MidCoast Cattleman's Opportunity Sale Catalog
Jason Miller PO Box 168 Palacios, TX 77465
Santa GertrudisSale
S ATURDAY, M AY 20, 2023 at 12:00 P.M.
Selling 85+ head from these consignors! Corporron Acres Excell Santa Gertrudis
Kubecka Ranch Kubena Cattle Co. Leaning Tree Ranch Painted Ass Ranch Pinnacle Cattle Company Red Doc Farms Reese Ranch Rockin 3T Ranch
Rockin SG Cattle Co. Rosehill Ranch Anabelle Smith Strait Ranches TB Cattle Farm Mikaela Terry Wendt Ranches Partners LLC
Bayli Fisher Sage Fisher Four J Cattle Co. Hurricane Cattle Company JTP Cattle Co. King Ranch
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