Oden-Freeman Ranch_6 pages_0123-web
Cattle Cattle available by separate agreement. The current owner runs a commercial cow/calf operation with a base herd of Angus and Angus-cross cows. This is a very good herd of cows that histori cally wean some of the largest calves in the region. Grazing Fees The 2018 state grazing fee is $2.81 per head, per month. Rated Carrying Capacity 8 head per section. Land Tenure and Use Land Tenure Acres Sections % of Total Deeded Land 34,909.65 54.55 51.80% State Land 32,489.11 50.76 48.20% Total 67,398.76 105.31 100.00% Assessed Taxes 2018 Taxes Billed $3,225.82 Offered at $26,182,500 ($750/deeded acre)
Disclaimer: This information was obtained from sources deemed to be reliable but is not guaranteed by the Broker. Prospective buyers should check all the facts to their satisfaction. The property is subject to prior sale, price change, or withdrawal.
For more information on this historic ranch, contact: Travis Bard Legacy Ranches – A Division of Legacy Real Estate Network Keller Williams Northern Arizona Travis@LegacyREN.com 928.710.7007 cell | 866.845.2718 fax www.legacyren.com/freeman_ranch
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