Oden-Freeman Ranch_6 pages_0123-web
Property Description/Terrain The tenure of Oden Ranch is contained primarily in a square block of deeded and state land in a check erboard pattern. The topography of the Freeman Ranch is classified as gently rolling grassland. Various ridge tops have scattered pinion and juniper cover. The elevation ranges from 5,530 to 6,160 feet at the highest point on the south to the lowest point on the north end, with the headquarters situated at 5,750’. Most of the ranch lies on the Coconino and San Francisco Plateau and is zoned in Coconino County under Zone G (general). Vegetation The vegetation is composed primarily of plains and desert grassland with some areas also con sisting of Juniper and Piñion woodland. Approximately twenty years ago, through range improve ments, the native woodland was cleared, leaving a large portion of the ranch with grasslands. Pastures/Traps The ranch is fenced into 10 pastures and 5 smaller traps. in addition, there are many waterlots and traps around many of the dirt tank/reservoirs designed for flexible pasture rotation. Water Domestic water is provided primarily by a cistern system off house roofs and also haul water from town. Livestock water is provided by approximately 30 dirt tanks connected by a pipeline system of approximately 30 miles. Eight of the 30 dirt tanks can be pumped from. There are three sets of steel storage tanks with capacities of approximately 180,000, 70,000 and 50,000 gallons, respectively. Utilities Electricity is furnished by a solar system with a backup generator. Telephone service is by a mobile phone. Propane is delivered by a local merchant.
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