ated. The 2020 National Santa Gertrudis Show was dedicated to the Fuchs family. The dedication award was just a small representa- tion for what it truly meant to his family. “To be in the show barn togeth- er, the relation- ships and friend- ships we’ve made, you just can’t put a price on those learning opportuni-
Gertrudis Association and served on the NJSGA Board of Directors. Mason was also crowned the NJSGA queen. Their parents supported their dedication to the association. “Between my sister, Courtney, and I, we raised five National Junior Santa Gertrudis Show champions,” Moran says. “Over time, my sister and I began to be fortunate enough to exhibit quality Santa Gertrudis that not only won in the show ring, but helped us win in life,” Mason shares. Mason and her sister value and try to pass on what they’ve carried with them outside the show ring. “This lifestyle isn’t just about animals, it’s about beliefs and values passed down through generations, ensuring things are left better for those yet to come,” Mason says. “It’s about legacy.” Many junior exhibitors also exhibited CF Cattle after Fuchs’ daughters were finished showing. Pete Wunderlich and Boone Smith bought their first Santa Gertrudis heifers from Fuchs. Both showmen were extremely involved and served as members of the board and association. They now have children of their own showing Santa Gertrudis live- stock. These families are just some of many generations Fuchs had a tremen- dous impact on.
Curtis Fuchs loved every moment in the classroom, investing in the future of agriculture. After 43 years of service as an agricultural science teacher and FFA advisor, Fuchs retired.
ties and friendships,” Moran says. Within their family, Moran under- stands there are high aspirations for national championships and wins, but at the end of the day, the junior pro- gram is a platform that passes on the ability to grow, learn and become good citizens and future leaders. “For Dad and Mom to give us that opportunity, for us to be able to spend all those years raising and showing Gerts and to still be able to take our kids to junior nationals for another gen- eration is a blessing,” Moran says. Moran and her husband are instru- mental in the work of the Mid-Coast Santa Gertrudis Association as David served as association president and Christy as youth advisor with their daughter, Madison, as junior president. Curtis Fuchs serves
It is evident that the Fuchs family and its three generations of legacy continue to have the passion for Santa Gertrudis cattle and the associated shows and organizations. Today, Curtis and Kathy reside in Burton, Texas, and still operate CF Cattle Company with the assistance of the surrounding family.
“This lifestyle isn’t just about animals, it’s about beliefs and values passed down through
generations, ensuring things are left better for those yet to come. It’s about legacy.” – Courtney Mason “Mom and Dad are both facing grow- ing health concerns, but their passion and drive for the land and cattle and doing things right has not ceased,” Moran says. The Fuchs family is focused on con- tinuing its legacy and family tradition of raising high-quality Santa Gertrudis cattle to show and sell. CF Cattle Com- pany is very much a family affair; it has been for many years and will continue to be. “They have instilled in us this passion over the generations to continue this legacy,” Moran says. “And we spend our lives – many hours, hard work and money – to continue to be a part of a great breed and organizations that are helping us raise our families and contin- ue to live in an environment conducive to safe and wholesome lifestyles and youth development.”
as a role model for his granddaughter, Madison. “Pop [Curtis] has always been very
humble about his suc- cess and what he has accomplished in life as well as what he has been fortunate to receive,” Madison says. “He is also very well respected and kind to so many people and animals.” Where They Are Today
Curtis Fuchs and family receive the dedication award at the 2020 National Santa Gertrudis Show.
The DuBois girls and family also were very involved with Santa Gertrudis cattle and associations. They credit the Fuchs family for being role models in the breed, which is very humbling. History in the Making The Fuchs’ legendary involvement within the breed will forever be appreci-
The Fuchs family was instrumental in the National Junior Santa Gertrudis Show 25th Anniversary Celebration in Waco, Texas, in 2002, coordinating a reunion dinner and dance. David and Christy were also the chairs of the 2019 NJSGS – “Texas Two Step” in Bryan, Texas.
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