This is Prime Time Fall 2019. No download, no waiting. Open and start reading right away!
FALL 2019
AAA 2019-2020 Membership Directory
Akaushi Prime Time • Fall 2019
3 • Fall 2019
FALL 2019 | VOL. 2 NO. 4
A akaushi the americ n akaushi association ®
In Every Issue 6 Cattle Tales 8 DNA Matters 10 Akaushi Matters 13 AAA Application for Membership Join the growing number of breeders who have joined the American Akaushi Association. 15 AAA Membership Directory Annual reference listing of American Akaushi Association members. 25 AAA Convention Speakers Meet the dynamic speakers who will present during the 8th Annual Convention. 30 AAA and EBS – A Quality Partnership How Elgin Breeding Service got involved with the Akaushi breed.
ON THE COVER 2019 marks 25 years of Akaushi in the United States. American Akaushi cattle perform efficiently, improve consistency, maintain uniformity and maximize profit.
12 Beef Matters 14 Irons in the Fire 28 Calendar of Events
35 New Members 36 Ad Index
American Akaushi Association P.O. Box 487 | Flatonia, Texas 78941 (361) 238-7218 office | Executive Director Kaci Carrales (361) 238-7218 | A akaushi the american akaushi association ®
Prime Time Publisher
BluePrint Media P.O. Box 427 | Timnath, CO 80547
Creative Director | Kathie Bedolli ( 540) 752-6143 | Administration | Leslie McKibben (608) 573-2530 | Copy Editor | Larisa Willrett Ad Design | Holly Holland & Kim Tappan Materials Coordinator | Megan Sajbel Editor | Lisa Bard
(970) 498-9306 | Managing Editor | Jessie Topp-Becker (701) 307-0772 | Advertising Sales | Jessica Ebert (785) 477-1941 |
Akaushi Prime Time The News of the American Akaushi Association is published quarterly and distributed digitally to all interested parties. To receive Prime Time, call or email the AAA office.
Akaushi Prime Time • Fall 2019
JMK CATTLE McGregor, TX 76657
Contact us for Heifer and Bull availability!
Jim and Kathy Moore 254-723-2977 or 254-379-5064
Cattle Tales Kaci Carrales | Executive Director | EXECUT I VE DIRECTOR’ S MESSAGE W ow! Twenty-five years ago, the American Akaushi
ticality reigned. Cattle were bred to be moder- ate framed, have more shape and depth in their rib design and be more structurally functional. But most important, the trend was to bring back better-tasting, tender, more palatable beef. It was then that premium branded beef pro- grams really took off. In 1976, four Wagyu bulls were the first to be imported to the United States. Mazda and Mt. Fuji were black, and Judo and Rueshaw were red. The next big shipment out of Japan was in 1994 and included the American Akaushi foundation breeding nucleus. With only a small breeding battery of Akaushi cattle, all breeding decisions were very strategic to make sure the inbreeding coefficient remained low. Embryo transfer played a huge part in growing the Akaushi breed. The ability to use the imported bulls Shigemaru, Tamamaru and Hikari as a basic, three-breed rotation on import females really opened up some diversity within the breed. Today, that same concept is still used with the ability to add Big Al, as well. The past 25 years have been a tough sell for the Akaushi breed. In general, Wagyu cattle don’t have that ideal phenotype compared to the traditional cattle we are used to seeing. Trying to sell to a rancher is probably one of the hard- est things to do since we tend to be very tradi- tional and don’t accept change easily. I am confident that all ranchers have one common goal: to produce productive and ef- ficient cattle. Thanks to the accessibility of Akaushi genetics, cow herds across the coun- try and around the world are able to set the stage to show this industry how productive and efficient these progeny can be, not only at the ranch level, but at feedyards and on the rail. When the American Akaushi Association (AAA) started in 2009, the vision was to pro- mote the Akaushi breed, as well as maintain and verify the breed’s purity, and monitor offspring performance and the quality of the final retail product. Having mandatory DNA parent verification on every AAA-registered animal brings integrity to the breed by ensur- ing Akaushi buyers can purchase with confi- dence. It also makes beef customers demand our product more when they realize they are buying what it says they are buying. We take
foundation breeding nucleus was arriving in the United States from Japan. Where were you 25 years ago? I was in third grade enjoying be- ing a kid and was just get- ting my feet wet in agricul- ture through 4-H.
Twenty-five years ago what were some of your goals to improve your cattle? Do you re- member any of the past trends related to cattle or the beef industry? Do you enjoy looking back through history and seeing changes in phenotype and genetics? Let’s take a little trip back to when the first cattle breeds came to America. Spanish settlers were among the first to bring what they call “Spanish cattle” to Florida in the mid-1500s. In 1690, the first herd of Longhorns inhabited Texas, which paved the way for the American cowboy. These cattle were very hardy, surviv- ing in some of the toughest environments, and were marketed for hides, tallow and meat. In 1783, the Shorthorn breed arrived in Virginia and was used as a dual-purpose meat and milk breed. The first Hereford cattle came to the Midwest in 1817, and Angus cattle were intro- duced in 1873. At that time, Angus bulls were mainly crossed with Texas Longhorns, result- ing in calves that performed better, especially during the winter. As time went on and more British-influenced cattle were imported, there was little to no change in performance and phenotype. We can all remember looking back at the fat cattle shows held in the Chicago Union Stockyards and seeing how early maturing, quick-patterned and fat the cattle were. Change was needed to increase growth, performance and cutability. That’s where the introduction of European cattle came into play during the late 1960s and early 1970s. These cattle were known for growth, muscle and leanness, and became extremely popular, especially in the show ring. But that trend shifted the beef herd to opposite extreme. Now cattle were too big, unprothe ductive – especially the females – and lacked marbling potential. It seems by the 2000s, the trend shifted again. This time, prac-
Continued page 10
Akaushi Prime Time • Fall 2019
7 • Fall 2019
DNA Matters Tim Kozelsky | DNA and Data Service Analyst | AKAUSHI BREED GENET ICS H owdy all! As we prepare to celebrate 25 years of the 1/2 page horizontal, 4C Prime Ti e Brown Land & Cattle, LLC Fall 2019 Akaushi breed being in the United States, I thought it would be good to review the association’s DNA his- tory and progress. The American Akaushi Asso- ciation (AAA) was among the very first cattle breed
ics (MMI) in Davis, Calif. They were processed using the STR microsatellite profiling method. The first round of DNA sample collection used the nasal swab method as the primary sample and hair as the backup. Since HeartBrand and Beeman Ranch were the only owners of the foundation herd, and they kept meticulous herd records, DNA was used to verify those records and not as a means of determining parentage. Since then, the DNA labs have changed own- ership several times. MMI was purchased by Scidera, which was purchased by GeneSeek ® , which was purchased by Neogen ® . Other than name changes on who we addressed the sam- ple shipments to, the only physical address change occurred when GeneSeek purchased Scidera in early 2013 and moved the lab from California to Lincoln, Neb. All of our samples are now submitted to the Neogen lab in Lincoln. The first blood DNA samples were submitted in the summer of 2011. We added the Temple Continued page 28
associations to DNA profile the entire known Akaushi breeding herd. Unlike other breeds, Akaushi breeding certificates were issued based on DNA results and not herd records. Most other breeds only used DNA as parent verification of show stock at that time. The first DNA samples were collected in fall 2009 at HeartBrand Ranch in order to conduct the initial DNA profiling of the foundation breeding herd. In 2010, more than 4,800 sam- ples were submitted to MetaMorphix Genom-
Producers of Red Angus and Hereford x Akaushi F1’s We have a great herd of Red Angus and Hereford
cows that we breed to Akaushi bulls to produce superb quality F1 Akaushi heifers.The Red Angus F1’s are solid red and mostly polled.The Hereford F1’s are red white-faced cattle and all have been de-horned.
These cattle are a cowman’s kind and will be productive for many years.They're moderately framed with great maternal characteristics and mothering/milking ability! They will produce tremendous “A4-eligible” ¾-blood females and feeder steers with yield and quality grades to compete with the top F1 Akaushi genetics in the breed.
Call us and stop by the ranch anytime! Brown Land & Cattle, LLC 2050 Brown Ranch Lane ∙ Beeville, TX 78102
A akaushi m e m b e r theameric nakaushiassociation ®
Austin Brown III 361-597-0373
Austin Brown II 361-597-0377
Akaushi Prime Time • Fall 2019
Rancho Espuela Introducing
El Padrino 733D REG. #AP110757
Our performance-proven, high-gaining, Purebred (15/16th blood), heterozygous polled Akaushi bull from the GrowSafe System ® test held in Canyon, Texas. On a 86 day test his ADG = or was 4.22 & his DM Feed Conversion = or was 5.22. We’re your source for polled Akaushi Genetics. Semen is available to ship and certified to go to South Africa, Australia and South America. Calves are all really calm and have good dispositions.
El Padrino Polled daughter out of a fullblood cow in South Africa.
Full siblings Polled El Padrino daughters in South Africa.
El Padrino daughter here at the ranch. • Fall 2019 CALL JIM DYER OR AARON COOPER FOR MORE INFORMATION AND SEMEN ON THIS EXCITING YOUNG SIRE. JIM DYER, RANCHO ESPUELA 17257 State Hwy. 166 | Ft. Davis, TX 79734 | (432) 426-3435 | AARON COOPER, PH.D. (402) 310-1327 9
Akaushi Matters Loni Soefje | Assistant to the Director | AMERICAN AKAUSHI ASSOCIAT ION UPDATE W hat a year it has been so far for the Ameri-
your neighbor but brand your cattle” comes into play here. Be very thorough when asking questions about the pedigrees of the animals you plan to purchase and ask to see their certificates. Full- blood animals will have a registration number with the prefix “AF” listed at the top right corner of the registration paper and “Parent-Verified” on the left side of the certificate only if the as- sociation has confirmed that the listed pedigree has been confirmed through DNA processing. If the animal’s certificate is not available, we suggest calling the AAA office to confirm you are buying from a trusted source or to deter- mine if a specific animal is registered and veri- fied with us. The AAA wants every Akaushi experience to be second to none whether it be through consuming an outstanding primal cut, building a successful branded beef program or upgrading your cow base with Akaushi genet- ics. Confirming you’re purchasing a parent- verified animal is the first step to ensuring an outstanding Akaushi experience. With that said, if there is anything you believe we as an association can do to increase the value of your experience, please do not hesitate to reach out to any of the team members. Although I mentioned this year has been quite success- ful for the AAA, we are continually looking for ways to grow and further serve our members. We look forward to hearing from you. PT great pride in what we produce, and we want to make sure your Akaushi experience is the best one yet! So, where will we be in the next 25 years? We hope to be one of the leading beef breeds that helps lead the charge to doubling the national average for the number of carcasses receiving Prime Quality Grades. The associa- tion is here to serve its members, but it is only as strong and progressive as its membership. Growing the breed is a group effort, and we invite you to serve the association in whatever capacity you can through trade shows, field days and simply sharing your closeouts and carcass data with your neighbors. Because together, we are AKAUSHI . PT CATTLE TALES Continued from page 6
can Akaushi Association (AAA)! We are celebrating 25 years of Akaushi being in the United States, our membership numbers are rapidly increasing, and this has been, by far, a record year for DNA processing.
I want to take a moment to say thank you to our members and supporters who have worked to build the quantity as well as the quality of the Akaushi breed throughout the past 25 years. Having such dedicated members who are driven to increase the quality of the beef industry is what makes being a part of the Akaushi team so enjoyable. Since the association originated in 2009, our mission has been to provide programs, servic- es, technology and leadership to enhance the Akaushi breed’s genetics, broaden its influence within the beef industry and expand the world- wide market for superior-tasting, high-quality Certified Akaushi Beef. Although the AAA provides several services to fulfill its mission and increase the efficiency of each producer’s operation, one particular aspect that is prin- cipal to the purity of the Akaushi breed is the parent-verification process. It is well known that the AAA requires all Akaushi animals, fullblood and percent- age blood, to be parent verified through DNA processing. But, why is this such an important and required process? Thanks to parent veri- fication, Akaushi offspring can be traced back to the foundation Akaushi breeding herd that was brought to the United States 25 years ago, meaning the lineage of the American Akaushi can be traced back more than 30 generations! Having this information can increase the prof- itability of any Akaushi herd, but more impor- tant, it has instilled a sense of integrity behind the Akaushi breed. The Akaushi team recommends that all Akaushi breeders and potential Akaushi buyers use the parent-verified system as a tool when it comes time to buy any Akaushi-influenced animal. The AAA considers this a tool because it allows anyone to buy with not only confi- dence, but with certainty. The saying “trust
Akaushi Prime Time • Fall 2019
11 • Fall 2019
Beef Matters
Amy Tipp | Director of Customer Service, HeartBrand ® Beef Inc. |
“You always overestimate what you can get done in one year and underestimate what you can get done in 10.” – Bill Gates
A Akaushi … What’s that? Twenty-five years ago, who knew? Who knew that this single breed of ani- mals would develop into an industry-altering phenom- enon? Who knew Akaushi would change the way
The Beeman family began growing their nucleus of cattle, and educating consumers and cattle ranchers about Akaushi. One of the best ways to promote Akaushi cattle and Akaushi beef is simple – taste it! When HeartBrand Beef began harvesting cattle in 2007, they were tack- ling about 10 head per week to sell. It took a lit- tle time for consumers to experience the differ- ence of Akaushi beef. Then they began asking for it by name. HeartBrand Beef was harvesting 60 head in 2012 and, by 2017, they were harvest- ing 150 head per week. Today, HeartBrand Beef is harvesting around 240 head each week. HeartBrand Beef has built their branded beef program from the ground up. Consumers are asking for Certified Akaushi Beef. All Akaushi beef programs are picking up momentum and growing thanks to this genetically superior breed.
health fanatics look at beef? Who knew one simple taste of this heart-healthy beef could keep you hooked for life? The group of Texas businessmen who in- troduced this breed to the United States knew these cattle were unique. They knew the Akaushi breed had something to offer. What they did not know is how to grow this amazing breed. In 2006, the Beeman family seized the opportunity to take this breed above and be- yond expectations.
Continued page 32
E Cross Cattle Producing healthy cattle that provide the best quality beef.
Proud of our heritage For more than 150 years, five generations of our family have been raising quality calves on the Texas Gulf Coast.
A akaushi m e m b e r the americ n akaushi association ®
E Cross Cattle Co., Inc. Herff Cornelius 2425 CR 222 • Bay City, Texas 77414 Phone: (979) 429-4599
Using Akaushi genetics to ensure our goal of raising the very best cattle.
Akaushi Prime Time • Fall 2019
Membership No. _______________ Issued by Association
application for membership
128 East South Main | PO Box 487 | Flatonia, Texas 78941 (361) 238-7218 Office | (361) 333-8589 Fax | |
Date _________________________________________ Holding Brand (please draw) _ ___________________________________________ Brand Location ___________________________________ Permanent ID Location (i.e., left ear, rt. hip, side) __________________________ Member Name _ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ranch Name _ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE indicate whether the membership is to be under the member name or ranch name.
Parent(s) Name(s) – (If Junior applicant) _ ________________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
City ___________________________________________________ State _____________________ Zip Code _ _______________________
Home Phone ___________________________ Work Phone __________________________ Cell Phone _____________________________
Fax Number ___________________________ Email _ ______________________________________________________________________
Signed ____________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth _ ___________________________ For Juniors Only I hereby make application to the American Akaushi Association for membership to be issued in the name given above. I agree to be bound by and abide by the Rules of the Association, which include Whole Herd Reporting Assessment Fees, and Amendments or Modifications, thereto which may, from time to time, be adopted. By signing this application for membership, applicant irrevocably waives any claim against and grants an absolute release to the American Akaushi Association, any member, employee or agent of the Association, for any act or omission in connection with the Association, including but not limited to, any enforcement of the rules and regulations presently in effect or hereafter adopted by the Association. Please include my name and contact information in the Association’s Directory. Do not publish my email. Do not publish my phone numbers. Do not publish any information. Fee Schedule Regular Membership : Jan.-Dec. $100 | April-Dec. $80 | July-Dec. $60 | Oct.-Dec. $30 Lifetime Membership: $1,000 Junior Membership: $25 per year Associate Membership: $60 per year
Total Due: $ _____________
If paying by credit card, please fill out the following: Name on Card _ ________________________________________________ Visa MasterCard Discover American Express Card Number __________________________________________________ Expiration Date ______________________ Security Code _ ____________ Signature _____________________________________________________
American Akaushi Association (AAA) membership is open to anyone who is interested in Akaushi cattle and the purposes of the association. AAA members are focused on producing high-quality seedstock and commercial cattle that produce high-quality, healthful beef. As an AAA member, Akaushi breeders have the opportunity to take advantage of the various programs and services the association offers, including registration, DNA testing, certification, marketing, research and development, and advertising.
Please return Membership Application and payment to: American Akaushi Association | PO Box 487 | Flatonia, TX 78941
13 • Fall 2019
Paul Marchant | Rancher/Columnist | Irons in the Fire T his past summer, just a few weeks before the county fair, trag- Invisible and Silent 1/2 page horizon al, 4C Prime Time Landair Fall 2019 edy struck some friends of mine who live on the other side of the mountain from my place. Eleven-year-old Sean Loughmiller was gathering some cows off
they dealt with the loss of a son, grandson and brother. Friends, neighbors and the entire agri- cultural community of Cassia County rallied to support the family. Sean, just like thousands of rural kids across the country, loved the county fair. He had been especially excited this year to show the steer he’d picked out and bought from one of his neighbors. In fact, instead of waiting until the week before the fair, he’d kept his 4-H record book completely up-to-date. It was pretty much completed before he died. What kind of kid does that? Though Sean wouldn’t be there, his older brother wanted him to somehow be able to fin- ish his project. Friends and neighbors arranged with the county fair board and livestock com- mittee to have Sean’s steer exhibited at the fair. Continued page 34
the side of a hill with a four-wheeler; a chore he’d done dozens of times before. Somehow, he lost control of the ATV, which rolled down the hill and crashed, pinning Sean beneath it. By the time his dad found him about half an hour later, Sean had already passed on. The tiny town of Elba, Idaho, was devastated and grief stricken. The family had already suffered through some tough times the past couple of years, and now they were reeling as Landair, Inc. Beeville, Texas CUSTOM CATTLE PRECONDITIONING Bull and Heifer Development Programs Corn silage-based growing rations for stocker/feeders calves and for seedstock bull and heifer calf development. • Prepare your stocker cattle for turnout of the feedyard! • Prepare your replacement heifers for breeding and /or special sales! • Prepare your seedstock bulls for the commercial cattleman or for the special sale ring! • Private treaty sales at the ranch! • Tailor-made programs to fit your needs – BIG or SMALL! • We now offer PI (Persistently Infected) testing upon request! Let us do what we are good at – FOR YOU!
Landair, Inc. 2050 Brown Ranch Lane Beeville, Texas Austin Brown III: 361-597-0373 (cell) Ranch Office: 361-358-1093
A akaushi m e m b e r theameric nakaushiassociation ®
Proud supporters of the Beef Checkoff and Texas Beef Council
Photo courtesy of Ross Hecox, Western Horseman
American Akaushi Association kaushi Prime Time • Fall 2019
akaushi the americ n akaushi association ®
AM: Associate Member • FB: Fullblood Breeder JM: Junior Member • LM: Lifetime Member
Deadwood Ranch LLC 740 Swearingen Way Basalt, CO 81621 239.398.3700 Michael M. Mellott (FB) Mellott Ranch PO Box 21 Hugo, CO 80821 719.740.0403 Greg Weed PO Box 656 Cheyenne Wells, CO 80810 Florida Michael Adams Adams Ranch Inc. PO Box 12909 Fort Pierce, FL 34979 772.461.6321 Vicki Burgess Burgess Farms 3602 Coy Burgess Loop DeFuniak Springs, FL 32435 850.585.0931 James Deason & Darrell McLendon Ron & Jennifer Fisher (FB) Windy Hill Ranch 5890 State Hwy. 83 DeFuniak Springs, FL 32433 850.865.4616 Mark Ganskop (FB) Columbia Cattle Co. LLC PO Box 1993 Lake City, FL 32056 386.867.0269 Dominion Farms 190 NW 265th St. Newberry, FL 32669 352.870.4033
Don Garrison (FB) Garrison Farms
Greg Anderson Sullivan Creek Ranch LLC 151 CR 1047 Vinemont, AL 35179 256.841.4494 greg.anderson@ Eugene Fernandes Fernandes Farm PO Box 553 Robertsdale, AL 36567 858.663.1379 Arizona Alison Hunter Eagle Creek Ranch LLC 10050 W Fair Oaks Rd. Prescott, AZ 86305 602.326.3075 Pem Meyer ( FB) Bonita Cattle Ranch 10000 W Fair Oaks Rd. Prescott, AZ 86305 Robert Timpson & John Knudson Silver Oak Akaushi PO Box 1723 Colorado City, AZ 86021 Arkansas Steve & Karmen Landers Leis Creek Cattle Co. 36 Ark Tenn Rd. Clinton, AR 72031 501.831.5911 Mike & Jerry Mooney Rafter M Ranch 9680 Amity Rd. Bonnerdale, AR 71933 870.356.9875 Ron Sweeney
Lance Batistich (LM, FB) Classic Farms LLC 525 Old Natividad Rd. Salinas, CA 93908 831.970.4151 John Chester (FB) Apricot Lane Farms 10700 Broadway Rd. Moorpark, CA 93021 805.523.4444 Martin Emigh M.J. Livestock II 5814 Pedrick Rd. Dixon, CA 95620 707.580.5607 Jim & Kathy Lewers Chun Ranch 201 Portofino Way Cloverdale, CA 95425 707.894.9348 Todd Rothweier (FB) Fossil Creek Ranch 73255 Ranchita Ave. San Miguel, CA 93451 909.917.2252 Tom & Marcia Whittle PO Box 995 Altaville, CA 95221 209.785.0303 Dennis Campbell Rain Dance Ranch 19395 CR 46 Cheyenne Wells, CO 80810 719.342.5752 Leighton Curtis (JM) PO Box 61 Mosca, CO 81146 Colorado
13343 Garrison Rd. Live Oak, FL 32060 386.364.1493
Harrell K. Hammond Ruby’s Ridge Ranch 2887 Johnson Rd. Bonifay, FL 32425 850.527.3370 harrell.hammond@
Jake Hickton (AM) Burger Monger 5279 Isla Key Boulevard S, Apt. 215 St. Petersburg, FL 33715 312.543.2611 David & Mary Mehta 4390 Devereux Dr. Pensacola, FL 32504 850.291.4811 Ronald & Norma Jean Platt Rocking RN Ranch 400 Platt Rd. DeFuniak Springs, FL 32435 850.419.6144 Georgia Seth Bice & Dustin Rogers Belmont Cattle Co. 68 Fairfax Ct. Dallas, GA 30157 770.560.0735 Elko, GA 31025 478.988.3181 Francois Paul Leger (LM, FB) Chatel Farm 1301 New Savannah Rd. Augusta, GA 30901 706.922.5502 Bobby Griffin (FB) Power Line Farms 2522 Elko Rd.
1332 NW Quail Run Cir. Bentonville, AR 72712 479.799.8688
2019-2020 Membership Directory
Frank Scott 3428 US Hwy. 341 S Hawkinsville, GA 31036 478.988.4446 Roy Lee Strickland 1765 Townsend Rd. Villa Rica, GA 30180 404.975.8200 John L. Wood (FB) 1210 Golden Isles Pkwy. Perry, GA 31069 478.960.7999 Hawaii Frank Boteilho F Ranch LLC 72-3375 Hawaii Belt Rd. #2 Kailua Kona, HI 96740 808.987.7350 Dwayne & Tammie Cypriano Hawaii Lowline Cattle Co. LLC 45-1065 Kalehua Rd. Honokaa, HI 96727 808.775.9852 Idaho Seth Christensen Christensen Genetics 2211 W 2800 S Weston, ID 83286 208.589.9988 Phil & Yvette Davis (FB)
Joe Heaps (FB) Shiloh Warm Springs Ranch PO Box 510 Challis, ID 83226 208.940.0385 Bob & Pam Howard (FB) Howard Ranch PO Box 123 Hammett, ID 83627 208.590.2651 David O. Jensen Jensen Cattle & Feed LLC 49 E Main St. Franklin, ID 83237 801.319.6665 Paul & Gerald Marchant Marchant Ranch 2000 S 50 E Oakley, ID 83346 208.312.0517 Eugene Matthews Matthews Land & Cattle LLC 1249 S Hwy. 27 Oakley, ID 83346 208.862.3261 Garth & Robin Monroe (FB) Idaho Wagyu Genetics 16901 Nounan Rd. Soda Springs, ID 83276 208.547.7103 Bill Kennell Kennell Farms 1172 CR 2100 N Washburn, IL 61570 309.696.0492 Indiana Jennie & Paul Hodgen Hodgen Farms 3211 W CR 1350 N Roachdale, IN 46172 402.540.0861 Mark Radford Radford Cattle PO Box 50922 Idaho Falls, ID 83405 Illinois
Melvin E. Kitts PO Box 433 Goddard, KS 67052 620.243.3981 Joe Linnebur 12605 40th Rd. Parsons, KS 67357 Scott Lowe Lowe Cattle Co. 192 N College St. Winfield, KS 67156 620.229.9081
Iowa Keith R. Carlson (AM) Dairy Quality Center PO Box 497, Stratford, IA 50249 800.553.2479 Brent & Elizabeth Carmichael 701 Juneau Ave. SE Orange City, IA 51041 515.371.8944 Bruce Pixley Pixley Family Farm 2239 380th St. Grafton, IA 50440 641.748.2400 Scott & Sheri Weber (FB) Weber Akaushi 25578 218th Ave. Delhi, IA 52223 319.240.8822 Kansas Tim Bergkamp 5780 NE 120 Ave. Pretty Prairie, KS 67570 620.747.0839 Timothy D. Bolz (FB) Bolz Ranch LP Brady Russell Burks Pheasant Run Ranch 161 J Rd. Lebanon, KS 66952 785.282.8049 Ben Cramer 269 N Dodge Rd. Healy, KS 67850 620.397.3268 Katie Jacobs & Don Stokes PO Box 344 Kechi, KS 67067 316.209.5174 M. John Keller 1630 RS 115 Saint Francis, KS 67756 785.332.6281 4990 SW 21st St. Topeka, KS 66604 785.231.7339 Matador Cattle Co. (FB) Spring Creek Ranch 448 Reece Rd. Eureka, KS 67045 620.750.0582 John Meng Meng Ranch 4345 NE 60 St. Pretty Prairie, KS 67570 620.491.1333 Jason Patty & Jerod Rigdon Skyview RII Farms LLC 1947 SE Bluestem Rd. El Dorado, KS 67042 316.648.4822 Colten & Callie Salm Red Cow Cattle Co. LLC 203 W Parallel St. Clifton, KS 66937 620.200.0715 Louisiana Timothy M. McGee 1523 Gobert Rd. Church Point, LA 70525 337.351.5856 Broken L Ranch 10825 Kina Cir. Keithville, LA 71047 318.458.2473 Rodney Sagrera 11516 LA Hwy. 690 Abbeville, LA 70510 337.893.5855 Ronald J. Montgomery
Davis Cattle Co. Inc. 19 Warm Lake Hwy. Cascade, ID 83611 208.382.4892 Shawn & Jennifer Ellis
OK Bar Ranch 936 W 350 N Blackfoot, ID 83221 208.684.4268 George Gersema 1301 S Vista Ave., Suite 200 Boise, ID 83705 208.376.3000
American Akaushi Association
John S. Simpson Breezy Oaks Ranch Inc. 298 Quail Rd. Canton, MS 39046 601.707.3201
Ferd Good Owen-Good Ranch 19126 S Ranch Rd. Belton, MO 64012 816.331.1343 Roger Hines J-H Cattle 29474 May Ln. Asbury, MO 64832 417.437.3718 Michelle & Wayne Johnson (FB) Dove Creek Wagyu Cattle Co. 5412 Hwy. W Mountain Grove, MO 65711 417.926.0636 Danny Little (FB) PO Box 513 Lamar, MO 64759 417.682.1927 Jacob Moenkhoff 25854 Rodekohr Rd. Corder, MO 64021 660.229.6665 Wayne & Karen Nichols 5035 CR 2350 Pomona, MO 65789 417.277.5420 Andrew Novak 72 Hwy. N Humansville, MO 65674 612.723.2773 Perry & Cheryl Sherman Sherman Charolais/Akaushi 13078 Maries Rd. Vichy, MO 65580 573.299.4652 Steve & Tanya Williams Joseph & Carol Killian 3641 E Sheffield Way Springfield, MO 65802 417.315.5284
Wright Charolais 42922 Old Hwy. 10 Richmond, MO 64085
John Dell Dell Creek Farm
Montana Fred Sturdevant & Nancy Haugan Solo Inc. 7983 W Kootenai Rd. Rexford, MT 59930 406.297.3601 Nebraska Michael Brown (FB) PO Box 224 Elm Creek, NE 68836 308.293.0101 Todd Brown (FB) 43591 Rd. 722 Oxford, NE 68967 308.824.3813 Jed & Deann Doetker Horse Canyon Ranch PO Box 96 Wauneta, NE 69045 308.883.1235 Eugene J. Dubas (FB) Dubas Cattle Co. PO Box 458 Fullerton, NE 68638 308.536.2369
1228 Harris Mill Rd. Parkton, MD 21120 410.608.3301 Kevin C. Ford Blue Star Farm LLC 3201 Old York Rd. White Hall, MD 21161 443.829.8860 Robert Bushart Mid Central Cattle Co. 393 44th St. Allegan, MI 49010 616.340.8973 Michigan State University Michigan Thomas Marty PO Box 236 Pelican Rapids, MN 56572 218.863.5158 Ryan Verlinde Verlinde Farms Inc. 2262 205th Ave. Tracy, MN 56175 507.829.4747 Roger R. Brown Triangle B Farms 2116 Beeline Rd. Decatur, MS 39327 601.635.5775 Charles M. Edwards II 3574 Hwy. 80 Morton, MS 39117 601.732.8936 Mark Harrison 1113 Pleasant Valley Rd. McComb, MS 39648 985.514.0265 5401 W Jennings Rd. Lake City, MI 49651 Minnesota Mississippi Jeffrey Todd & Susan Brown Brown Family Farm 2776 Little Rock Decatur Rd. Decatur, MS 39327 601.635.4257 Missouri Rodney & Lisa Alderson (FB) 373 CR 170A Zanoni, MO 65784 573.220.1831 Larry Aschermann (FB) Aschermann Charolais/Akaushi 734 Belle Aire Pl. Carthage, MO 64836 417.793.2855 Brent Bankhead (FB) Bankhead & Bankhead LLC 3547 Whitsetts Fork Rd. Wildwood, MO 63038 314.853.7512 Clarke, Penny & Lucas Burns Burns Farms 20430 Hwy. M Brookfield, MO 64628 660.258.7389 Galen & Pam Carson Sunset C Ranch Ltd. 24723 Hwy. YY Concordia, MO 64020 660.463.1956 Bryan Drury Drury Cattle Ranch David Callis (FB) 5315 Pin Oak Ln. Sedalia, MO 65301 660.827.3969 Quinn & Wacey Johnson Johnson Ranch 242 Whitney Lake Rd. Whitney, NE 69367 308.430.5513 Jarrod & Don Knorr 85649 US Hwy. 183 Bassett, NE 68714 402.760.2939 Brett Mohling 5820 S Pawnee Ave. Glenvil, NE 68941 402.705.7216 Brian Schardt (FB) Schardt Cattle Co. 5424 Rd. R Carleton, NE 68326 402.365.4352
3939 S State Hwy. 125 Rogersville, MO 65742 417.425.8794 Jack Farnsworth (LM) Farnsworth Heritage Trust 20003 Garrett Ln. Downing, MO 63536 660.379.2405
Will-Acres Farm 21221 Finch Dr. Neosho, MO 64850 417.529.8316
2019-2020 Membership Directory
Ryan Schwartz & Wendy Gursey Heartland Wagyu (FB) 30716 SW 89th Rd. Beatrice, NE 68310 402.239.5919 Jaclyn Wilson Flying Diamond Genetics 2602 213th Trl. Lakeside, NE 69351 308.762.3196 Arden Wohlers Wohlers Ranch LLC 3420 Cherokee Ct. Scottsbluff, NE 69361 308.632.6496 New Craig Cassarino KNCC Ventures LLC 116-G S River Rd. Bedford, NH 03110 703.475.6335 New Mexico Kenneth & Sharon Augustine Augustine Ranch PO Box 176 Tatum, NM 88267 575.393.2359 AJ Bluth Hampshire 2500 Fairway Ter. Clovis, NM 88101 575.374.9098 James W. Cockerham Crazy Heart Cattle PO Box 265 Texico, NM 88135 806.225.7048 Mark & Taylor Marley 6760 W Pine Lodge Rd. Roswell, NM 88201 575.626.9890 Corrales Livestock 161 Enterprise Rd. Lovington, NM 88260 575.725.7210 Cee Tee Cattle LLC
Jorge Ramirez Taiban Creek Ranch 30647 Hwy. 60 Fort Sumner, NM 88119 575.355.8890 Chance & Addison Robbins 1110 Wethco Santa Rosa, NM 88435 575.760.1077 James & Denece Robbins Robbins Akaushi 1110 Wethco Santa Rosa, NM 88435 575.760.2277 Paul Taylor III Ranchline PO Box 344 Luke W. Beadnell Beadnell Riverside Farm 1433 River Rd. Warrensburg, NY 12885 518.260.4048 North Carolina Bass & Sandra Hyatt Seven Meadows Farm 8105 Old Hwy. 64 Brasstown, NC 28902 828.837.6758 North Dakota Roswell, NM 88202 New York
Alexander R. Newman 600 Nichols Ridge Rd. Seaman, OH 45679 937.779.6278 Brandon Wannarka 3295 Penewit Rd. Spring Valley, OH 45370 937.308.2865 Oklahoma Robin R. Barry Hailey’s Domenica Farms 15950 E 2nd St. Arcadia, OK 73007 405.206.3490 Dale & Pamela Bradley Bradley Family Farm 25793 Hwy. 9A Tecumseh, OK 74873 607.429.8955 Joshua Goodsell Goodsell Land & Cattle LLC PO Box 8 Maramec, OK 74045 970.756.2701 Matthew R. Oppel (LM) PO Box 555 Kingfisher, OK 73750 405.375.4455 Brett Sterling (LM) Sterling Ranches RR 4 Box 1690 Coalgate, OK 74538 575.390.3835 Oklahoma City, OK 73114 Billy Sweiger (JM) 9421 N Robinson Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73114 Terry & Gloria Ter Wee (LM) Double Z 11736 NS 3610 Seminole, OK 74868 405.382.7769 Betsy Sweiger (JM) 9421 N Robinson Ave.
Tracy Conway Trust Conway 3X Ranch 1646 Brock Rd. Ardmore, OK 73401 580.220.9454 Kent Wayman Wayman Farms 17212 N Sheridan Rd. Nash, OK 73761 580.554.5057 Joshua Yarbrough (LM, FB) Y2 Wagyu PO Box 636 Noble, OK 73068 405.226.5187 Oregon Chris & Bonnie Christensen Christensen Cattle Co. 4865 John Day Hwy. Vale, OR 97918 541.473.3096 Margaret McClaran McClaran Ranch PO Box 1050 Joseph, OR 97846 Bill & Cindy Romans Romans Ranches 3820 Old Stage Rd. Harper, OR 97906 541.358.2921 Pennsylvania Russell C. Judy 986 Upper Georges Valley Rd. Spring Mills, PA 16875 814.441.0986 South Carolina Roger Mauney 155 Old Ferry Rd. Sharon, SC 29742 803.927.6607 Franklin L. Springs (FB) Stein Springs River Side Ranch
Christopher Rockeman 42215 226th Ave. NW Donnybrook, ND 58734
Brennan Durbin 17745 Nashville Rd. Danville, OH 43014 740.398.0190 John, Rita & Chris Dutton (FB) Dutton Cattle Co. PO Box 152 Bannock, OH 43972 740.359.1390
6615 Ferney Lee Rd. Effingham, SC 29541 843.373.8233
American Akaushi Association
Kelly Glazener KV Cattle Co. LLC 6315 Martin Creek Rd. Bloomington Springs, TN 38545 931.783.3414
Cee Arnett (CM) Bovina Feeders 1355 FM 145 Farwell, TX 79325 806.825.2103 Mike Atkinson Atkinson Akaushi 600 CR 228 Lampasas, TX 76550 254.290.7023 Pete & Lee Ann Ballew Heart Land & Cattle 820 SW 3001 Andrews, TX 79714 432.556.2443 Burt R. Barnes Barnes Cattle 1841 Logan Trl. New Braunfels, TX 78130 210.288.1868 Brad Barton Rubicon Ranch LLC 7395 Bessie Heights Rd. Orange, TX 77630 512.787.9084 Tyler Becker (FB) Becker Ranch 301 Ham Ln. Uvalde, TX 78801 830.900.9398 Ronald & Joan Beeman (LM, FB) Beeman Ranch PO Box 628 Flatonia, TX 78941 361.865.3456 Dewey & Lori Bellows (LM, FB) 4B Enterprises/Viduarri Land & Cattle LLC 907 Swift St. Refugio, TX 78377 361.220.4116 Joe & Christina Beltz (LM, FB) Broken Winds Cattle Co./ Bar 73 Ranch
Joe & Christina Beltz (LM, FB) Comanche Cattle Co. 11600 Busan Way Canyon, TX 79015 806.683.7329 Donald & Kim Birkenfeld Heifer Hill Farms Inc. 573 CR 24 Muleshoe, TX 79347 806.946.6217 Ricky Black 1360 FM 1172 Friona, TX 79035 806.265.3861 Richard M. Bode 2605 W Wallace St. San Saba, TX 7687 325.372.5744 Patrick Boykin Rocky Creek Ranch 115 Wild Basin Rd., Ste. 201 Austin, TX 78746 512.479.0407 Whit & LaShae Braden (LM) Flying M Farms 1975 Williams Rd. Big Lake, TX 76932 806.781.4127 Ryley Brooks (JM) 4480 Old Lehman Rd. Kingsbury, TX 78638 Addie Brown (JM) 2019 Brown Ranch Ln. Beeville, TX 78102 Austin & Jody Brown III (LM) Brown Ranches/Landair 2519 Brown Ranch Ln. Beeville, TX 78102 361.358.1786 Austin & Nana Brown (LM) Brown Ranches 2050 Brown Ranch Ln. Beeville, TX 78102 361.579.0377
South Dakota Lanny Binger 2122 Crystal Ave. Aberdeen, SD 57401 830.613.0229 Rex Binger Binger Ranch 17843 377th Ave. Redfield, SD 57469 605.472.1439 Jane M. Brehe 29374 176th St. Agar, SD 57520 605.264.5472 Dale Faulhaber DC Cattle Co. 40242 126th St. Groton, SD 57445 605.397.7141 Verlin D. Hoffer 3268 Snyder Dr. Waubay, SD 57273 605.380.8192 Calvin Mack 16961 465th Ave. Goodwin, SD 57238 605.881.1961 Rick Prentice (LM) Beef Tech PO Box 256 Wessington, SD 57381 605.354.2916 Allen Schaffer Schaffer Farm 31148 112th St. Herreid, SD 57632 605.437.2491 Cody Wientjes 30004 118th St. Mound City, SD 57646 605.850.3996 Tennessee Terrence Bailiff (FB) Opus Farms 1833 Indian Cave Rd. New Market, TN 37820 423.231.6520 Billy K. Parsley (LM) Broken P Ranch 460 Betsy Ross Rd. Afton, TN 37616 423.429.1059 Nick & April Patterson 2258 Henson Rd. Red Boiling Springs, TN 37150 256.349.0283 Charles Williams (FB) Doddy Creek Farms PO Box 10 Normandy, TN 37360 615.982.4541 Texas 2F Akaushi Beef (AM) Felito’s Finest LLC 627 FM 2844 Santa Elena, TX 78591 956.735.6401 Michael Afflerbach Afflerbach Farms 1452 Gohlke School Rd. Yorktown, TX 78164 361.563.7773 Bud & Sherie Alldredge Agua Negra PO Box 1170 Sweetwater, TX 79556 325.338.6371 Terry Allen 10880 FM 699 Joaquin, TX 75954 936.590.1628 Juan Carlos Alonso
El Mileno Ranch – Blanco, LP 4407 Bee Caves Rd., Ste. 121 Austin, TX 78746 512.633.3526
11600 Busan Way Canyon, TX 79015 806.683.7329
2019-2020 Membership Directory
Mike & Kim Burge Lazy 2B PO Box 299 Nazareth, TX 79063 254.967.4800 John Busch JMB Farms 4602 Legends Bay Dr. Baytown, TX 77523 281.619.3740 Ernest Cagle (FB) Redland Ranch 7005 Gleneagles Dr. Catarino & Sylvia Carrillo PO Box 251 Mertzon, TX 76941 325.234.9687 Crystal Cassidy LM Ranch 25 Greyton Ln. Houston, TX 77024 713.202.7301 Kevin Castleman Domaci Farms 1941 CR 229 Schulenburg, TX 78956 979.562.2737 Bravo Cattle Co. Bravo Ranch 3412 Airway Blvd. Amarillo, TX 79118 806.376.6261 Terry Caviness 3C Cattle Co. PO Box 790 Hereford, TX 79045 806.357.2333 Steve Chapman C-5 Ranch 5919 E Ben White Blvd. Austin, TX 78741 512.422.7909 Van Chatham T-Bar-C Ranch LLC 240 PR 5222 Grand Saline, TX 75140 903.752.0325 Tyler, TX 75703 615.971.0490
Cyd Chauveaux & Lea Walker Hornady Ranch LLC 5930 Prideaux Rd. Windthorst, TX 76389 940.423.6255
Jennifer Cotton Cotton Ranch 4103 Sand Creek Rd. Bryan, TX 77808 979.589.2807
Charles W. Downing (FB) Encantada Cattle Co. 201 N Getty St., Ste. C Uvalde, TX 78801 830.278.3100 Kayron Dube Dime Box Acres 2109 CR 436 Dime Box, TX 77853 713.823.0361 Alan Dunn Mallard Land Mgt. Texas/Nail Ranch Midland 608 Solomon Ln. Midland, TX 79705 817.202.5740 Scott Dunwoody 439 Glenchester Dr. Houston, TX 77079 713.705.2121 Jim Dyer (LM) Rancho Espuela 17257 State Hwy. 166 Fort Davis, TX 79734 432.426.3435 Josh Eaton J Bar P Cattle 3117 CR 2512 Quinlan, TX 75474 214.837.2008 Robert Estrada El Miedo Ranch 1525 Banks St. Houston, TX 77006 832.878.4540 Chris R. Ewing Gilmore Creek Ranch 3960 CR 133 Hico, TX 76457 214.458.9577 Marida Favia Del Core Borromeo Blackjack Ranch Lee LLC 1325 PR 3263 Giddings, TX 78942 512.253.0128
Stafford Cook S-N-T Farms PO Box 376 Vega, TX 79092 806.231.2380 Caden Cooke (JM) PO Box 1191 Canadian, TX 79014 Cody Cooke (JM) PO Box 1191 Canadian, TX 79014 Marcee Cooke (JM) PO Box 1191 Canadian, TX 79014
Cross Tie Ranch 2155 E FM 2147 Marble Falls, TX 78654 830.265.0625 Robert & Penny Currie Emerald Pride Farms LLC PO Box 2728 Bellaire, TX 77402 303.947.6575 Jayson Danek (FB) Ideal Beef Co. LLC 1651 CR 374 Taylor, TX 76574 512.848.2382 jayson.idealperformance@ Carolyn & Howard Davis (LM) San Jacinto Ranch LLC 2260 FM 3186 Onalaska, TX 77360 713.899.4232 Cecil, Holly & Melissa S. Davis PO Box 516 Stephenville, TX 76401 817.307.4329 William C. Davis III Four Bar D 2032 Five Mile Rd. Cuero, TX 77954 361.275.9921 Charles Dawson Mod Ranch 155 Patton Trl. Burnet, TX 78611 210.965.2719 Conly Donnell CWD Cattle Co. 4933 State Hwy. 21 E Caldwell, TX 77836 Verlinde & Bill Doubleday Sundowner Farm 1235 Wynden Commons Ln. Houston, TX 77056 713.501.1044 Milton C. Cooke (AM) Cattle Exchange Steakhouse PO Box 1191 Canadian, TX 79014 806.664.2226 Aaron Cooper (FB) Myers–Cooper Cattle 1706 Pine Valley St. San Angelo, TX 76904 402.310.1327 Sebastian Cordoba Malinche Cattle Co. 6930 Abbey FLS San Antonio, TX 78249 210.316.1539 Herff & Nancy Cornelius (LM) E Cross Cattle Co. Inc. 2425 CR 222 Bay City, TX 77414 979.429.4599 Herff & Nancy Cornelius (LM) PO Box 288 Wadsworth, TX 77483 979.429.4599 Len & Savannah Cornelius PO Box 250 Wadsworth, TX 77483 817.366.6174
American Akaushi Association
Bill Fielding Fielding Ranch PO Box 957 Johnson City, TX 78636 512.627.0226 Bill Fisher (LM, FB) Legendary Akaushi Genetics LLC 1806 Lowell Ct. Katy, TX 78941 713.412.6228 Brian Folloder Big Daddy Foods 19712 Laisla Cove Spicewood, TX 78669 713.385.3374 Juan Lino Garza Juan Lino Garza LLC 18005 Jara Chinas Rd. Penitas, TX 78576 210.393.5233 Romulo Garza Jr. 17967 Jara Chinas Rd. Penitas, TX 78576 917.885.9043 Todd & Michelle Gentz 3668 Woodland Ridge Dr. Orange, TX 77632 409.988.9358 Bart & Debbie Gillan Slator Ranch 7425 W Ranch Rd. 152 Llano, TX 78643 325.247.4217 Roger & Kari Goerlitz Caprock Falls 2755 Koether Rd. Carmine, TX 78932 979.203.0791 Buddy Gonzales 1549 E Kiber St. Angleton, TX 77515 979.299.9972 Daniel Lane Griffin D & T Cattle 5115 FM 1205 Coahoma, TX 79511 432.270.3420
Griffin Ranch TLG Cattle Inc. 5101 FM 1205 Coahoma, TX 79511 432.270.4623 Dan Guillotte Tejas Blackland
HeartBrand ® Beef Inc. (LM, FB) 732 Jeff Davis Rd. Harwood, TX 78632 830.540.3955 Terry Hendrick Wagford Cattle Co. LLC 8406 Columbia Dr. Rowlett, TX 75089 214.505.9213 Joe Herring JBH Cattle Co. 10 Benchwood Cir. San Antonio, TX 78248 803.755.6328 Russell Hessler 8750 Salem Rd. Victoria, TX 77904 361.550.9710 Joel Hickerson Grin Dog Cattle Co. 9212 Mystic Oaks Trl. Austin, TX 78750 512.565.9439 Laurie Higgins Dove Creek Ranch 2806 S Bonham St. Amarillo, TX 79109 806.236.2660 Charlie Hightower L-7 Cattle Co. 404 CR 30 Lamesa, TX 79331 806.759.7761 Alyssa & Jason Hind Hind Cattle Co. 7320 N Bentsen Rd. McAllen, TX 78504 956.222.3166 Jeff Hobbs PO Box 120 Atlanta, TX 75551 903.799.6342 Darrell & Gaylene Hodnett Hodnett Ranch 409 Guffee Rd. Coahoma, TX 79511 432.466.1305
Diana K. Hoffman Coyote Creek Cattle Co. PO Box 660 Salado, TX 76571 254.681.1816 Don Holtkamp Rafter H Cattle Co. 5855 Old Independence Rd. Brenham, TX 77833 979.776.0570 Andrew Hovorak Hovorak Farms PO Box 631 Caldwell, TX 77836 979.220.5050 Michael W. Jackson Jackson Farms 567 CR 114 W San Augustine, TX 75972 936.275.3401 Elizabeth & Charles James (FB) Zavala Mustang Ranch Ltd. PO Box 625 Crystal City, TX 78839 361.947.5577 Kenny Jastrow PT Ranch Cattle Ltd. 1242 PT Ranch Rd. Round Mountain, TX 78663 R.W. & Billie Jaynes Jaynes Farms 253 CR 1632 Linden, TX 75563 903.826.0206 David L. Johnson South Ridge Land & Cattle Co. 2 Wynden Oaks Ct. Houston, TX 77056 713.705.8291 Douglas M. Johnson 1607 E Kiber St. Angleton, TX 77515 979.417.3888 Dr. Wayne Johnson The Lazy J 13606 Spring Cypress Rd. Cypress, TX 77429 832.563.8387
4605 Birchman Ave. Fort Worth, TX 76107 817.996.4493 Misty Guy & Kristy Wilson (LM, FB) Chickadee Cattle Co. LLC 2232 Chestnut Dr. Pampa, TX 79065 806.282.2339 Greg Hall 4445 Edmondson Ave. Dallas, TX 75205 619.843.3583 Rafe Hargrove 537 Becker Rd. Snyder, TX 79549 325.725.3036 Ralph & Nan Hartman 1202 Moss Ln. Cuero, TX 77954 361.676.1259 Doug & Annalee Harvey Harvey’s Ranch PO Box 793 Jourdanton, TX 78026 830.663.2209 Mary Hatfield & Larry Henrichson 750 FM 1558 Big Wells, TX 78830 830.457.2394 Margot Heard Lazy A Ranch 1059 Kurt Rd. Bellville, TX 77418 979.525.8517 Chad Harlow (FB) Square H Ranch 21055 Priest Rd. Elmendorf, TX 78112 830.237.7890
2019-2020 Membership Directory
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