OZARK EMPIRE FAIR Aug. 8, 2020 | Springfield, Mo. | Judge: Mark Core
GRAND CHAMPION BULL Rockin 3T Creed, shown by M6 Greeson Farms, Rice, Texas
RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL Mr. TOCR Maverick 902, shown by Laura Zibilski, Burton, Texas
BEST OF POLLED BULL 777 Bear, shown by Caroline Daniel, Magnolia, Ark.
GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Miss Double TT 2448, shown by Chad Coker, Magnolia, Texas
RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE AND BEST OF POLLED FEMALE Ms Rafter Topanga 600G, shown by Laura Zibilski, Burton, Texas nized and streamlined with their record keeping. “The association offers something for everyone, to both new and seasoned members of the breed,” Barbara says. The Corporron family remarked how they enjoy supporting the associa- tion however they can, especially by being sponsors for National Junior Santa Gertrudis Association events. In 2019, they also had the opportunity to be a Santa Gertrudis World Congress sponsor. They enjoyed attending and volunteering at various stops along the World Congress tour and especially
GRAND CHAMPION STAR 5 MTG Jazzy, shown by Brittany Kunkel, Poughkeepsie, Ark.
to breeders are invaluable and their support is incredible; they are always available to help. I appreciate what a great job they do with record keep- ing and facilitating communication between breeders, as well as providing educational opportunities.” One educational facet they have appreciated at annual meetings over the years is learning to utilize modern cattle inventory software. It has helped their operation become more orga-
RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION STAR 5 Miss TOCR Jade 719G, shown by Laura Zibilski, Burton, Texas
enjoyed visiting with breeders from other countries. “It was a fun and unique experience,” Barbara says. It is evident that Jim’s decision to utilize the Santa Gertrudis breed on his ranch almost 50 years ago is one that he does not regret. The cattle’s abil- ity to thrive, year after year, despite unpredictable conditions continues to impress. From the great perfor- mance and self-sufficiency they have witnessed in their herd to the breed’s complementary genetics in crossbreed- ing programs, Corporron Acres will always be “one of the breed’s biggest proponents and a strong voice for American breeds in general.”
Jim Corporron appreciates the ability of the
Santa Gertrudis breed to excel in his crossbreeding program with genetics he has found complement a variety of breeds.
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