days of sale date eligible for interstate shipment except as otherwise announced: Heifers over four (4) months of age are required to be calfhood vaccinated for brucellosis. Guarantees: All weaned animals that sell are guaranteed breeders. Females safe in calf or nursing a calf are considered to be breeders without further guarantee. Any animal that has not proven itself a breeder within six months after sale date, or six months after reaching 18 months of age, if in healthy condition and meeting the health regulations of the state, may be returned to the seller's ranch at the buyer's expense. The seller reserves the right of trying, for a period of six months, to prove the animal a breeder. If proven a breeder, the animal will be retuned to the buyer at the buyer's expense. Should the animal fail to prove a breeder in the specified period, an adjustment will be made of equal value or a refund of full purchase price. The return of the full purchase price shall in any case be deemed full satisfaction and settlement. If a female sold as “open” proves to be with calf, the purchaser may return the animal to the seller for a refund of the full purchase price or for another animal of equal value, whichever is acceptable to the purchaser. It shall be the obligation of the purchaser to bear any expense incurred for transportation. Animals selling in the sale sell on their own merit and no guarantee as to their “ability to classify” is in any way warranted. Semen: All semen must be from a Blood Typed/DNA Fingerprinted bull on record with SGBI. Rights and Obligations: The above terms and conditions of the sale constitute a contract between the buyers and sellers of each animal and shall be equally binding upon both. Animals resold following purchase in the sale shall constitute a separate transaction, and the rights and obligations of the two parties connected thereto are not covered by the terms and conditions of this sale.
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